Barrasso criticizes Kamala Harris’ open border policy

WASHINGTON, DC – U.S. Senator John Barrasso (R-Wyo.), chairman of the Senate Republican Conference, today criticized Border Czar Kamala Harris’ disastrous, dangerous and deadly open border policies.

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Senator Barrasso said:

“Kamala Harris is doing everything she can to run and hide from her terrible position at the border.

“Why? Well, because she understands that the American people completely reject the Biden-Harris Open Border policy. She wants people to forget that she is the one who orchestrated and oversaw the disaster on our southern border.

“Her failures have been costly and deadly. Because of her failures, American citizens have been raped and murdered by illegal immigrants. Because of her failures, fentanyl continues to flow across the southern border.

“Now she’s acting like she wants to secure the border. Nothing could be further from the truth. She’s the one who started this onslaught of illegal immigrants — the criminal cartels, the drug dealers, the terrorist suspects. She stood up and cheered when Joe Biden stopped building the wall that was already under construction. She supported Joe Biden when he signed 94 executive orders opening the border. For four years, she’s done everything she can to undermine our border laws.

“Now, now that we’ve got 10 million illegal immigrants coming into the country, now that you’ve seen the videos of criminal gangs taking over apartment complexes and parts of cities, now that she’s come to the Senate floor and made the decision to send American tax checks, stimulus checks, to illegal immigrants, now all of a sudden she’s saying she wants to get tougher on the border.

“She won’t. She’s had four years to do it. She refused. And if she’s elected president of the United States, she’ll never secure the border.”



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