6-2 Intelligence Assessment – Intelligence Assessment: Threat of Cartels along the Border Summary


Intelligence Assessment: Threat of Cartels Along the Border


The drug cartels that exist in Mexico are representative of a transnational criminal enterprise in the

The North American drug market is unlike anything else out there ever seen before. With strong ties to the

Colombian drug trafficking, Mexican cartels hhave evolved and created a complex system of cohorts that

a role in managing drug trafficking from Mexico to the United States. Three of the largest rival groups iN

Mexico is the Gulf, Sinaloa and Juarez cartels. (Rosen, 2021.) Unlike their predecessors, these cartels

have created a hierarchical structure thatthat the operation can continue if the key

members are captured or killed. BothThe drug epidemic and the criminal organizations that profit from it

it poses a major challenge for the public sectorsecurity, law enforcement, and the United States Border Patrol.

The number of deaths from drug overdose has increasedexceeded that of firearms, car accidents, suicidecider, and

murder in the United States annually since 2012, rockto bring this crisis to unprecedented proportions. In

In 2017, there were approximately 192 deaths anday from drug overdoses. Large parts of the United

States grapple with opioid problemthe epidemic of controlled prescription drugs,

synthetic opioids and heroin. As the United States fightsto get this under control, other drug problems

with substances such as methamphetamine and cocainecontinue to rise and evolve. (Rosen, 2021.)

Drug cartels have further increased their profits byng out of the reach of drug trafficking and adding

human trafficking and money launderingor their repertoire. Cartel members also target the public

officials to get what they want. For examplein 2008, a series of grenade attacks killedand a

a hundred people to convince the government tothe imprisoned cartel members. Such drastic and

Violent measures continue to affect the public as a whole,leaving its citizens terrified and powerless.


Cartel groups work together to buy, smuggle and sell drugs across the Mexican border. Several cartels

have also begun to forge partnerships when they have lost many of their previous members. These

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