Child Trafficking and How Politicians Are Bought

On Friday the 13th, my friend Craig Sawyer and I gave an update on what’s happening in Millersville, Tennessee (here you will find the video). It’s disturbing. What we’re hearing is that this small town has been fighting hard to clean up a cesspool of corruption. Most of what they’re dealing with is typical local corruption, but when local police kept fighting, they uncovered a core mechanism of corruption that facilitates major problems across the country, such as drug and human trafficking, CCP influence, and more. Needless to say, this is causing a backlash.

A few years ago, Millersville made changes. They elected new people, brought in the police, and began to stamp out corruption on many levels. The new police department actually began to investigate corruption and hold people accountable. Needless to say, this has created problems in a traditionally nepotistic southern area with a “look the other way” culture. Regardless, the police department kept going.

As the investigation continued, Craig “Sawman” Sawyer—a Navy veteran, former Navy SEAL, snipercombat instructor and founder of Veterans For Child Rescue (V4CR) – began working to help bust a suspected child trafficking ring. Through the joint efforts of the Millersville PD and V4CR, law enforcement began to recognize a problem. It turned out that a number of people who appeared to be involved in or facilitating child trafficking were being bribed using a very specific mechanism.

This is complex but important. Understand that child trafficking in America is a huge and rarely discussed problem that few people understand, but to facilitate that trafficking requires money and political approval. People need to look the other way. The problem boils down to a question that most people take for granted. Most people think our government is corrupt, but when you ask how a government official can be bribed, the answer is usually silence. Bribery is illegal, so how do you give someone money that tax collectors would recognize as illegal?

The answer is crucial, and the mechanism is the same as that used in Arizona to pay for election fraud, in DC to keep politicians (and allegedly Biden) in line, and locally across the country. Cartels, the CCP, or whatever corrupt evildoer wants control will help a politician or bureaucrat get a huge loan—often an equity-based loan—and then pay the loan off for them. The politician or bureaucrat keeps the borrowed money and has nothing to pay back. No one controls who or how the loans are paid back, so the money is effectively laundered.

This scheme is very difficult to track or investigate. One of the most important tools law enforcement can use to investigate these types of crimes is the “FinCen” database. By consulting this database, you can gain insight into whether money laundering is taking place and that is exactly what the Millersville Police Department did when the poop hit the fan.

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As the Millersville Police Department began identifying individuals who, based on their investigations that included the FinCen database, appeared to be involved in human trafficking. Over 70 individuals were identified and charges were being prepared. At that point, for no reason that is still unclear, the Tennessee Bureau of Investigation (TBI) blocked their access to the FinCen database. At the same time, media and political attacks exploded. The Millersville Police Department seemed to be getting too close to something big, and key people seemed to be getting nervous.

Since then, the attacks have been considered and, after we broke this story, they escalated to the point where the TBI raided the home of local law enforcement! Instead of helping local law enforcement stop child trafficking, these boys raided their homes, took the evidence they had gathered of misconduct, and reportedly even urinated in the bathtub of one of the officers during the raid. What is going on?

This is where the story gets critical. Kamala Harris (as border czar) has invited illegal immigrants to come to this country and when they arrive, she essentially facilitates the resettlement of these people throughout the country. This “resettlement” sounds a lot like child trafficking when you realize that over 300,000 children have disappeared in the past year. The illegal aspects of the resettlement program (you know – the child trafficking) require local officials to look the other way. The people who profit from this trade (the cartels and traffickers) have to bribe local officials to ignore the problem and they use the money laundering mechanism I described above. Exposing and/or disrupting this program is apparently unacceptable.


Furthermore, this form of money laundering is one of the best kept secrets in our country. It has been used to facilitate election fraud, CCP influence operations, and many other shady activities in our country. If this were to be fully investigated, there is no telling what would be found and so a small PD like Millersville must be destroyed. These investigations would reveal too much and could trigger a series of similar investigations that would disrupt the corruption business. In the Nashville area (Millersville is very close to Nashville) there are rumors of CCP influenced municipal bond issues that if investigated could potentially affect millions and even billions of dollars of corrupt money.

Ultimately, I find these allegations credible and am gathering evidence. If the evidence shows corruption, I may become more personally involved. Regardless, I plan to ask questions – specifically questions like why would the TBI block access to the FinCen database? Why would people cheer on Millersville for cleaning up corruption before investigating child trafficking and related corruption? Why would people attack an entire city police department for investigating child trafficking instead of supporting them? Who is being protected and why? We plan to continue asking these questions and look forward to doing everything we can to ensure that NO child is trafficked. It’s a tall order, but what’s wrong with trying?

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