Diversity Watch (September 18, 2024)


  • Data center emissions likely 662% higher than big tech claims. Can it keep up the ruse?

    The great “green” deception continues. It turns out that the third world produces the most microplastics, Big Tech produces a large share of emissions, and electric vehicles accumulate a lot of toxic waste. Nothing is real in Late Stage Democracy

  • Ohio Sheriff Says You Should ‘Write Down’ Addresses of Houses with Harris Signs

    He has a point. Those who are destroying our society have names and addresses.

  • Diddy is ‘just as bad as Epstein,’ says cop who raided Miami home riddled with sex rooms and hidden cameras

    Could our paedophilia problem be similar to what happened in Rotherham, Rochdale and West Yorkshire in the UK?

  • The Biden-Harris administration’s signature immigration programs admitted 1.3 million migrants, including gang members and terror suspects

    As long as they vote Democratic, no one asks questions.

  • AOC accuses Israel of violating international law after attack on Hezbollah-focused page

    Somehow blowing up people working for a known terrorist agency is controversial. Apparently Mossad has put explosives in pagers, phones and walkie-talkies.

  • Teamsters Union Refuses to Endorse Trump or Harris for President

    Even the unions realize that the new Marxist-Leninist government will bring bad news.

  • Kamala Harris mocks Trump’s call for mass deportations of illegal immigrants: ‘How’s that going to happen?’

    Just don’t tell her about Operation Wetback, I guess.

  • Plaintiffs attempt to maintain reparations case

    Every interest group wants to squeeze out the last subsidies before the system collapses.

  • New York lawyer admits manipulating immigration system in petition that could force him to pay $16 million in damages

    Bureaucratic systems run by half-hearted government employees are easy and profitable to abuse.

  • At least 8 people have died trying to cross the English Channel

    More deaths from reckless migrant policies that reward illegal entry into these countries. Send them back and there will be no more.

  • Living on a prayer: Half of US clergy support Trump, survey says

    What’s wrong with the other half? Individualistic, universalistic foreign religions prefer “equal souls” to preserving the West.

  • Racial and gender bias in US crime victim compensation programs highlighted in report

    White women know how to harness the system better than any other group.

  • Dutch right-wing government demands migration ban in Brussels

    The right in the Netherlands wants to escape the compulsory adoption of refugees sent from above in Brussels.

  • ‘Traditional grading’ favors white people: Pitt instructor

    The traditional grading method probably benefits Asian people the most, but the BRICS/BIPOC alliance wants to get rid of it because it hinders academic advancement for some minorities.

  • Research shows that political views, not race, influence responses to mass shooting data

    Interesting claim since most diversity votes left. Also: user reported data.

  • USF courses stop brainwashing students that US is ‘racist and sexist’

    People are fed up with the problems of minorities and the misconduct of those arrested and are accused of ‘systemic racism’.

  • Pregnancy completely changes mothers’ brains – study

    Parenthood completes a person. Men probably also undergo psychological changes.

  • Germany: AfD loses appeal over chairmanship of Bundestag committees

    The established bureaucracy (deep state) is giving them the Trump treatment by banning AfD from countless key positions.

  • Dutch King calls for better migration control, invokes rule of law

    We did better under the monarchy, which kept immigration to a minimum and remigrated regularly.

  • The crisis at Volkswagen: how can the European car industry survive?

    The bite of the bureaucratic state has crippled industry and unions have done the rest. Now they are discovering they cannot compete.

  • Green Party’s Jill Stein refuses to call Putin a ‘war criminal’

    I am pro-Uke – what nationalist wouldn’t be? – but if you call Putin a war criminal or say you want Ukraine to win this war, you have blocked negotiations.

  • Trump vows to restore SALT deduction as he prepares for rally in tax-rich New York

    The SALT deduction allows high-tax-diversity zones in California and the East Coast to pass on their state tax costs to the federal government. Removing the deduction localizes those expenses, putting pressure on states to balance their budgets.

  • In Ukraine, Trump plot suspect remembered as ‘insane’

    Leftist Man With Long-Term Mental Health Issues Tried to Assassinate Trump So He Would Look Cool on Instagram

  • ‘Racism expert’ Arizona professor attacks white students as ‘prime culprits’ for campus segregation

    Go for diversity, get accused of racism. Stick to your own, get accused of racism.

  • Homeland Security chief Alejandro Mayorkas ‘intentionally’ opened southern border: Biden’s former Border Patrol chief

    They want more people to be willing to vote Democrat no matter what.

