Abbott – ‘party said I could come back if I resigned the same day’ – SKWAWKBOX

Britain’s first black female MP tells interviewer Starmeroids were ‘determined to get rid of me’ but ‘blinked at first’ when she refused ‘deal’

Diane Abbott, a left-wing politician and Britain’s first black female MP, told ITV that Keir Starmer and his party machine were “determined to get rid of me”. They tried to drag her out by offering a “deal” that would see her reinstated to the party leadership, but only on condition that she announce her resignation the same day.

Abbott rejected the “humiliating” deal and the party – facing widespread resentment among black voters – “blinked at first”:

Labour delayed the results of its so-called ‘investigation’ into her entirely correct comments in a newspaper about anti-black racism for at least five months, extending her suspension to almost a year. It clearly intended to use the suspension to prevent local Labour members from selecting her as their candidate again – a tactic the party repeatedly used in the run-up to the general election to deploy Starmer drones.

The endemic anti-black and anti-Muslim racism within the Labour right has led to mass disapprovals of black and Muslim candidates. Right-wing parties have even used malicious prosecutions to expel popular sitting senators when internal smear campaigns have failed.

One of the candidates in the spotlight, Apsana Begum, reported that she received no support from party leader Keir Starmer during her campaign. Party officials stayed away after her acquittal, despite hoping to announce her resignation after her conviction.

Abbott similarly told ITV’s Lorraine Kelly when she was the target of a racist death threat that none of the party’s leaders, including Starmer, had even bothered to contact her:

Starmer has also repeatedly ignored whistleblower reports of extreme exploitation and sexual abuse of Muslim women by a party worker, and excluded black and Muslim women from the party’s so-called ‘race equality’ launch.

Black women’s groups and the Labour Muslim Network have condemned the party’s entrenched and protected racism under the Starmer regime.

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