Imran Khan under investigation for provocative X-rated post

Imran Khan under investigation for provocative X-rated post


Former Prime Minister Imran Khan is being investigated after a threatening message was shared from his verified X account (formerly Twitter).

The Federal Investigation Agency (FIA) has constituted a four-member team, led by senior officials of its Cyber ​​Crime Wing, to probe the controversial post.

The team arrived at Adiala jail, where Khan is currently being held, on Friday to interrogate the Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf (PTI) founder.

However, the PTI founder refused to appear before the FIA ​​cybercrime team. He also refused to cooperate without the presence of his legal team or lawyers.

The FIA ​​team left Adiala jail without conducting any investigation. The team was led by Deputy Director Cybercrime Ayaz Khan and consisted of four members.

According to sources, the investigation is based on a post shared on Khan’s account, which contained inflammatory remarks against key government officials and institutions. The post was seen as inciting public unrest and calling for a national movement.

In his message, Khan said: “This is not the first time in the history of this country that an individual is risking the entire nation to protect his grip on power.” He went on to compare the current political situation with the regime of General Yahya Khan, who, according to Khan, “betrayed the Awami League and Sheikh Mujibur Rahman to remain in power.”

Khan also claimed that the country was once again being held hostage by “a small, powerful elite” that controls all resources and influence. “This mafia, devoid of morality, considers itself above the constitution and the law. This small group, this powerful elite, has enslaved this country,” he wrote.

The former prime minister took aim at the judiciary, targeting Chief Justice Qazi Faez Isa and accusing him of protecting those who Khan alleged rigged the election and violated the constitution. “Chief Justice Qazi Faez Isa protected those who targeted us… He did not listen to our complaints about human rights violations,” Khan said in his message.

Khan’s post also cites government figures he accuses of targeting the PTI and its leaders, including Interior Minister Mohsin Naqvi and Justice Humayun Dilawar. He accuses Naqvi of overseeing brutal crackdowns on PTI supporters, citing the death of activist Zille Shah. “Mohsin Naqvi has shown extreme cruelty to us. Zille Shah was tortured to death by the police and his body was dumped on the side of the road,” Khan wrote.

He also claimed that Dilawar, who convicted him in a recent case, had received “land worth billions” as a reward for his actions. “Because of Humayun Dilawar, Bushra Bibi and I are in illegal detention today,” Khan added, referring to his wife, who is also facing legal troubles.

The FIA’s investigation is aimed at determining whether the post violates laws relating to sedition, incitement or defamation. The agency is concerned about the potential impact of Khan’s comments on national security and public order, as they call for mass mobilization and protest.

In his message, Khan urged his supporters to rise up in what he described as “a jihad for democracy.” He encouraged people to take to the streets to protect their freedoms. “Our movement is a jihad (struggle) for democracy… If you do not make sacrifices, you and your future generations will remain slaves,” he warned.

Khan’s social media activity has come under increasing scrutiny as the PTI increasingly faces legal battles. His recent post has further fueled the government’s concerns, prompting the FIA ​​to take swift action.

The investigation is ongoing and the FIA ​​has indicated that more information will be provided as the investigation progresses. Khan’s legal team has not yet issued an official response to the allegations.




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