Free speech website launched without Elon Musk or a government backdoor portal

Colonel Douglas MacGregor, CEO of the American patriot organization Our Country-Our Choice (OC/OC) recently announced that he has launched his own internet free speech platform called” is available for free or via a paid subscription ($15/month) and is location-based for each state (e.g. Arizona, California, Texas, etc.). This is in line with OC/OC’s goal of building a grassroots local movement in each state focused on:

  • Protecting children
  • Stopping Globalization
  • Defending the right to bear arms
  • Defense of religious freedom
  • Defending the American Border
  • Defense of elections
  • Defense against endless wars

Macgregor is a retired U.S. Army officer who served as former President Trump’s Senior Advisor to the Secretary of Defense. He served as a tank squadron operations officer in the Gulf War, a senior military planner for the NATO operation in Yugoslavia, and is currently a media commentator on military and foreign affairs, most notably on Judge Andrew Napolitano’s YouTube podcast “Judging Freedom.” MacGregor runs his own consulting firm, Burke-Macgregor. The entire OC/OC and Re:Public website are reportedly self-funded and staffed by volunteers, and as a startup, have not had to go to Wall Street to raise capital.

Context of the launch of the freedom of expression platform “Re:Public”

In 2020, Dr. Shiva Ayyadurai ran as a Republican in the Massachusetts primary for U.S. Senator and reportedly lost. Shiva sued the state, claiming that one million ballots containing the actual votes were destroyed to prevent him from challenging the vote. Shiva alleged that Massachusetts violated federal election law. While investigating the election process, Shiva discovered that Twitter had a secret backdoor that allowed the government to censor or criticize any political candidate on Twitter, in violation of the First Amendment of the Constitution. Shiva also discovered a secret playbook or operational manual developed by media outlets, tech companies, the government, and Harvard University, titled The Election Influence Playbook: A Plan to Respond to Disinformation (Part 1 and Part 2). This secret manual outlined how to suppress free speech. In response, Shiva changed his mind and ran for senator. Shiva had to file his own lawsuit because no lawyer would represent him, and he sought $1.2 billion in damages for alleged election fraud and denial of free speech. The Shiva campaign was banned from using Twitter for fundraising. Shiva sought an injunction against Twitter to stop him from being thrown off the Internet. He received a favorable ruling from the judge, who nevertheless settled the case and sealed the proceedings from public discovery. However, Shiva still had a copy of the manual for suppressing free speech and created an organizational network diagram showing all the actors.

The American mainstream media has not covered this story, including Tucker Carlson (son of a CIA agent), James O’Keefe’s Project Veritas, nor liberal free speech advocate Glenn Greenwald, suggesting they may be controlled opposition. Shiva is now running for the 2024 US Presidential election in 25 states and is a qualified right-in candidate in several others. He is campaigning on a more libertarian platform of “Truth-Freedom-Health”.

In 2022, Twitter was sold to Elon Musk, who reportedly reformed its policies to combat misinformation. Twitter was renamed “X” in 2023. Musk moved Twitter’s headquarters from San Francisco to Texas, reportedly in response to a California law (AB1955) that allowed school districts to not notify parents of a child’s request to change their gender. All requests from Dr. Shiva for Musk to provide evidence that he had removed the backdoor portal were never answered, even though Dr. Shiva has since returned to Twitter.

Internet disinformation policies and the backdoor connection of all social media platforms to the government are still in place in all 50 states, allowing the government to block and direct users away from candidates and issues affecting free speech.

Meanwhile, presidential candidate Donald Trump has selected J.D. Vance, a former Silicon Valley high-tech industry insider, as his vice presidential candidate. This VP selection was influenced in part by donations to his presidential campaign from the Silicon Valley Pay Pal Mafia, as they are known. Vance is a former member of the Pay-Pal Mafia. High-tech companies in Silicon Valley are seeking to deploy an artificial intelligence (AI) system that would be a precursor to a totalitarian surveillance system that would integrate banking, medical records, commercial transactions, school records, cell phones and government data, including voting data. Silicon Valley elites have thus far denied the ability to install AI in government through the courts and Congress. However, Trump’s election could be a stepping stone to AI adoption, and J.D. Vance would be the likely implementation manager.

It is in this context of the Twitter scandal described above that OC/OC has launched its own free speech platform, unchecked by government disinformation policies and without funding from super-rich oligarchs or the government. So OC/OC launching its own free speech platform is a minor miracle.

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