Operation Stovewood: Seven prisoners for child abuse in Rotherham

“The cruelty and abuse the victims suffered at the hands of these suspects was horrific and continues to have a lasting impact on their lives,” said Ms Becker.

Stuart Cobb, chief investigator at the NCA, said: “These men were cruel and manipulative, training their victims and then exploiting them by subjecting them to the most horrific abuse possible.

“They were responsible for some of the worst crimes we investigated under Operation Stovewood.”

All seven men lived in or around Rotherham at the time of the abuse.

Amar, Ajaibe, Sadiq and Sayib assaulted one victim, while Yassin and Bari targeted the other.

Saddiq, who was already serving a 20-year prison sentence for sex crimes before this hearing, abused both girls.

The court heard the attacks took place in various locations around Rotherham, including in a park, in a car in a supermarket car park, in a cemetery and behind a nursery.

Mr Cobb added: “What happened to them can never be undone, but I hope the sentences imposed here will at least give them some sense that their abusers have been held to account and that justice has been done.

“We and our partners will continue to do everything we can to support them in the future.”

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