OSCE organizes training on analysis in the fight against terrorist financing for Montenegro

As part of a comprehensive initiative to strengthen the fight against terrorism in Montenegro, the OSCE concluded a three-day training for trainers on Analysis of Countering the Financing of Terrorism (CFT) in Vienna, Austria on 12 September 2024.

The course was attended by six experts, including three women and three men, from five Montenegrin agencies responsible for the fight against terrorism, who were provided with essential skills to combat the evolving threat of terrorist financing.

The training of trainers was organised by the OSCE Transnational Threats Division, with the support of the OSCE Mission in Montenegro and in cooperation with the Global Programme against Money Laundering, Proceeds of Crime and the Financing of Terrorism of the United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime.

Participants explored key aspects of intelligence work, such as the intelligence cycle, assessment systems, data sanitization and dissemination methods. Through hands-on experience with various analytical tools, they gained insight into the current terrorist threats in the region, which can further enhance Montenegro’s ability to improve both its strategic and operational approaches to effectively countering terrorism.

“Financial investigations in counter-terrorism operations are of crucial importance. Analysis of financial information can be a valuable tool in detecting terrorists and terrorist groups, or in reconstructing events in the aftermath of a terrorist attack,” stressed Irfan Saeed, Head of the Counter-Terrorism Division of the Transnational Threat Department in his opening statement.

This training-of-trainers course is the second module of a comprehensive training program on CFT for Montenegro, funded by the United States. This program aims to further enhance the domestic CFT framework to enable Montenegro to better prevent, detect, and disrupt terrorist financing, in line with the latest international obligations and standards.

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