Southern District of New York | Armed security guard at Manhattan Federal Building sentenced to five years in prison in connection with sexual abuse of asylum seeker

Damian Williams, the U.S. Attorney for the Southern District of New York, announced that JIMMY SOLANO-ARIAS, a former armed security guard at the Jacob K. Javits Federal Office Building at 26 Federal Plaza in Manhattan, was sentenced today by U.S. District Judge Paul G. Gardephe to five years in prison in connection with SOLANO-ARIAS’s May 4, 2023 sexual assault of an asylum seeker (the “Victim”). On April 10, 2024, SOLANO-ARIAS pleaded guilty to lying to federal law enforcement officials following his sexual abuse of the Victim. Today’s sentencing followed SOLANO-ARIAS’s guilty plea before U.S. Magistrate Judge Sarah Netburn.

U.S. Attorney Damian Williams said: “Jimmy Solano-Arias used his position as an armed security officer at a federal building to sexually assault a vulnerable asylum seeker. In doing so, Solano-Arias abused a person he was supposed to protect, and then lied to cover up his crime. Today’s sentencing demonstrates that those who abuse their position of public trust must be held accountable for their conduct.”

According to the indictment, superseding information, other public court documents, and statements made at trial:

On May 4, 2023, SOLANO-ARIAS was hired as a security guard by a company contracted with the Federal Protective Service of the Department of Homeland Security to provide armed security services at 26 Federal Plaza, New York, New York. On that date, SOLANO-ARIAS was on duty, wearing a black and gray security guard uniform, and carrying his employer-issued firearm.

Early on the morning of May 4, 2023, the victim went to 26 Federal Plaza to file an asylum claim. There, SOLANO-ARIAS offered to assist the victim with his asylum papers. However, instead of offering assistance, SOLANO-ARIAS led the victim through non-public areas of 26 Federal Plaza, eventually locking the victim in a locked office on the second floor. In the locked office, SOLANO-ARIAS demanded that the victim perform oral sex on SOLANO-ARIAS. When the victim attempted to resist SOLANO-ARIAS’s demands, SOLANO-ARIAS grabbed the company-issued firearm on his person. Fearing that SOLANO-ARIAS would harm the victim, the victim performed oral sex on SOLANO-ARIAS, causing physical pain and injury to the victim. Following the assault, when the victim was able to leave the office, the victim immediately reported the sexual assault to the police.

The following morning, when SOLANO-ARIAS arrived for duty at 26 Federal Plaza, law enforcement officers from the Federal Bureau of Investigation (“FBI”) approached SOLANO-ARIAS and asked to speak with him. SOLANO-ARIAS agreed to speak with the federal agents. During the ensuing interview, SOLANO-ARIAS lied to the federal agents about his sexual abuse of the victim. He initially denied that he had performed any sexual act on the victim and then falsely claimed that the sexual act was consensual when it was not. SOLANO-ARIAS was arrested following the interview.

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In addition to his prison sentence, SOLANO-ARIAS, 45, of the Bronx, New York, was also given three years of probation.

Mr. Williams praised the FBI’s excellent investigative work.

The prosecution of this case is being handled by the Office’s Civil Rights Unit in the Criminal Division. Assistant U.S. Attorneys Elizabeth Espinosa and Mitzi Steiner are responsible for the prosecution.

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