I grew up in a mafia world – a murder at my wedding was my wake-up call

My life reads like a gripping novel, complete with mafia connections, personal demons and a triumphant victory over adversity.

As a child, I lived on the rough streets of the South Bronx and my childhood was marked by violence, addiction, and run-ins with the law.

My childhood was anything but ordinary. Growing up in a mafia family, my world was filled with crime, danger and hardship. My father, a drug dealer and Shylock, a term used to describe loan sharks in organized crime, was deeply involved in illegal activities.

This lifestyle eventually led to my father spending several years in prison during my formative years. Having a parent behind bars is a devastating experience for any child, but for me it was just part of the instability that marked my early life.

As a child, I was abused by boys in my neighborhood when they sexually abused me. When I was nine, I was sexually abused even more and harassed by my babysitter. In addition to these challenges, I left school after ninth grade and never finished my formal education.

When I was older, tragedy struck again, this time at my own wedding. In a brutal act of violence, my uncle murdered the wedding caterer for insulting him. It was a moment that epitomized the chaotic and dangerous world I grew up in, a world where violence and crime were part of the family fabric.

Living in such an environment left deep scars that shaped not only my behavior, but also my beliefs about what life could be. For years I struggled with internal struggles and set out on a path of self-destruction.

John Giordano
John Giordano (left and right) tells Newsweek how a series of revealing events led him to deep introspection and changed his life.

John Giordano

Despite my achievements as a Grandmaster in Karate, with a 10th degree black belt, two inductions into the Black Belt Hall of Fame and five national karate championships, I could not escape the urge to abuse drugs.

For years, drugs and alcohol were my way of coping with the chaos and trauma of my past. Substance abuse offered temporary respite from emotional pain, but it came at a high price. My addiction grew, taking over my life and threatening to destroy any chance I had of building a better future.

Like many people who struggle with addiction, my descent into drugs and alcohol was a complex mix of emotional pain, environmental influences, and the burden of my upbringing. I had seen violence and crime at a young age, and my family history didn’t offer many alternatives to that lifestyle. But beneath the surface, I had the strength to fight back against these demons, even if it took years to realize it.

The turning point in my life came when I decided to get sober. Overcoming addiction was never easy, and for me it was a long, hard road. However, I decided to turn my life around, and today I have been sober for 40 years. This remarkable achievement not only changed my life, it also laid the foundation for my future as a healer and advocate for those struggling with addiction.

My story is a testament to the power of personal transformation. I didn’t just quit drugs and alcohol, I used my experiences to help others. For the past 37 years, I have dedicated my life to treating and supporting those suffering from addiction, alcoholism, and mental illness. My personal journey has given me unique insight into the struggles of my clients, and my success in overcoming those same challenges makes me a living example of hope and recovery.

Perhaps one of the most remarkable aspects of my story is how I turned personal salvation into a thriving business that has helped countless others. With just $300, I opened a drug and alcohol treatment center. What started as a small, humble operation grew into a $45 million success story. My center became a place where people struggling with addiction could find the support, care, and guidance they needed to get their lives back on track.

The success of my treatment center is a testament not only to my business acumen, but also to the value I place on helping others. Building such a successful business from the ground up requires more than just financial investment; it requires vision, dedication, and an unwavering belief in the mission. For me, that mission was clear: to provide a safe space for people who, like me, were struggling with addiction and offer them a chance at a better life.

My treatment center became more than just a place to get sober, it became a symbol of hope and resilience. Many of the people who sought help at my center were in the same position I once was, lost in the grip of addiction, feeling like there was no way out. But under my guidance, they found a path to recovery, just as I did.

My story isn’t just about personal success, it’s about giving back and making a lasting impact on the world. For nearly four decades, I’ve been on the front lines of the fight against addiction, working tirelessly to help people recover from the same struggles I once faced. My dedication to helping others is what makes my story so compelling. I haven’t just overcome adversity, I’ve used my experiences to lift others up.

My life is a reminder that change is possible, no matter how difficult your circumstances. My journey from the mob-ridden streets of the South Bronx to a successful entrepreneur and advocate for those suffering from addiction is a testament to the power of resilience. In a world where so many people feel trapped by their circumstances, my story serves as a beacon of hope that it is never too late to turn your life around.

At the heart of my life is a message of perseverance. My story shows that no matter how many setbacks you face, no matter how deep into addiction or despair you are, it is possible to come out the other side. The key, as I have shown, is to never give up.

Resilience is often described as the ability to bounce back from adversity, but my story goes deeper than that. My life is a testament to the idea that resilience isn’t just about surviving, it’s about thriving, taking the lessons from your darkest moments and using them to build something meaningful. I didn’t just survive my circumstances, I transformed them, turning my pain and struggles into a life of purpose and impact.

My life is a powerful reminder that no matter where you start, greatness is within your reach if you refuse to give up. My journey from a South Bronx mob family to a successful entrepreneur and addiction advocate is an inspiring testament to the power of perseverance. Through my work helping addicts, alcoholics, and those with mental illness, I have touched countless lives and brought hope and healing to those in need.

I have achieved remarkable success in my career and have become a widely recognized expert in the fields of addiction, mental health, and alternative medicine. I have contributed to over 80 peer-reviewed scientific medical journals, making a significant impact in the fields of addiction and mental health treatment.

As one of the pioneers in psychedelic medicine, specifically with Ibogaine, I have helped shape innovative approaches to recovery. I have an honorary doctorate, a master’s degree in addiction counseling, a diploma in hypnotherapy, and I am an EMDR practitioner, NLP therapist, and a specialist in criminal justice and mitigation.

All of these accomplishments reinforce my expertise in the area of ​​addiction. In addition to my work as a trauma specialist, specifically with veterans and police officers involved in shootings, I work as a chaplain for the North Miami Police Department, providing spiritual and emotional support to those in need.

I am also an author and have published two books. I currently co-own JC’s Recovery Center, a 62-bed, faith-based treatment facility dedicated to supporting individuals struggling with addiction and mental health disorders.

My story is raw, honest, and deeply human. It shows that while the road to recovery is difficult, it is possible—and that anyone, no matter how lost they may feel, can change their life if they have the courage to keep going. In me, you see the embodiment of resilience, and my life’s work will continue to inspire and uplift generations to come.

John Giordano is a renowned addiction specialist with over 37 years of experience in the field. As a pioneer in alternative medicine and addiction treatment, he has contributed to over 80 peer-reviewed scientific and medical journals.

He currently co-owns JC’s Recovery Center, a 62-bed, faith-based treatment facility dedicated to serving individuals struggling with addiction and mental illness. He is the author of The Kid From The South Bronx Who Never Gave Up, a memoir, and How To Beat Your Addictions And Live A Quality Life, a comprehensive guide for anyone seeking to overcome addiction and regain control of their life.

All opinions expressed are those of the author.

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