140 cases of child abuse material investigated by police since 2020: Sun Xueling

In her speech, Ms Sun said that amendments to the Criminal Code in 2019 to better tackle technology-enabled crimes have led to about 140 police investigations into child sexual abuse material.

She said that following a revision of the Criminal Code, the new laws criminalise the entire spectrum of activities involving child sexual abuse material.

On January 1, 2020, special laws came into effect in the Criminal Code that criminalize the production, distribution, advertising and possession of child abuse material.

Ms Sun said that as crime increases, especially due to technological advancements, Singapore’s legal framework also needs to change.

She said: “The transnational nature of child sexual exploitation, criminal activities and the proliferation of the internet and social media pose challenges for law enforcement.”

Officials from Singapore, Hong Kong, Brunei, Malaysia, the Philippines and Thailand are attending the workshop.

According to the SPF, the aim of the workshop is to provide officers with specialized skills, such as advanced forensic interrogation techniques, and to establish a network of forensic interrogators for children in the region.

Participants will learn techniques to interview children so that police can gather evidence to identify and prosecute perpetrators, while also prioritizing the well-being of child victims.

The SPF and HSI previously organised the first Crimes Against Children Regional Forum in July 2023 in Singapore.

Transnational threat

Child exploitation remains a threat, both locally and internationally, as criminals increasingly operate across borders.

Ms Sun said: “Child exploitation and trafficking do not respect national borders.

“Perpetrators often operate across multiple jurisdictions, taking advantage of differences in legal systems and enforcement capabilities, and using the anonymity offered by cyberspace to evade justice.”

That’s where international cooperation comes in, she added.

A global operation involving police officers from Singapore, Hong Kong and South Korea uncovered four victims from the Republic between February 26 and March 29.

A total of 272 suspects were arrested across the three jurisdictions, including 28 in Singapore, for allegedly possessing, accessing and distributing child abuse material.

International cooperation between international law enforcement agencies has also led to successful convictions.

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