One of the solutions is the housing agency. It would address the problems of tenants and people without housing.

Detail of Kotor, Photo: Reuters

Detail of Kotor, Photo: Reuters

Montenegrin Citizen Action (CGA) Kotor sees one of the solutions in the creation of a housing agency, which would address the problems of tenants and citizens without housing, with an emphasis on young couples and socially vulnerable categories of citizens, CGA Kotor announced today.

“The focus of the Agency’s activities is on all citizens without housing, who due to their profession and knowledge represent a shortage of personnel and who, with their work involvement, contribute to improving the quality of life of all citizens of Kotor,” the announcement said.

CGA Kotor said that Kotor is a city of rich tradition, immense beauty, a cultural capital, a favorable geographical position and a mild Mediterranean climate, but also a city with great tourist and economic potential. Kotor has attracted people from all over the world for centuries and it continues to do so.

“Inheriting the value of coexistence and the richness of diversity was the key to the survival and development of Kotor. It remains so today. However, the large influx of people, especially those with capital, had a partly negative impact on the local population. The large influx of money also caused the growth of inflation. The life of a tenant has become almost unfeasible, let alone the prices of renting commercial premises,” the announcement of CGA Kotor reads.

They also indicated what the Housing Agency does:

  • Manages, rents and maintains residential buildings and special parts of residential buildings owned by the Municipality of Kotor;
  • Maintains the register of apartment owners, the register of residential buildings and their special parts;
  • Carries out urgent works if the management body of the residential building does not provide for the execution of these works;
  • Calculates the amount and determines the method of payment for the maintenance costs of the residential building, by resolution, in accordance with the resolution of the meeting of apartment owners,
  • The company provides maintenance services for residential buildings to third parties on a market-conform basis.
  • Provides services for calculating the purchase price of an apartment on favorable terms and the price for renting an apartment and, at the request of the party, draws up related contracts;
  • Providing affordable but high-quality housing for citizens of the Municipality of Kotor who cannot finance the construction of their apartments, thus contributing to good living conditions in the city.
  • Creating and regularly updating the database of tenants and persons without housing
  • Establishing the conditions and drawing up the rules for the allocation of fixed-term and indefinite-term housing units
  • Categorization of tenants and persons without housing
  • The agency is also involved in applying for funding from environmental funds that stimulate ecological and energy-efficient projects.


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