Yonder’s NAFO Op Gets Op-Ed From Former Anonymous Colleague

This is why you should NOT hire members of Anonymous and GamerGate to run espionage and suicide troll campaigns that support the narratives desired by the Russian and PayPal mafia.

This account can only be viewed by clicking past the restrictions. Accounts that do not have login details such as phone number and email address, post with tags to draw attention to themselves.

This is what the screenshots say.

For those not following what’s going on here, Yonder, through contractor Joohn Choe, has been running its own concurrent NAFO operation alongside the one started by a far-right anti-Semite. Louise Mensch also works for Yonder, and did so when the company was better known as New Knowledge, the company Musk allowed to be named in the deliberately misleading TwitterFiles.

Joohn and SpoogemanGhost are connected. Here you can see how they were all connected in February.

I wrote a book about Trump, describing how the authoritarian leader has been repeatedly manipulated into acting on his worst impulses. Trump is especially vulnerable to this, since he will fall for almost anything as long as you flatter and praise him. It’s the main reason Trump didn’t need to be blackmailed by Russia, because it was much easier to get what they wanted through Flynn, Manafort, Gates and others who surrounded him than it was to show him the golden shower tape and whatever else they’ve gotten him over the years.

And Louise has a close bond with Joohn in this.

Anyway, they are connected to Joohn and Louise who work with/for the same company in Austin, Texas, another Mensch subcontractor for Anonymous openly admitted he was hired to spy on Americans. Get it? All bad actors.

Would Yonder really want to kill Mensch’s enemies?

I dare say this is not Louise Mensch ordering a murder for Doge, but a bad actor who has had enough of Louise and who probably won’t get paid for it anymore.

It’s still completely illegal, a credible death threat, and something that needs to be documented as they are literally plotting an assassination, even if the chances of it being carried out are slim.

One of the asides today was this: Johnn joined cybercriminal BallsGang and noted that he fits in well with violent psychopathic idiots Mike Rothschild, Mark Dantz and his Winkiedoo.

He sure does.

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