Juneau man arrested for producing child pornography

Willem Steadman

A Juneau man made his initial court appearance in Juneau on Thursday after being arrested on suspicion of producing child pornography.

William Steadman, 34, was arrested on Sept. 6 after allegedly producing child abuse material depicting a minor he knew. Court documents show he reportedly spent time with other children in Juneau and that there may be additional victims.

Steadman is charged with sexual exploitation of a child. If convicted, he faces a mandatory minimum prison sentence of 25 years. A federal district judge will determine the sentence after considering the U.S. Sentencing Guidelines and other statutory factors.

Steadman has several convictions and lawsuits to his name, including for failing to register as a sex offender. He was convicted in 2018 for possession of child pornography. He is currently incarcerated at Lemon Creek Correctional Center in Juneau.

The US Secret Service is investigating the matter. If anyone has any information regarding Steadman’s alleged actions or has encountered anyone in person or online using the William Steadman name, please contact (email address).

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