Humor – by Steven Jarvis

This from DeAnna shows how few of the agents actually read my book, which I stole via Nazi Fred Brennan and released to the formerly pink, now blue BallsGang group.

When I digitally punch Nazis online, they usually don’t appreciate my humor.


The funny thing is that a Russian-American spy is scamming by selling bad T-shirts made with AI art, while admitting to working for convicted traitor, QAnon leader, and criminal Mike Flynn.

Which raises the big question: Did anyone stop paying for the surgeries?

One of the major problems with AI art is that relative beginners don’t know how to write a script to prevent it. That’s clearly not the case with KassandraSeven or Susan Portnoy.

While it’s also possible that Susan stole someone else’s art, I suspect it’s AI, since she stole the IP address she uses as her avatar.

Let’s talk about Brad Shuttleworth here, but let’s leave out the most important detail: Posobiec is literally part of the high-profile teams that started working on QAnon on behalf of Mike Flynn.

I don’t know what Poso was doing that day exactly, but given Jack’s Rape Melania campaign, I’m sure it was boffo in a bad way. Here’s another familiar link connecting the QAnon quartermaster to Q himself, General Misha, aka Felon Mike Flynn.

MAGA3x has many teams carrying out various missions, including parts of QAnon that Brad Shuttleworth is trying to protect, making it easier for a drug addict who admits to using them to cover up from the men who sign his paycheck.

Brad also added this one, hilariously enough.

When you consider that Alex Jones inadvertently confessed his role in QAnon on his show, and the factual retelling that the operation, or at least PizzaGate, started within the Trump campaign where James Brower and/or as the same person Microchip worked for Dan Scavino, then you can somewhat debunk Brad’s criminal lies.

Why criminal lies?

Brad is a lawyer protecting a criminal, a convicted traitor who is leading a domestic terrorist operation. Brad lies about it while his group was acknowledged by Portnoy as complicit, and links them all to crimes, at the very least obstruction and conspiracy against the United States.

Really funny.

This was how the referral factory lawyer started.

The answer to this undated message Brad shared is known.

Remi Barrette, also known as Conspirator0, hacked Jim Stewartson’s account and repeatedly banned and unbanned the account in order to increase strike rates and bypass internal mechanisms that allowed for permanent bans.

It’s also known that Remi Barrette worked for Elon Musk, running the racist bot-op for the billionaire troll who hates free and fair elections, along with Susan Portnoy, so that the owner of X could lie to the public and say he solved racism by reinstating all the Nazis and disabling moderation. This of course happened while everyone’s consoles were powered off and before Barrette downloaded the data of 400 million private users and fed it to Doug Stewart’s Antifa buddy Chad Loder, later resulting in the Ryushi blackmail scheme.

It also helped that Portnoy, despite not reporting it, gave the mission parameters and used the stolen IP address as her avatar. She mentioned the N-word as the word the racist Muscovites were spamming to help the boss of the PayPal mafia.

Musk probably had no idea who Jim Stewartson was back then, other than a prominent leftist voice. He probably does now.

He does recognize the names Remi Barrette and Susan Portnoy, as well as Andrew Auernheimer, the other hacker who gained access to X’s console in June 2021.


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