The tenants’ association advocates the construction of social housing

Illustration, Photo: Shutterstock

Illustration, Photo: Shutterstock

Housing policy should enable everyone to realize the right to a safe home, including by building social apartments available to a wide range of citizens, the Tenants’ Association of Montenegro announced.

“We stand for a housing policy that allows almost all residents to exercise their right to a safe home. This implies regulating the housing market to provide affordable housing to tenants, as well as building social housing that is available to a wide range of citizens, not just a small group of privileged people,” the association said.

They said housing policy should not be discussed only in election campaigns, with empty promises that do not deliver real results.

“Housing is a fundamental human right, not a privilege reserved for individuals. Therefore, housing policies must be comprehensive and a priority, because the quality of life of every individual and family in our country depends on it,” the association said.

They added that they can no longer turn a blind eye to the fact that many citizens are forced to pay high rents, without long-term security or stability.

“We all deserve the opportunity to have a roof over our heads, under favorable and affordable conditions,” the association said.

Housing policy, they explained, must be a long-term solution, not just a temporary or short-term fix.

“The goal is to ensure stability, dignity and security for all citizens. Only in this way can we build a society in which no one is left to the whims of the market. Housing is not a luxury, it is a right. Together we can bring about change and create a better future for everyone,” the association announced.


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