Alberta politician, UCP MLA Jennifer Johnston, is being forced to undergo “re-education” by a violent far-left extremist in order to be “re-admitted” to the UCP faction

“The training and consultations that @ABDanielleSmith forces independent MLA Jennifer Johnston to attend, bears eerie resemblance to political re-education @jordanbpeterson is forced to do so by the Ontario College of Psychologists.”

“Smith supports Jordan Peterson at every opportunity, but handles her own business the same way as the organizations that support Dr. Peterson. As a member of the UCP, I am outraged and disgusted.”

While it appears that the Freedom Movement in Alberta has either ceased to exist, disbanded, or been completely infiltrated and co-opted (perhaps due to a few hospitals being turned over to Covenant Health by the AHS mafia?), perhaps it is time to wake up if there are any real freedom fighters left in Alberta.

While you were sleeping, the province was and is being dismantled left and right.

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