If nothing is what it seems, how do you know what is real?

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Black Ops and Psyops – The Stage is Set!

Season 8, Episode 47 “The Realm” is set up to take place in the spiritual realm that we cannot see. It’s a battle between good and evil with CIA 2.0’s playing a very twisted Game of Thrones. Everyone is running around in one big fat “Black Operation”. All sides are using the same tactics – central casting everywhere and the audience is not only supposed to watch but to interact. It’s the survival of the critical thinker who must now discern all things and act as if chaos makes sense to survive the lawlessness.

People need to wake up fast and unite, investigate everything and share the truth. They need to wade through the swamp of scammers and their upside down/inside out podcasts that take a piece of truth, mince it in their own word salad of quirky hashtags, to boost their go fund me’s! And then there’s fake news?

Alleged full details of the investigation into the 2nd attempted murder…don’t forget to research and discern. The deep state empire is always in a constant state of morphing!

The “Realm” is full of flown in, paid and organized Harris trolls; BlackRock ads and hitmen?

Coincidence how both attempted President Trump assassins are in the BlackRock commercials? Inside job.

The Deep State? The FBI? The CIA? The Secret Service?

I hope he doesn’t meet the same fate as Epstein. photo.twitter.com/jjWCHZcSSo

— Winnie Schola (@WinnieSchola) September 17, 2024

Once central casting begins, the audience is supposed to watch and pretend it all makes sense. But it doesn’t and it’s almost all a lie!

The suspect in the attempted assassination of Donald Trump, Ryan Wesley Routh, was interviewed by Newsweek Romania in 2022. According to the report, he helped recruit foreign volunteers to fight for Ukraine. photo.twitter.com/vKGEGIZ8Aj

— Moment that made your day (@Made_YourDay_) September 17, 2024

This show is for gawkers, talkers and tightrope walkers!

Which of these categories best describes your role as ‘central casting’ in this global live theatre production? Especially the one most often referred to as… “The show”?

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The whole thing stinks of demonic possession and 1% bloodlines worshipping Satan and wanting to bring their Lucifer into the light to openly worship him.. These are known by many names but we will use the term they use the most which is the “elite”. Who are also known in world order circles as the “1%”. These are the born and bred gentlemen, old money and old bloodlines of power. (the ones who rule the world where the 99% exist within their systems and are not allowed to question anything, must do as they are told and obey.) The biggest wars and divisions are fought between the different bloodlines, and even between and within the families of the 1%. They will take out their own mother if she gets in their way. The saying, “There is no loyalty among thieves”, applies to these different families because if they are not locked together in lockstep against the 99%, they are in lockstep family against family and bloodline against bloodline, mother against daughter and father against son, etc. It is what happens in a world without God, His Son and no Holy Spirit. Pure hell on earth with jealousy, greed and hatred for everyone. Oh, and everything they do is the other(s)’s fault because it made them feel bad, jealous, angry, etc., or because they were just bored. Shame on them.

So with the second assassination attempt on Trump, the CIA is now in the picture, and the question is… “What should we look at next?”

The truth is there are many mafias, and many evil 1% bloodlines that have different names and families. Such as the Kazarian Mafia, also known as the (KM) Oligarchs, also known as the “elite”. These mafias come from different ancient bloodlines and many of the names are not known to the public. We are being shown the names of those who are in command for those who control the world from the shadows…the ones with names we do not know.

What we are shown is the demon possessed minions doing their bidding and when the demons step in and take over, things get very ugly. You see, demons cannot keep their hosts mouths shut. They use the mouths to curse, hiss, scream, threaten and deceive. The whole point of possessing a body is to have a body to walk around in and gather information, and speak however they want to whomever they want. It is reverse remote viewing… well, sort of. You see, they are in the spirit world and cannot be seen in our realm. They have to have a body to enter into in order to make that host do things for them. They are given things to see, hear and say to people by entering a human body and controlling it to do what they want.

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That is why people who are possessed by demons seem to become psychotic and do crazy things and hiss and have no self control. They always want to tell their victims what they are going to do to scare them. That is what evil does. Evil thrives on. The world has many names for evil such as: multiple personality disorder, psychopath, sociopath, whatever they want to call it… the truth is it is demonic. (Not to be confused with losing your temper or being tempted. We are talking about demon possession, not giving in to temptation.)

But for now we look at the puppet masters who command the evil bloodlines and the 1% who want to control the world. Puppeteers and their puppets…those with names like Rothschilds, Soros, Gates, etc. The battle is between good and evil and those with the hidden power of Mammon who have ruled the world by controlling government leaders, economies, finances, and global institutions. Even infiltrating the churches. Today people are waking up and looking at all that has been done to them! We are seeing this in our own homes and around the world! There is a global awakening taking place that should not have happened.

Does that look like President Trump? I’m just asking.

QUESTION: Why was MSNBC filming Trump on his golf course just before he was shot? How did they know to be there? Who told them? Remember, CNN hadn’t covered a Trump rally live until the Butler Rally. Is it any wonder that left-wing media seems to be there every time?

h/t @foundring1 photo.twitter.com/ycAaEzoaYX

— @amuse (@amuse) September 16, 2024

Most are finally waking up and looking at how things are happening, instead of just listening to what we are told and pretending that what they say matches what we see with our own eyes!

It used to work to lie to our faces and let the fake news do their dirty work…now people hear it and call them out on their lies. People show evidence of the lies and the liars keep lying and now instead of getting angry people see right through it and laugh as they make and share memes exposing the liars and their lies. The deep state never saw that coming. It was never meant to be and the stupid demonic hirelings keep doing the same thing in the same way and in doing so they actually wake more people up.

The screaming minions and their puppet master bloodlines have lost their power over the people who are waking up to see that when they (the 99%) unite, they are unstoppable! This is terrifying to the so called elites. They never expected this backlash or disruption of their deception to be exposed in public! And most of all they never expected the good guys to deploy their own black ops against them!

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Meanwhile, President Trump is back on track, holding a town hall meeting led by Arkansas Gov. Sarah Huckabee Sanders.

President Trump thanks Martin County sheriffs.


Trump just met with Martin County sheriff’s deputies who arrested Ryan Routh.

You can’t help but love this man! photo.twitter.com/9Td2rkCcNL

— Ryan Fournier (@RyanAFournier) September 17, 2024

Meanwhile, it was also reported that Israel blew up Hezbollah men’s testicles…how’s your cell phone today? Can they do this to anyone they want? Do you feel safe?

This is unbelievable

Israel has literally blown away the nonsense of the Islamic terrorists Hezbollah

Israel has hacked the beepers in their pockets and blown up their testicles


— leekern (@leekern13) September 17, 2024

Now how do you feel about your cell phone, or any of your gadgets with chips and remote access? What says they can’t blow up your car, your house, or you with the same type of targeting? This is serious warfare and evil to the core.

But how do we know this story is true?

Since there are many versions (which is a sign of a crisis situation/false flag?) the most logical version of the story is that the lithium battery exploded, because they can be heated and detonated remotely. The next best story said that the supply chain was infiltrated and explosives were placed in the pagers and phones. What do you believe?

Finally, I want to say that I really enjoyed this concept about immigration policy and God’s heavenly kingdom… It’s a must-see!

Christ is King. 🙏🏼 #JohnMcEntee #McEntee2028 photo.twitter.com/ElGNyo0Akw

— McEntee 2028 (@JohnMcEntee28) September 16, 2024

Keep pressing for the kingdom of God! Busy, busy, busy!


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