September 18, 2024: How Derailed Does It Have to Get? (Videos) – Starship Earth: The Big Picture

It’s absolutely insane out there; the most insane storm we’ve ever seen; potential assassins with connections to Ukraine, explosives in cars and today snipers on the roof of the Trump compound.

Police confirm no threat to Donald Trump rally after report of ‘explosives’ in car

For those who claim, or to believe that Trump died… if he is dead, why all the assassination attempts? The disinformation artists always betray themselves. Trump is alive, very well protected—even divine—and the greatest threat and obstacle to the psychopaths who survive the storm and remain in power.

WH Grampa has linked Trump’s assassination to Diddy, who was just arrested, the exploding bank and Haiti. I recommend you check out the latest posts on X. It’s a goldmine.

The post below goes back in time to 2010 and the horrific man-made earthquake that caused so much devastation and trauma to Haiti and its people. We know that relief efforts were not about lending Haiti a helping hand, but about taking its vast resources, enriching the psychopaths (Clinton gang) and confiscating the most precious resource of all: the innocent children. The perpetrators make themselves sound so virtuous and generous, when in reality it is all about them and what she to receive, not to give or to be of service to others or to protect anyone but oneself.

Really? She stole 33 children?

The person in question is Laura Silsby, former director of The New Life Children’s Refuge. She was caught trying to steal 33 children out of the country, most of whom were not even orphans and had families.

We haven’t heard the last of this yet. The swamp creatures that plague Hollywood will be unmasked.

I stayed up late last night listening to the Field McConnell/Juan O’Savin Abel Danger reunion show on the Revival of America podcast. Juan and Jennifer couldn’t stay long because they had a ton of work to do before the election, but Field was appreciated for bringing Juan and Jennifer together, as they eventually got married, as Juan explains.

It was great to think back to the truther shows Field did when Juan would call in occasionally and get all excited about dropping truth bombs. After Juan left, Field did the usual Q&A. At 84, Field is an extraordinary man and patriot, and he sounds a lot stronger than he did a few months ago. We hope he finds great satisfaction in the fact that the truth about 9/11 is coming out, since he risked his life to expose the traitors.

Field also pointed out that some people who believe chemtrails are poisoning them are no longer in this realm. Was he alluding to the importance of creating your own reality? He also spoke about Timothy Charles Holmseth in response to a listener question, and the topic was quickly dropped as Holmseth is not discussed in that circle due to his lack of ethics. He seems to be another pretender like Craig ‘Sawman’ Sawyer, who publishes materials suggesting they are anti-pedophile crusaders for the children. Over 17,000 views to date.

We are hearing a lot of reports now of people being arrested for possession of “child abuse material.” What exactly does that term mean? It is important to know.

The U.S. Department of Justice uses the following definition on its website:

The term ‘child pornography’ is
currently used in federal laws and
is defined as any visual representation of
sexually explicit behavior involving a
person under the age of 18. While
This sentence still appears in the federal
Legally, “child sexual abuse material”
preferred because it is better
abuse depicted in the images
and videos and the resulting trauma
to the child. In fact, in 2016, a
international working group,
consisting of a collection of countries
and international organizations
working to combat child exploitation,
formally recognized “child sexual
“abuse material” as the preferred term.

The ‘panda eyes’ indicate that a child has been repeatedly raped by an adult.

It’s a vague term and I don’t believe even “sexual abuse” covers what children have been put through, and to suggest that the images these freaks share are sometimes created with AI and Photoshop flies in the face of their mission to expose these vile criminals who crave live interaction with babies, toddlers and children. They define the age as “under 18” when so often it is babies, toddlers and very young children who have no choice or escape from the torture. They are at the mercy of their captors.

A photo or video is of little use to the sick types. That is why so many of them are caught in criminal operations, where they pose on the internet as someone who would like to have a child as a friend, and try to arrange a meeting.

Those who do these things to children are demonic and must be exterminated. They only scratch the surface of a definition like the one above. They torture children of all ages. They cut them up, watch them bleed to death and scream, and worse.

Trump did not create Executive Order 13818 to seize/freeze the assets of people involved in human rights abuses because the problem is people sharing pictures of children. It is much worse than that and as members of the military around the world can attest, what goes on in those deep underground tunnels and military bases is terrifying and despicable. It is the lifestyle of the globalists and until Trump came along, they murdered and abused with impunity.

The Trump administration and the Alliance will reveal it all, but perhaps not in all the details. Some people just couldn’t handle it. We’ve had years to process the information, so it’s been gradual and we’ve had time to decide for ourselves what to believe, who’s telling the truth, what evidence has been verified, etc. The late bloomers won’t have that luxury and it’s going to be very hard for them.

The military seems intimately involved in what happens in America, but what they DON’T do is usually just as important as what they do accomplish.

White Hats scrap mission to steal Ryan Wesley Routh from federal custody

Dave from News Treason channel 17 pointed out a number in this article. How many states?

It’s time for trivia, because we have all sorts of different topics to discuss.

First, I noticed that this label for a plant I bought had an icon that looked eerily similar to the pedophile symbol of the boy-lover. It makes you wonder, doesn’t it? Once you know, you know, and you can’t unsee these things. Hopefully this was unintentional.

More and more often, when I see the WH Grampa thumbnail, it looks like Trump’s handwriting. He’s the only White House Grampa I can think of, but it could be many other people.

The TikTok video below shows that the Chinese knew about the “blue roof” security measure long before the mass murder scenario in Lahaina, Maui. What could that mean?

blue roof video china

Blue boat in Lahaina that did not burn in the fire

Finally, I’ll leave you with the links to Capt. Kyle’s Q&A starting in a few minutes, and to other shows.

CaptKyle Patriots Podcast Program!

Wednesday 9/18 @ 5:30pm CST
Capt Kyle and Kelly sit down with Jenni via The Revival of America Podcast on her channel for Q&A.

Thursday 9/19 @ 11:00am CST
Rob Cunningham is here with us at CaptKyle Patriots

Rob Cunningham holds a degree in Management Information Systems, serves in the USAF as an instructor pilot with combat experience and a top secret security clearance, worked as a pilot for a major airline for two years before being unceremoniously laid off, has worked in the investment and mortgage banking industry for twenty years, and has owned and supported a national leadership and sales development firm for over twenty years.

Friday 9/20 @7:00pm CST USA
Saturday 21/9 @10 AEST Australia
LTC Riccardo Bosi and Maj. Freddy join us for our bi-weekly update!

You can listen at various locations where we stream live:


🔈CaptKyle Patriots X account

🔈CaptKyle Patriots Rumble


Until next time, folks! ~ BP

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