Neon Inferno is a new 2D Run-And-Gun action title from the creators of Steel Assault

Neon Inferno is a new 2D Run-And-Gun action title from the creators of Steel Assault

Developer Zenovia made the rounds last year with its action game Steel Assault, which featured gorgeous 2D pixel art and frenetic 2D gameplay. The studio will follow up its previous opus with another 2D title, this time with a more Devil May Cry character action slant.

Zenovia has announced Neon Inferno, a 2D run-and-gun/gallery-shooter hybrid set in the New York of the future. The future of 2055 to be exact. Here’s the plot synopsis:

“Three decades from now, New York City is at war with itself. A war without a battlefield: criminal syndicates control four of the five boroughs, battling each other and the corrupt New York Police Department in a brutal battle for supremacy. Into this dystopia steps a fledgling crime family struggling to secure their place, seeking power just like everyone else. You are their deadliest weapon.

As an assassin, your missions will take you across every corner of this hyper-metropolitan expanse: from the impoverished, battle-torn slums of the Bronx, where police and gangs wage a vicious war and set entire neighborhoods ablaze, to the walled neon gardens of Inner Manhattan, where the upper class and lawmakers while away their time enjoying the fruits of high culture, blissfully shielded from the chaos and torment of the outside world – for now.”

Neon Inferno features the aforementioned run-and-gun gameplay hybrid that’s part Contra and part Wild Guns, with the latter mechanic having you shoot enemies in the background while you’re in the foreground. Think Sunset Riders but set in 2055 New York. The game’s art style is a 32-bit style aesthetic that’s supported by a beautiful and fitting soundtrack. The game also features two-player co-op action and an Arcade mode where you have to complete the game with a single credit. Hardcore!

Neon Inferno is set to release on PC via Steam in 2025. No other platforms have been announced for the upcoming title.

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