Major blow for the Fabbrocino clan

Anti-mafia action in Palma Campania, in the province of Naples: a major blow for the Fabbrocino clan.

Preventive measures for 13 people and seizure of two companies, the Carabinieri document extortions against commercial activities. The Carabinieri of the investigation unit of the Castello di Cisterna group executed a preventive order issued by the Gip of the Court of Naples, at the request of the District Anti-Mafia Directorate, against 13 people who will have to answer in various capacities for the crimes of mafia-like association, possession and carrying of weapons, extortion and attempted extortion, fraudulent transfer of assetscrimes aggravated by the aim of facilitating and promoting the interests of the Fabbrocino clan, between Palma Campania and the surrounding areas.


During the investigation, the investigators reconstructed that the extortions were allegedly committed against several entrepreneurs to enable them to carry out their commercial activities. In addition, two companies whose activities are believed to be linked to the Fabbrocino clan were also subjected to preventive seizure.

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