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Last week’s DOJ indictment of two RT handlers provides some clues that the transnational criminal syndicate masquerading as a government has been running amok in tandem with likely other MAGA3x operatives and operations. Could one of them be Louise Mensch, Mike Flynn, and/or Yonder Inc?

Louise Mensch of Yonder Inc, formerly New Knowledge, has been caught spreading Russian-supporting disinformation since Putin’s expansion into Ukraine began over a decade ago, and has been under fire. The first of these was her run of Putin’s desired Ukrainian Nazi propaganda based on the Azov Division.

Char, whose story has surprisingly been restored, explains why Louise’s praise of Nazis makes COMPLETE sense.

Here was a more recent conversation between former Russian media agent, former Yonder spy, and two-time former associate of Louise Mensch, Joe Fionda of Anonymous.

Joe who really knows Louise and the Russian media is right. Louise’s praise of Putin’s designated Ukrainian battalion for denazification literally means that Mensch was Putin in the narrative desired by Russia.

Louise is clearly acting as a Russian collaborator, so it is fair to ask whether she is part of the known “American” agents working for our foreign enemies, in addition to the known domestic agents Louise is working with.

The other pro-Russian story Mensch spread was about the stolen courage fraud of a Canadian Ukrainian volunteer seen below. This operation exploded after the company published footage of their operation that quickly led to an expose.

Is Mensch funded by the Russian government?

What we do know is that Mensch is working as a MAGA3x agent, pictured here with Milo and Milo with the other two people at the table, one of whom likely made the first choice: Erik Prince or his wife.

We also know Mensch from when he worked for Rupert Murdoch on the Trump Train, and secretly worked for the PayPal Mafia at New Knowledge, which is now Yonder Inc. While at that company, she hired hackers from Anonymous and admitted to hiring both Joe above (twice) and Will Welna. She hired many more that she hasn’t publicly admitted to, such as Tea Leaves, aka Remi Barrette, aka Conspirator0, who used his access as a data security engineer to build the false flag, Alfa Bank Trump Tower Wiretap hoax. There was also the secondary problem that Eric Garland, a former alumnus of Yonder’s Team Patriot, mentions.

Louise distanced herself from her hacker by admitting that he is a criminal, although she lied about the circumstances and whereabouts of her Canadian man-cat-woman in Waterloo.

Louise Mensch, Susan Portnoy, Doug Matthew Stewart, and other Russian speakers known to be working within the MAGA3x network are apparently being targeted here on these pages under RT’s complaint, given their role as instigators and disseminators of Russian-supporting narratives.

According to my source, this is exactly how Mensch, Erica Cotti, Andrew Auernheimer, Jeff Jobe and others within Team Patriot operate.



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