Ukrainian S.trike Authorization.🆓🕮 – by Eric Engle

Contents: Essay, Free eBooks🕮, Video🎬, Word of the Day… 🌄

As Russia’s war against Ukraine intensifies, Ukraine’s military strategy has two pillars: elastic defense and deep strikes inside Russia.

I. Elastic defense Emphasizes flexibility and adaptability in the face of a numerically superior enemy, who is trading territory for dead Russian bodies. Elastic defense involves giving up territory to conserve resources and take advantage of favorable opportunities to strike back. Elastic defense has been used many times throughout history with great success. An elastic defense uses the superior leadership and tactics of the mobile defending force against a less agile, less well-led, and tactically inferior enemy, who is nevertheless numerically superior, for the time being.

The elastic defense pillar of the Ukrainian victory by attrition strategy is aimed at inflicting as many casualties as possible on the Russian army by means of ambushes, traps, and heavily fortified posts that are guarded to the breaking point and then abandoned to lure the Russians into a new ambush. At the same time, Ukrainian losses are kept to a minimum and the invader is inflicted with as many casualties as possible.

Ukraine’s attritional approach seeks a ratio of Russian to Ukrainian casualties of at least 3:1, and ideally an exchange rate as high as 10:1. Trading Ukrainian land for Russian bodies is desirable, since the ultimate goal is to deplete the resources and manpower of the Russian military. Moreover, the Russian occupier will increasingly encounter partisan activity, saboteurs, and snipers in the territories the invader believes it has captured.

Territorial control is secondary to Ukraine’s goal of draining the Russian army and depriving the Russian economy of oil. Holding territory is not so crucial to Ukraine. Depleting the Russian army of manpower and resources and preserving Ukraine’s own forces are the keys to victory, not territorial control. Ukrainian commanders are thus willing to cede territory if it means saving the lives of their soldiers. Their focus is on capturing and killing Russian soldiers, not on capturing or holding territory.

II. The second prong of this fork is deep inside Russia. Ukraine is also targeting the Russian rear with deep strikes, aiming to disrupt supply lines, destroy critical infrastructure, and cripple the Russian economy by depriving Russia of oil and destroying Russian ground-based aircraft and war industries. By doing so, Ukraine will create a ripple effect, ultimately weakening the Russian frontline by draining troops to defend the Russian rear and by disrupting Russian supplies to the front lines in Ukraine. Destroying Russian war equipment is a secondary goal, desirable, but not at the cost of Ukrainian lives, as much of the equipment will be captured or even fall into the hands of mutinous Russians who will rebel and eventually fight against Putin’s mafia state.

Ukraine’s deep strikes are specifically targeting Russian oil and air assets, as well as factories that produce military equipment, with airstrikes, sabotage, and infiltrators. The goal is to cripple Russia’s ability to wage war, making it increasingly difficult for them to support their frontline Ukraine.

Targeting Russia’s infrastructure is necessary to end the war quickly. By targeting Russia’s economic and industrial base, Ukraine will create a situation where the Russian military cannot sustain itself on the front lines, ultimately leading to a collapse of the Russian war effort. Whether the Russian elite will break economically and betray Putin before the Russian front line collapses from lack of supply is an open question, but deep attacks within Russia itself alongside a resilient defense within Ukraine will lead to either outcome.

Ukraine’s strategy is working. Russian casualties continue to mount and are unsustainable. The Russian army is already running out of fuel at times and is unable to exploit breakthroughs. As the conflict continues, it is clear that the dual-track strategy advocated here is paying off.

The success of Ukraine’s strategy can be attributed to its well-structured and coherent approach, which is based on a deep understanding of the facts on the ground and human nature: coherent, logical, convincing strategies with effective tactics prevail. In contrast, Russia’s approach is characterized by lies and illusions, terrible leadership at all levels, failure to influence even their own people and the international community, and failure to achieve Russia’s goals and will not do so.

As the war in Ukraine rages on, it is clear that Ukraine’s strategy is winning. By prioritizing the destruction of Russian personnel, oil infrastructure, and air assets, Ukraine is crippling the ability of Russian mechanized units to advance, regaining air superiority, and devastating the Russian economy. This will lead to a coup in Moscow, a collapse of the front lines, and possibly uprisings, mutinies, and revolutions in Russia, all desirable goals. Meanwhile, Ukraine will minimize its own losses, creating a situation in which the Russian military is increasingly unable to sustain itself. The exact outcome—coup, civil war, or collapse of the front lines—is still uncertain, but Ukraine’s two-pronged approach, deep attacks and resilient defense, is paying off. Ukraine has more than one path to victory. Russia has no path to victory.


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This Week’s Free Ebooks

– English:Bombing campaign

– French: Bombing Campaign

– Spanish: Campaña de bombardeos

– German:Bomb Campaign

– Estonian: Pommituskampaania

– Russian: Бомбардировочная кампания (bombardirovachnaya kampaniya)

– Ukrainian: Бомбардувальна кампанія (bombarduvalna kampaniya)

– Mandarin Chinese: 轰炸行动 (hóngzhà xíngdòng) / 轟炸行動 (hóngzhà xíngdòng)

Translate example sentences:

The Ukrainians launched an extensive bombing campaign targeting the Russian command structure, oil industry and airfields, using all the means at their disposal.

– French: The Ukrainians have launched a campaign of bombing that is completing the command structure, the oil industry and the Russian airlines, using the means at their disposal.

– Spanish: The US countries are conducting a campaign of bombing against the entire spectrum of Russia’s mando-estructura, petroleum industry and airlines, all of which use medium-range routes.

– German: The Ukrainian started a massive bombing campaign, the Russlands Kommandostruktur, Ölindustrie und Flugfelder ins Visier nahm en alle paintügbaren Mittel einsetzte.

– Estonian: Ukraina läks täieliku spektri pommituskampaaniale, suunates Venemaa käsustruktuuri, õliindustrit ja lennuvälju, kasutades kõiki oma saadaolevate vahenditega.

– Russian: Украинцы начали полномасштабную бомбардировочную кампанию, нац еленную на командную туру России and Make sure you are in a specific environment.

– Ukrainian: Українці розпочали повномасштабну бомбардувальну кампанію, с Whatever you can do, it is possible to do it. Make sure you make the right choice.

Mandarin Chinese:并动用了他们所能利用的一切手段。 (Wūkèlán rén fādōng le yī ch|ng quán fāngwèi de hóngzhà xíngdòng, mùbiāo shì Eluósī de zh|huī jiégòu, shíyóu gōngyè hé jīch|ng, bìng dòngyòng le tāmen suǒ néng lìyòng de yīqiè sh|uduàn.)

Last line: Goodbye, au revoir, adiós, auf Wiedersehen, nägemist, до свидания (do svidaniya). 拜拜!


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