ReachOut Parents – Re: I’m lost and don’t know what to do

I am worried about my teenage daughter. She is 15.
Since she was 11 years old, she has been stealing and lying from me and her father on and off.
From money to jewelry and the like.
Now I was a child of the state growing up. So I’m a very strict parent.
I don’t allow social media, electronics, etc. during the week.
I think you should do chores first before you can stay with friends and do fun things.
My teen pushed and pushed over a cell phone she got when she started high school. Explained all the stranger dangers and she still did the wrong thing and went on a website called Omegle and exchanged numbers with a guy who claimed he was 17 when she was only 13 and a half at the time. So I took the phone away from her and had my niece who is a police officer talk to her about it. She got the phone back but then kept pushing for social media etc. I kept saying no and the phone has a lot of restrictions so she can’t use them on the phone.
Now I think her group of friends at school are setting her up because I found a vape in her room that she says she didn’t touch etc. She picked it up off the floor so her friends wouldn’t get in trouble. If she’s on a good path her grades are great, if she’s not on a good path her grades, attitude and behavior are all fucked up. She’s told her siblings she should have been an only child and wishes she was an only child.
She has also told her siblings that she wants to end up in a mental institution like the Joker and be part of the mafia and have a mafia boss.
She recently said she doesn’t want to live with me or her father anymore, she wants to live with my mother, who I have nothing to do with. I told her she can’t live with her because she can’t even raise her own children. How do you think she can raise you?
I think I’m a very fair parent. If you do your chores and behave well, you can go to your friends and get your electronics and stuff.
But I told her I don’t believe teenagers should hang around in stores if they don’t have money. I don’t believe they should be there if they don’t have money. I said I wouldn’t have a problem with her if she had a job and wanted to go buy things and so on.
I just don’t know what to do anymore
I’ve talked to the school about this. I’ve tried to talk to her countless times. We started family therapy on Monday and she wouldn’t even talk.

Also my partner is not her biological father
But he raised her as if she were his own
Her biological father passed away a few years ago, she never met him because it was a domestic violence relationship and the police took us away, she knows my other half is not her real father.
She took notes and said she wished her father was still alive
And maybe she really is this last name, not this one, etc.
My other half is sad, we don’t know what else we can do

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