Questionnaire: Edward Phillips, Candidate for Pompano Beach City Commission District 4

Name: Edward W. Phillips Jr

Campaign website:

Date and place of birth: Nov. 16, 1950, GA

List the three most important problems in your community, in order of importance. Also briefly explain what you would do about each problem.

⦁ Economic opportunities, vocational training and job placement

The Northwest Community in District 4, predominantly Black, faces significant challenges including a severe lack of economic opportunity, job training, and employment services. This area is the most economically depressed in Pompano Beach and its revitalization is crucial for the entire city as it directly impacts the overall image of Pompano Beach. While government alone cannot solve all of our community’s problems, it can serve as a catalyst for the solutions needed to improve the lives of its residents.

According to U.S. Census Data, the median household income in Pompano Beach is $61,037, with a poverty rate of 17.7%. In contrast, the Black community has a median household income of $38,529 and a poverty rate of 30.3%, with unemployment rates often double that of the general population. In order to build an inclusive economy, we must focus on promoting business growth, particularly among small businesses in Northwest Pompano.

My wife and I have supported our small businesses for many years through our small business development center. My wife is leading this effort and I support it wholeheartedly. We need to strengthen our Chamber of Commerce and partner with organizations like Broward County Small Business and Economic Development, SCORE, OIC, Urban League and the Small Business Development Center. These partnerships can help entrepreneurs with business planning, securing capital and accessing opportunities related to the ongoing redevelopment in Pompano Beach. Additionally, targeted job training and placement programs are essential to reducing poverty and improving income levels, particularly in the Northwest community.

2. Affordable housing for current and future owners

Affordable housing in Pompano Beach, particularly in the northwest (District 4), is a critical issue. This district has the most affordable housing in the city, but the low income levels of its residents make it difficult to maintain affordable housing. To address this, it is essential to focus on both increasing income levels and expanding affordable housing options.

Building new affordable housing is vital for future generations. Mixed-use developments that include a percentage of affordable housing should be encouraged by the city, county, and state through grants, technical assistance, and expedited permitting processes. These efforts will help increase the availability of affordable housing in Pompano Beach.

Additionally, it is critical to educate those who qualify for property tax relief, such as low-income seniors, veterans, and other qualified residents. We also need to strengthen partnerships with Broward County and other organizations to serve the homeless population, those with mental health issues, and those struggling with substance abuse, and help them find a path to recovery.

By addressing affordable housing and its associated challenges, we can make Pompano Beach more equitable and thriving for all residents.

3. Crime and gun violence

This issue will be discussed in the question below

Violent crime in the Northwest is a major problem. Sheriff Gregory Tony targeted gangs and blamed the lack of opportunities for youth. Do you agree or disagree, and is Pompano Beach safe enough?

Crime and gun violence continue to be a significant problem in northwest Pompano Beach and addressing them requires a collective effort. However, this problem goes beyond law enforcement; it is a community-wide challenge that requires a comprehensive approach.

We need to increase community policing efforts and strengthen neighborhood watch programs to create a safer environment. However, it is also important to address the problems of unemployment and lack of economic opportunity. Job training, job placement, and economic opportunity are crucial to keeping youth away from crime and recidivism.

Our churches, civic organizations, businesses, city government, and community leaders must work together to develop and implement strategies to address this problem. My wife and I have been actively involved in this effort by creating programs within our company that provide youth with an alternative option to engaging in criminal behavior. Through mentorship and skills development, we strive to provide them with a path to a better future.

In addition, partnerships with organizations like OIC, which helps ex-offenders with training and job placement, are essential to reducing recidivism. By providing second chances and meaningful opportunities, we can help those who have engaged in criminal behavior turn their lives around.

While Pompano Beach is generally safe, there is still work to be done, especially in Northwest Pompano. By working together as a community, we can make our city safer and more prosperous for all of its residents.

Pompano Beach is a “hot” destination. The city has revised its development codes to guide future growth. Do you believe this growth is good or bad for the city, and how well is it managing it?

The City’s revised development code can be very beneficial if it is managed effectively. It is crucial that development be smart, environmentally responsible, and economically inclusive so that all Pompano Beach residents can enjoy the benefits. Well-managed growth can increase tax revenues, which, if distributed wisely, can improve the well-being of our entire community.

