Author Exposes ‘Communist’ Agenda of Walz-Harris Ticket in New Book

Author Trevor Loudon speaks with Alpha News reporter Liz Collin. (Alpha News)

An author, filmmaker, and expert on radical left and Marxist political influences exposes Tim Walz and Kamala Harris for what he calls their communist connections, and provides the receipts in his latest book.

Trevor Loudon joined Liz Collin Reports to preview his upcoming book, “Stealth: Kamala Harris’s Communist Roots.” There is also a special section on Minnesota Governor Tim Walz included in the book.

Loudon said Walz had been on his radar for some time.

“I study radical Marxist infiltration of government, and I noticed Tim Walz 10 years ago because of his connections to the Wellstone Action group. Even then, there was talk about his frequent trips to China and his promotion of China when he was a congressman. While President Trump was trying to cut ties with China, he went the other way,” Loudon said.

Loudon has investigated the influential Wellstone Action group, now known as re:power. It is a group that has trained many high-profile Minnesota Democrats, including Walz, Lt. Gov. Peggy Flanagan, St. Paul Mayor Melvin Carter, Attorney General Keith Ellison and Secretary of State Steve Simon, among many others.

“Re:power was started by Marxists. Paul Wellstone was very popular, especially among the DFL people. He died in a plane crash, but the radicals around him set up a training school called Wellstone Action,” Loudon said. “Your entire state is run by this kind of Wellstone mafia. At one point, 40 of the DFL contingent, you know, in your state legislature were Wellstone alumni.

“Wellstone may sound nice, but it’s a training school for community activists. It’s about how to implement Marxist policies through the Democratic Party, through the city councils, village councils, etc. It has absolutely hardcore Marxist trainers. It’s not an innocent charity. It’s a Marxist training school. Now it’s actually controlled by Maoists, pro-Chinese communists. As it’s now called re:power, it’s become completely Maoist.”

Wellstone’s sons were removed from the organization’s board in 2018 and the name was changed. The group’s website states, “We began as Wellstone Action and now—as re:power—we have transformed into what we believe the movement needs, a pro-Black, women-of-color, trans- and gender-expansive organization focused on strengthening our organizations and leaders for the great fights ahead.” The website goes on to explain that re:power exists to “build a critical mass of social justice movements and their leaders who embody the ideology and practice of liberatory organizing.”

“This is where Tim Walz started his political career, trained by Keith Ellison, trained by Peggy Flanagan. This is a Maoist mafia that now controls Minnesota. Now you can understand why they were not very eager to crack down on the George Floyd riots, because those were also run by pro-China Maoists. You can understand why the DEI policies, the indoctrination, the leftist politically correct policies are being rammed down your throat in Minnesota, because you are ground zero for American Maoism, the same kind of Maoism that was practiced in the Chinese Cultural Revolution. That’s what you’re getting in Minnesota now,” Loudon said.

Loudon made a video highlighting several Marxist socialist groups in Minnesota, including the Freedom Road Socialist Organization, which celebrated the George Floyd riots.

In the video, an organizer says, “I can’t tell you how much joy it brought to all of us when we saw the third precinct being destroyed.”

“The Freedom Road Socialist Organization … led the George Floyd riots. We have it in their own words, you saw them, ‘the joy we felt when the police station was burned down, the rioting, the looting, the arson was integral to our movement.’ We have heard the leaders say it in their own words,” Loudon said.

“These are Maoists, they worship communist China. What sets Maoists apart from regular communists is that they focus on race. Because the old communist model was that the workers would rise up and take the wealth from the capitalists. But there is no real class struggle in America. So the Maoists focus almost exclusively on race,” Loudon explained.

“Black Lives Matter is a Maoist organization. It’s all about using race as a battering ram to create social division and ultimately revolution. That’s why Tim Walz wouldn’t be cracking down on the George Floyd riots because these are his people. They’re doing what he would be doing if he wasn’t in the governor’s mansion, and he was a 20-year-old college student. He would be there supporting them because these are his people,” he continued.

Trevor Loudon joined Liz Collin Reports to preview his upcoming book, “Stealth: Kamala Harris’s Communist Roots.” There is also a special section on Minnesota Governor Tim Walz included in the book.

“Every Republican, every DFLer, every independent would like to live in a country that is free from Chinese control. But the goal of the Harris-Walz administration is to bring this country more under Chinese control than it already is, because they both come from a pro-China background.

“If we see a Harris-Waltz administration, we’re going to see 30 million illegal immigrants legalized and all voting for one party or voting primarily for one party. So we’re going to have a one-party country, effectively,” Loudon added. “If you think that’s an exaggeration, I’ll lay this all out in a 300-page book with a lot of illustrations in their own words, a lot of very damning stuff. We have to understand that this is a revolution that we’re in. These people want to finish off the American Republic as we know it.

“You’ve seen this totally unconstitutional behavior of Governor Walz in Minnesota. You’ve seen the totally unconstitutional behavior of Kamala Harris in California. You give these people power over the entire country with open borders, defunding the police, crime running rampant. How are we ever going to fight that? How are we going to come back?” he asked.

Loudon’s book, “Stealth, Kamala Harris’s Communist Roots” with the bonus section on Tim Walz is available at

Liz Collin

Liz Collin has been a truth-teller for 20 years as a multi-Emmy Award-winning reporter and anchor. Originally from Worthington, Minnesota, Liz lives in the suburbs with her husband, son and loyal Labrador.

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