Questionnaire: Darlene Smith, Candidate for Pompano Beach City Commission District 5

Name: Darlene H. Smith

Campaign website:

Date and place of birth: 16-04-1954 Fort Lauderdale

List the three most important problems in your community, in order of importance. Also briefly explain what you would do about each problem.

Crime prevention to provide a safe quality of life

Explanation: Ensuring the safety and security of residents is important to maintaining a high quality of life in our community. By proactively addressing crime, residents can feel safe in their neighborhoods, which contributes to the overall well-being of the community.

Action: I plan to partner with the Broward Sheriff’s Office (BSO) to proactively install monitored license plate readers at all neighborhood entry points in District 5. This technology can help deter crime by quickly identifying stolen vehicles or vehicles involved in criminal activity, allowing law enforcement to respond more effectively.

Local multimodal transport

Explanation: Improving local transportation options is essential to connecting workers to employment and residents to activity centers. This in turn can reduce traffic congestion and improve the overall flow of the community.

Action: I will continue to work with the Pompano Beach Multimodal Task Force to improve traffic flow by implementing an integrated transportation system along the Pompano Beach corridors. This would include coordinating multiple transportation modes to ensure seamless connectivity, making access to key areas of the community easier.

Smart planned development

Explanation: Responsible development is essential to ensure that new projects do not negatively impact the quality of life of existing residents. Thoughtful planning helps preserve the character of the community while accommodating growth.

Action: As Commissioner, I will continue to use my skills learned at the Planning and Zoning Board to ensure that development projects are consistent with the City’s goals, objectives and policies. This includes considering the impact on traffic, noise, infrastructure and the environment.

Violent crime in the Northwest is a major problem. Sheriff Gregory Tony targeted gangs and blamed the lack of opportunities for youth. Do you agree or disagree, and is Pompano Beach safe enough?

In the case of Pompano Beach, while every city has its safer and less safe areas, saying that the city is “not safe enough” is a legitimate concern where violent crime is a significant issue. Increased police presence in high-crime areas can serve as a deterrent to criminal activity and make residents feel safer. However, this must be balanced with community policing efforts that build trust between law enforcement and residents. Community engagement, including regular meetings with BSO, Code Enforcement, and other stakeholders, can foster communication and collaboration. Along with programs that engage youth, provide mentorship, and offer pathways to education and employment. By prioritizing these initiatives, we can help create a safer community.

Pompano Beach is a “hot” destination. The city has revised its development codes to guide future growth. Do you believe this growth is good or bad for the city, and how well is it managing it?

Based on my 10 years of experience with Pompano Beach’s Planning and Zoning Board, I see that the revised development codes in Pompano Beach have had a positive impact on the city. The benefits have been demonstrated in ways such as improved housing availability (both affordable and market rate), an increased tax base, and quality tourism. These tangible examples suggest that the city is currently managing its growth effectively. Going forward, there are always additional steps the city can take to improve its growth management strategies, and I fully support being a part of this carefully managed growth.

Would you support an increase in pay and benefits for elected officials in your city? Why or why not?

No. In my opinion, the amount currently paid to Pompano Beach Commissioners is sufficient. Compared to other Commissioners in Broward County, Pompano Beach is the 3rd highest.

What factor most differentiates you from your opponent(s) and why?

My resume clearly sets me apart from my opponents as I have over 20 years of dedicated community service in District 5, where I have led significant projects that have positively transformed our community. One of my greatest accomplishments was coordinating a 7-year transformation of two dead golf courses in Palm Aire into beautiful lakes. This project was not only a joint effort between the residents of Palm Aire and the City of Pompano Beach, but it resulted in a win-win situation: the residents and the city gained open green space, and the material from the lake construction was repurposed as levee material at Fort Lauderdale International Airport.

I have served as the Chairman of Palm Aire Condo Assoc 4 for the past 11 years and as a board member of Palm Aire United for 5 years. I have also served on Pompano’s Planning and Zoning Board for 10 years and Pompano’s Economic Development Council for 3 years. Finally, I have 38 years of experience as a business owner. All of the above has positioned me to be the best choice for Commissioner for District 5.

List in reverse chronological order the colleges and universities attended, including the number of years attended and the degrees obtained.

Although I do not have a university degree, I have earned various technical certifications and training over the years that have supported my role as a consultant and business owner.

Please provide your work history for the past 15 years in reverse chronological order.

I am the founder and president of Phase One Computing Services Inc., which I founded in 1986. Today, I continue to work in the industry as a consultant to small businesses in the areas of accounting software, procedures, training, and reporting.

Have you ever been a party to a lawsuit, including bankruptcy or foreclosure? If so, please provide details about the case and its resolution.


Have you ever been charged or convicted of a crime or misdemeanor, including a guilty verdict that was withheld? If so, list the charges, dates, and terms of the sentence.


Why should voters choose you over your opponent(s)?

Voters should elect me because of my extensive experience and proven leadership in our community. I have proudly served on the Pompano Beach Planning and Zoning Board for the past 10 years, where I have worked diligently to represent District 5. My dedication to Pompano Beach is reflected in the recommendations I have received from respected local leaders, including Mayor Rex Hardin, outgoing District 5 Commissioner Barry Moss, former District 5 Commissioner George Brummer (2004-2014), and incumbent District 2 Commissioner Rhonda Eaton.

These recommendations reflect my consistent quality, work ethic, respect for our community and ability to lead successfully. I am committed to continuing to serve our community with integrity and passion, ensuring that Pompano Beach remains a great place to live, work and thrive.

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