Download Lost Art The Stories of Missing Masterpieces – Noah Charney – 2023 (miok) (Audiobook) (History) torrent

Lost Art: The Stories of Vanished Masterpieces – Noah Charney – 2023

By: Noah Charney, The Great Courses
Narrated by: Noah Charney
Length: 5 hours and 59 minutes
Uncut audiobook
Release Date: 08-11-23
Categories: History, Lecture, True Crime, Art
Language: English
Publisher: The Great Courses
Format: mp3 64/48 stereo

Please note: Includes the associated additional improvement (pdf)

Imagine a Museum of Lost Art. If this imaginary museum contained only the works of art that we knew were lost—whether through theft, deliberate destruction, vandalism, war, or the forces of nature—it would still contain more masterpieces than all the world’s current museums combined. Imagine that!

In Lost Art: The Stories of Missing Masterpieces, art historian Noah Charney takes you on a tour of one such imaginary museum. In 12 fascinating lectures, accompanied by stunning graphics, you’ll hear the stories behind the theft and/or destruction of some of the world’s most famous works of art. From the Taliban’s iconoclastic destruction of the 500-year-old Buddha statues at Bamiyan in the 21st century to the earthquake that toppled the Colossus of Rhodes in 226 B.C., no one knows how many great works of art have been destroyed or lost throughout history. Only a few have ever been recovered.

In this course you will become acquainted with dozens of works of art whose whereabouts are currently completely unknown, including:

• Paintings from the Isabella Stewart Gardner Museum. The largest art heist in modern history occurred in Boston on March 18, 1990, when 13 paintings were stolen from the Gardner Museum. The FBI estimates the works, including those by Vermeer and Manet, at $500 million. Some believe the Mafia was involved. The museum is still asking the public for clues.

• Birth of Caravaggio. One of the most notorious and long-running unsolved thefts, this Caravaggio painting was stolen from the Oratory of St. Lawrence in Palermo, Sicily in 1969 and has remained on the FBI’s Top Ten Most Wanted Art List ever since. Current thinking is that the Sicilian Mafia was behind the theft and still has possession of it.

• Hanging Gardens of Babylon. One of the Seven Wonders of the Ancient World, the Hanging Gardens of Babylon were renowned for their architecture, engineering, and the beauty of the plants themselves. The only problem is that no one can find them, not even a reliable trail. Were they simply a figment of the imagination?

©2023 The Teaching Company, LLC (P)2023 The Great Courses

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