  • More than 3,600 chemicals in food packaging found in human body

    We have democratized food. It is not going so well. Also note the growing pesticide disaster.

  • Nowadays people don’t do much volunteer work anymore: what’s going on?

    The experts blame the economy; I wonder what will be left of the community.

  • Hillary Clinton calls Trump ‘danger to our country and the world’ – just one day after second assassination attempt

    Crazy 1% communists say things like this and then wonder why people are trying to shoot Trump. We dodged a bullet in 2016. It seems like there is nothing right about the Clintons, but the baby boomers voted for them to fix “race relations”.

  • MK-ULTRA: Ottawa, McGill Move to Dismiss Lawsuit Over Montreal Brainwashing Experiment

    When we talk about the government trying to control “disinformation”…

  • Moroccan pickpocket run over and killed by socialite ‘was a known criminal who Italian police were trying to deport’, it emerges – as driver tells why she felt compelled to ram him… and the strange thing she did next

    People are getting tired of all this uncontrollable diversity crime.

  • Harris says she’s different from Biden because ‘I provide a new generation of leadership’

    More buzzwords from the diversity candidate.

  • The Other D-Day: France’s Forgotten Colonial Troops and the Provence Landings

    The colonial troops were replaced by untrained resistance volunteers.

  • Just another day in Germany: Bombing in Cologne follows summer of drug mafia-related violence

    What is this, Sweden? Moroccan organized crime detonating bombs in Germany.

  • Democrats have recruited third-party candidates to steal votes from Republicans, which could decide the close race for Congress in Virginia

    Only lunatics can feel safe in handing over power to this party.

  • ‘Migrant influencer’ Leonel Moreno who encouraged migrants to become squatters must be deported

    It is suspected that the boomerang will eventually return.

  • Fed Chairman Jerome Powell blames rising unemployment figures on influx of illegal immigrants

    Every now and then, one of the swamp creatures accidentally admits what’s going on. In the bigger picture, the swamp is preparing for President Trump.

  • ‘Micro-communities’ struggle

    Planned homeless housing communities are turning into the disaster that critics predicted.

  • Diane Abbott accuses Keir Starmer of treating her like a ‘non-person’

    Diversity bureaucrat finds herself being ignored after long history of making insane statements, even by left-wing standards.

  • ‘It’s part of our heritage’: Mexican Independence Day Parade in East Chicago celebrates 100th anniversary

    Assimilation is a right-wing fantasy.

  • Springfield resident says roads look like ‘Escape from New York’ after Haitian migrants flood city

    When you place people who are suited to one type of society in another type, you are bound to have problems.

  • Police are killing more Americans than ever before. Where is the outrage?

    The increasing disorder is leading to more confrontations between police and disobedient citizens.

  • The goal of the Trilateral Commission of technocracy is to create an immigration crisis to get there

    Technocrats want to abolish national culture so that ‘scientific management’ can dominate.

  • Do Your Boys Fight With Sticks, Nerf Guns, And Fake Swords All The Time? Here’s Why They Do It

    Somehow this article, which emphasizes the biological relevance of gender roles, crept into this otherwise left-leaning publication.

  • Nearly 100,000 Arizona voters are in limbo due to registration system glitch

    The rotten and worn-out American electoral system is showing increasing signs of wear and tear.

  • New funding to support Indigenous women and girls in Chetwynd against violence

    More money is flying out the door to address diversity issues. This is essentially a jobs program.

  • At the DNC I realized that Democrats are the party of the rich

    These are the track mixture “whites” that replaced the WASPs. Failed!

  • Harris is not providing details some voters say they want

    Trump won the debate by talking policy, while Harris rattled off a slew of buzzwords and headlines from DailyKos.

  • The climate scare stories that turn out to be wrong

    “Climate change” is their excuse to take over with a global federalist government along the lines of Lincoln and Keynes, and the corporate world goes along with it because there is a lot of money involved.

  • For many, the Justice Department is once again honoring political neutrality in the infringement

    Diversity DOJ prosecutes whites and conservatives, but stands aside when leftists and diversity misbehave. The Clintons run the DOJ and have done so since TWA 800.

  • Matt Walsh’s hilarious new film asks the question: ‘Am I a racist?’

    People are tired of ‘racism’ and ‘the rich’ being universal scapegoats.

  • Censorship for profit

    The new military-industrial complex is a censorship-industrial complex.


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