Peacekeeping responses to transnational organised crime and human trafficking: a case study of MINUSMA

This article examines some of the challenges to combating transnational organized crime in Mali, focusing in particular on the United Nations Multidimensional Stabilization Mission in Mali (MINUSMA), but also on the challenges faced by other multilateral actors and initiatives. The aim is to contribute to a larger research initiative that examines multilateral efforts to combat organized crime in conflict-affected and fragile areas. Examining MINUSMA and other UN country team efforts in relation to transnational organized crime provides a critical point of reflection.

The hasty closure and dissolution of MINUSMA comes at a time when the UN and its Member States are rethinking the future models and mandates of peace operations and exploring other multilateral approaches that can better respond to transnational and cross-border threats. While transnational organized crime has never been strategically prioritized and adequately funded, it is notable that the kinds of tools and initiatives typically advocated for better addressing transnational organized crime and human trafficking were present in Mali. MINUSMA thus represents an interesting test case, illustrating some of the challenges facing future multilateral efforts to address transnational organized crime.

The article provides a brief background on how transnational organized crime and illicit trafficking dynamics contributed to the 2012 crisis in Mali, as well as the origins and deployment of MINUSMA and other parallel international intervention mechanisms. It then assesses how the mission approached transnational organized crime and concludes with some reflections on what these limitations suggest for future peace operations or other approaches to responding to transnational organized crime in conflict-affected regions.

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