Watch ‘NO ACTIVITY’ on Amazon Prime Video UK

Date added: September 15, 2024


Detective Tokita and his partner, Shiina, miss a high-profile suspect. Tokita is chasing a street musician, but she causes trouble that leads to a brawl between the Yakuza and the Chinese mafia! Misato and Arira chase Yotsukado and Tokita, but get sidetracked. A pair of detectives who will be fired if they don’t catch a Yakuza boss and unruly female officers provide suspense and comedy!

Certificate: 15

Year: 2024

Duration: 6 episodes

Director: Tsutomu Hanabusa

Form: Etsushi Toyokawa, Tomoya Nakamura, Yoshino Kimura, Nana Seino, Katsunori Takahashi, Mai Shiraishi, Dai Okabe, Hiroya Shimizu, Akira Ohtaka, Manabu Hamada, Tetsu Hirahara, Ryushin Tei, Ryu Kohata

Studio: Amazon Studios

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