General Thoughts on Cloud Gaming – Lords of Gaming

Since we got to know Cloud Gaming, I have a lot of experiences with Cloud Gaming and an overall positive opinion about it. So let’s see what I think!

Read more: General thoughts on cloud gaming

More ways to play

One of the big things I think Cloud Gaming offers is more access and opportunities to play. I’ve played on my phone at work, on Xbox, streamed games on PlayStation, and even played games via Xbox Cloud Gaming on my Meta Quest. As console markets reach their limit, it’s nice to see companies branching out and offering more places for people to play their games.

No need for expensive hardware

Cloud gaming allows players to stream games from powerful remote servers. This means that people do not have to invest in expensive gaming hardware such as gaming PCs or the latest consoles. Players with modest devices such as low-end PCs, laptops or even smartphones can access high-quality games. Cloud gaming is accessible on multiple devices that everyone can afford. Some of the options that people have are smartphones, tablets, laptops and smart TVs.

This offers the advantage of being able to play AAA games without being tied to a specific platform. Because cloud gaming offloads the heavy processing to remote servers, your device only needs to handle the streaming. This means that even older devices can continue to run new, graphically demanding games, extending their usable lifespan. In the long run, this can save consumers a lot of money.

Cloud gaming providers are responsible for upgrading server-side hardware, meaning consumers don’t have to worry about future-proofing their setups. Players benefit from the latest technological advancements without having to buy new hardware. I’ll continue to buy consoles because that’s my preferred way to play, but the options are great!

Play anywhere, anytime

Cloud gaming allows players to seamlessly switch between devices. You can start playing a game on your console at home and continue on your phone or laptop on the go, with progress saved to the cloud. I’ve had a lot of Mafia Definitive Edition at work via Xbox Cloud Gaming. And then being able to go home and have access to the save is awesome.

Whether you’re traveling, commuting, or away from home, cloud gaming lets you play your games anywhere with an internet connection. I even played Elder Scrolls Online over my phone’s network thanks to the cloud and it worked great. Will every game work perfectly all the time? No. But as technology gets better, options like this will get better too.

Conservation of wildlife

This is the topic that a lot of people argue about, and that is game preservation. A lot of people want to own their physical games and that’s great. I own almost every physical release for the Suikoden series. However, I buy fewer and fewer physical games these days, and it depends on the game. Another way to look at it is that cloud gaming eliminates the need for physical copies.

Because games are stored and run on servers, players don’t have to worry about hardware failure or the need to replace lost or damaged discs. I don’t think you want to know the price of replacing my copy of Suikoden 2, which still works, even though it’s scratched. According to Amazon, a used copy of the game costs $300. Imagine what other historical games from the past would cost.

Direct access and lower initial costs

Games can be played instantly without the need for lengthy downloads or installations. This lowers the barrier to entry and eliminates wait time. I can’t tell you how many games I’ve played on my Xbox without ever downloading them. I just played via Cloud. I’ve even streamed many games on PlayStation via their service without ever having to download them. With services like Xbox Cloud Gaming via Game Pass or PlayStation Now, players have access to huge libraries of games that they can play instantly, giving them more choices without having to manage local storage.

1TB of space can fill up pretty quickly. Many cloud gaming services operate on subscription models. This can be more affordable than buying individual games or hardware and allows consumers to experience many games for a single, lower monthly fee. Because the processing power is handled by remote servers, we don’t have to upgrade or maintain our hardware as often. This saves money in the long run, allowing us to spend it elsewhere. You still have the option to buy your games as well, but this is just another option for consumers.

Impact on the environment

Some may find this more important than others, but with Cloud Gaming we can have a smaller impact on the environment. Because fewer consumers need to upgrade their devices and hardware as often, Cloud Gaming reduces electronic waste, making it a more sustainable option compared to traditional gaming setups that require constant hardware upgrades.

I am pretty sure that many of us use streaming services such as Netflix, Hulu, Spotify, Pandora or other streaming platforms. Can you imagine how much waste we could save the environment if CDs and DVDs were less and less released into the environment? I have not bought or owned a CD in years. I am not saying that you should not buy these things. I am saying that this provides another option to help the environment.

Easier access to multiplayer and social gaming

With the always-connected nature of cloud gaming, matchmaking for multiplayer games can be faster and smoother. Cloud gaming services also focus on cross-platform play, allowing players from different devices to play together. Some cloud gaming platforms offer easy integration with streaming services, allowing players to share their gameplay experiences without the need for additional software or hardware.

It comes back to what I keep saying, options! I will say that good internet can of course be a factor in how some of these things can run. But overall my experiences have been pretty good when gaming with friends. I have reviewed a laptop and during that review I decided to primarily game via the Cloud and the experience was good.

Innovate and experiment

One of the most interesting ways I’ve tried out Cloud gaming was through my Meta Quest 2. While it doesn’t work super well where I live, it was great when I tested it. I played Elder Scrolls Online Cyrodil PVP, Age of Empires 4And Star field via Xbox Cloud Gaming and they all ran smoothly. It didn’t matter if there were people on screen or a big gunfight, the experience was generally seamless.

Cloud gaming can also provide easier access to things like game demos and trials, allowing players to try out new games without committing to a purchase. This encourages more experimentation with different types of games, broadening gaming horizons. With the way many games have come out broken or “unfinished” as some would say, this provides a way to test things out ahead of time.

Final thoughts

With everything that exists, there will always be people with a different opinion. I think cloud gaming is a good thing and a great thing for the future. Cloud gaming offers an affordable, accessible and flexible way to game, making high-quality games available to a much wider audience. It reduces the cost and hassle of hardware upgrades, provides instant access to games, and allows players to game on almost any device, all while being environmentally friendly.

For consumers, cloud gaming is an exciting change that offers freedom, convenience, and lower costs. Do we all need to play Xbox Cloud Gaming on the Meta Quest devices? Do we all need Amazon Fire Sticks with Game Pass? Do we all need access to the cloud through the various avenues available? The answer is no.

However, it does offer multiple possibilities for many people who need these options for their best gaming experiences. One thing I would like to see is the ability to play each game that I own via the Cloud even when I’m not at home. I’d love to hear your thoughts. If one gamer wins, we all win!

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