To ensure that the wealth generated by this growth reaches every resident, we must invest in training programs, employment initiatives, and business development assistance. While the workforce has been accessible and responsive to concerns about the impact of growth, it is imperative that we continue to work to make this growth truly inclusive and beneficial for all of Pompano Beach.

Would you support an increase in pay and benefits for elected officials in your city? Why or why not?

I would answer no to that question, as the benefits and salary seem adequate at the moment.

What factor most differentiates you from your opponent(s) and why?

My candidacy for Pompano Beach City Commissioner for District 4 is driven by a deep commitment to community service and a proven track record of fostering collaboration and driving positive change. My extensive experience as a business owner has provided me with valuable skills in building consensus and fostering strong relationships – essential qualities for effective leadership.

Returning to Pompano Beach with a mission to serve, I dedicated myself to revitalizing Parkway East Apartments, a community long plagued by disrepair. By involving local youth in distributing flyers for updates, I fostered a sense of ownership and pride that is still remembered by those who participated. This approach exemplifies my belief in teamwork and inclusion, which are critical to addressing the diverse needs of our community.

Since 1997, I have served as Chairman of the Tiger Trail Street Festival, Pompano Beach’s only street festival that promotes community and local involvement. My leadership extends to serving as Vice Chairman of the Pompano Beach Chamber of Commerce, where I have advocated for economic development and supported local businesses. My roles as PTA Chairman of Palmview Elementary School, participant in the Big Brother program, and Chairman of the NAACP Affirmative Action Committee further demonstrate my dedication to community improvement and advocacy.

My efforts have been recognized with awards such as the Citizen of the Year Award from Kappa Alpha Psi and Omega Psi Phi Fraternity, reflecting my dedication to excellence and service. These experiences have given me a comprehensive understanding of the needs and aspirations of the residents of Pompano Beach.

As City Commissioner, I will leverage my background in community engagement, collaborative leadership, and advocacy to ensure that District 4 thrives. My vision includes enhancing local opportunity, fostering inclusive growth, and addressing critical issues to make Pompano Beach a better place for all of its residents.

List in reverse chronological order the colleges and universities attended, including the number of years attended and the degrees obtained.

Graduate Hours in Educational Guidance & Counseling from the University of Florida. I have a BA in Psychology with a minor in Socially from Bethune Cookman University.

Please provide your work history for the past 15 years in reverse chronological order.

Owner and agent of PF Insurance Inc, a property and casualty insurance company.

Have you ever been a party to a lawsuit, including bankruptcy or foreclosure? If so, please provide details about the case and its resolution.

Lawsuit and two other lawsuits to prevent the sale of one-third of Westview Cemetery.

Have you ever been charged or convicted of a crime or misdemeanor, including a guilty verdict that was withheld? If so, list the charges, dates, and terms of the sentence.

Nothing in the last 30 years.

Why should voters choose you over your opponent(s)?

Voters should elect me as City Commissioner for District 4 because of my proven leadership, extensive community involvement, and hands-on experience tackling local challenges. Unlike my opponents, I bring a unique blend of practical experience and a deep understanding of the issues that matter most to our residents.

My previous roles, including Vice President of the Pompano Beach Chamber of Commerce, President of Kendall Lakes Homeowners Association, and PTA President at Palmview Elementary School, demonstrate my ability to create positive change and work collaboratively. I also co-founded and chaired the Tiger Trail Festival Committee, which demonstrates my dedication to promoting community involvement and local pride.

I have served two terms as a city commissioner and have first-hand knowledge of local government and a strong track record of delivering results. I have focused on critical issues such as affordable housing, public safety, economic development, infrastructure, senior support, ending slums and blight, and environmental sustainability. I am committed to creating more opportunities for youth through sports programs, apprenticeship programs, and mentoring programs.

What sets me apart from my opponents is my combination of experience and practical solutions. My hands-on approach and proven ability to collaborate with diverse stakeholders makes me well-equipped to address the challenges facing our district and drive meaningful improvements.

When you elect me, you are electing a candidate who not only understands the needs of our community, but who also has a proven track record of leadership and is committed to making District 4 a better place for all residents.

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