Taking Back Control – The Slog

Sometimes it is important to realize that we need the ‘government’ to keep the antisocial citizens in our midst under control, who want to take away all our civil rights.

I bet you never expected this to be the opening of a Slogpost. But it has to be said: Homo sapiens is a dangerous species with recurring murderous and/or depraved tendencies.

Now I would like to ask you a challenging question: What do you do as a concerned citizen when the institutions you expect to protect you from psychopaths, bankers, market manipulators and pharmaceutical/climate emergency death merchants are in reality institutions with the political and unelected power that promote the policies of psychopaths, bankers, market manipulators and pharmaceutical/climate emergency death merchants?

The original anarchist Kropotkin would probably have said, “Abolish all governments,” but with a world population of 8.2 billion, that is clearly impractical. (My experience with families—both my own and others’—is that someone has to be “in charge” of the tribal government, even if it numbers 8, let alone 8 billion.)

I recently posted to suggest that – in my view – the role for anti-Establishment blogs, substacks, podcasts and news sites going forward (in short, the online digital opposition) is to focus on merciless exposés of the shady opportunists at or near the Top Table… those busy stoking personal nests at the expense of our cultural survival as ‘civilized’ citizens.

I stick to that.

But when it comes to going ‘off-grid’ in the (necessarily) secret and organized battle to prevent the New World Order from sliding into a dark dystopian age, have no fear that it will be a close contest.

The tireless observer Roger Lewis agrees with me that the digital world is now nonsense; but we fundamentally disagree on off-grid resistance, because Roger believes the New Normalistas have already lost. Roger and I have mutual respect as a solid platform for free thought and debate, and I am sure he will appreciate the coming debate on off-grid because he is open-minded and abhors the closed ranks of ideologues.

He’s an admirable guy, and funny too. But his reformed P2P-level web (while it’s exactly what’s needed) is far beyond the comprehension of the Man on the Clapham Omniphone.

(Feel free to come back to this, Rog)

In the meantime I come back to an old Slogarithm that has been dear to me since I started this (at the time) somewhat naive mission in 2004:

All that is necessary for the triumph of Evil is for many good men to do nothing

In the twenty years since then, far too many battles have been lost in favor of the Nosforatus, due to voter apathy.

I have catalogued this in a depressing form detail three days ago on The Slog.

I am increasingly coming to the conclusion that conditioning citizens with the ‘wisdom’ that ‘resistance is futile’ is now really playing a role.

You have to think of the Jewish joke about the SS commander – who after the Anschluss with Austria gives the Nazis their Grossdeutsche Reich – lining up two Jews (Heimy and Abe) to be shot. He asks Heimy the Jew if he has a last request, and Heimy says yes, I would like a blindfold.

And Abe says, “Heimy, how many times do I have to tell you – don’t make trouble”

As for the online business of regularly investigating and destroying slimy collaborators, well… it’s not like we can just aim for a subatomic barn door, right?

Let’s look at Rishy Sunak’s pre-Starmer Tory cabinet….

With Jeremy Hunt, James Cleverly, Michael Gove, Grant Shapps, Mel Stride, Nadhim Sahawi, Andrew Mitchell and Gavin Williamson.

But also very clearly (in the same order) worth discussing below in empirical descriptions:

Online education fraudster and shameless nepotist, ministerial evader of justice, trough yet piggish tenant of overseas property, multiple user of online aliases to defraud investors, embezzler of benefits money via DWP, dubious liar about private education, whipping boy for Washington’s neo-conservative policies and lobby fodder for the Tory party.

Quite a line-up, folks. My aim is not only to expose what scumbags these scoundrels are, but also to name and shame the Starmeramer incoming State WEFs and WHOs – and why they will only accelerate the process of compliance with the utter insanity of planetary monopoly.

Meanwhile, we Brexiteers (who have been branded Little Englanders, old racist farts, for our opposition to the Schengen open borders issue) are now discovering that the Brussels mafia has undone the Schengen issue. German leader Olaf Scholz (left) described the abandonment of open borders as “historic and indispensable”, adding that the U-turn reflected “total solidarity between all EU states”. Those naughty Germans and their blasé attitude to borders, eh? “Let’s protect our Lebensraum and keep the Untermenschen riff-raf out”. You can’t make it up… cognitive dissonance on a continental scale. (Here’s a big thumbs up for the ever vigilant John Day substack.)

But if you really want to understand the depth of the sordid corruption at the heart of the EU, try this one on for size from “Follow the Money”:

‘EU voters went to the polls in June. But more than a year after several (former) members were accused of being involved in a huge bribery scandal dubbed Qatargate, questions remain about how well the institution is equipped to deal with situations where its lawmakers break the rules – and that doesn’t look good, according to an investigation by Follow the Money and media partners. The research reveals that Nearly a quarter of current EU lawmakers have been involved in headline-grabbing scandals or have outright broken the law, ranging from cases of intimidation to large-scale corruption.’

And don’t be fooled into thinking this is something new… it undoubtedly represents an irresistible transition to an annoying, corrupt Belgian who has appeared in many a Slog demolition over the years: yes, it’s hello again to our old friend, Guy Verhofstadt

He’s looking a little worn out these days, but he’s still got that cool haircut – above the gap between his money-chewing teeth, to enhance his ability to lie through those teeth – this is the exclusive Slogpost from July 2015 in which he described how our man blatantly concealed his Greek and Ukrainian interests from the European Parliament, the media and the authorities in Brussels.

Verhofstadt, always a man ahead of his time, was early on in the Ukrainian snake pit of ‘let’s bomb Russia’ at the same time while the EU plans to steal all state assets in Greece to dilute its sovereignty beyond recognition. Maybe this was when he met guys with names like Biden, Zelenskyy and others who shared his “democratic values”. Always judge people by the company they keep, that’s my motto.

If we do not control the WHOs, WEFs and their allies in the future, the future will control us.

Enjoy the rest of your weekend.

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