Child exploitation is a serious problem

Their successful rescue of 402 children and young people and the arrest of 171 individuals suspected of being involved in this exploitation is a commendable achievement.

The raids on 20 GISB sites in Negeri Sembilan and other states are an important first step in exposing these immoral activities. The hard work and dedication of our law enforcement agencies is a testament to their unwavering commitment to protect children from exploitation.

I must stress, however, that this is only the beginning. We cannot stop here. A more thorough investigation must be carried out to ensure that every facet of this exploitation is rigorously addressed.

I call on the Department of Islamic Development to play an active role in this investigation, particularly by ensuring that institutions claiming to provide religious education or services are subject to stricter scrutiny. This applies in particular to institutions concerned with the education and welfare of children.

There can be no compromise when it comes to the safety and well-being of children. Every premise involved must undergo a thorough and rigorous inspection to ensure that there are no elements of abuse, exploitation or religious manipulation, as is rife on social media.

It is crucial that we take a cautious and comprehensive approach to addressing this issue. While raids have been conducted and individuals have been arrested, the investigation process must continue with full transparency. All evidence gathered must be assessed thoroughly and fairly.

Furthermore, we must ensure that the children involved receive the necessary attention and protection during this process.

Focus on Negeri Sembilan and Juasseh

As the representative for the Juasseh area, I am deeply concerned about the alleged exploitation incidents involving properties in Negeri Sembilan, particularly in the Kuala Pilah area. It is hoped that proactive measures will be taken to monitor and investigate the properties involved by relevant parties.

There is no room for child exploitation in Negeri Sembilan, especially in Juasseh. Therefore, our team will continue to work with local authorities to ensure the well-being and safety of children in Juasseh and Kuala Pilah.

As a responsible society, we must ensure that children in this country, especially in Negeri Sembilan, are protected at all times. At the same time, we must ensure that investigations are conducted fairly, taking into account all the evidence presented.

Protect children and stop exploitation

We must ensure that children who are victims of exploitation receive all the support they need, including protection, education and help with their mental and emotional problems. is an NGO committed to providing counselling and legal aid to the victims and their families. We will work with authorities and relevant organisations to ensure that these children receive the necessary help to recover from this trauma.

We must work together to target aid to victims. We also hope that the Human Rights Commission will be actively involved in monitoring the investigation process, investigating the root causes of the increase in child exploitation cases linked to religious institutions, and making recommendations to the government to ensure that all children’s rights are protected and justice is upheld.

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