Daylight Saving Time 2024: When does Daylight Saving Time start in Australia and do clocks go forward or back in October?

The clocks go forward one hour again when daylight saving time starts in October. In some states, there is also a long weekend.

This change means that the days will become longer as temperatures rise towards summer.

Daylight Saving Time applies in New South Wales, the Australian Capital Territory, Victoria, South Australia and Tasmania, but not in Queensland, Western Australia and the Northern Territory.

From October, when daylight saving time starts, the clocks will go forward one hour again. (Nine)

Daylight Saving Time begins on Sunday, October 6 at 2:00 AM AEST.

Do the clocks go forward or backward?

The clock goes forward one hour.

At 02:00 AEST the hour hand will advance to 03:00 AEDT.

Do we lose an hour of sleep or do we gain an hour?

We will lose an hour of sleep, so be prepared to wake up on October 6th feeling slightly groggy.

In return, we get an extra hour of sunlight, so we can enjoy spring and summer outside.

An aerial view of Brisbane's CBD and the Brisbane River, including the Story Bridge
An aerial view of Brisbane’s CBD and the Brisbane River, including the Story Bridge (Getty)

What is the time difference between states and territories?

From October, NSW, the ACT, Victoria and Tasmania will be in the Australian Eastern Daylight Time zone.

In Queensland, Australian Eastern Standard Time remains in effect and is one hour ahead of the daylight saving time states.

South Australia observes Australian Summer Time and is half an hour behind the daylight saving time states.

Western Australia will continue to use Australian Western Standard Time, three hours behind the daylight saving time states.

The NT continues to use Australian Central Standard Time and is one and a half hours behind the Daylight Savings Time states.

So when it’s 12 noon in NSW, the ACT, Victoria and Tasmania, it’s 1 pm in Queensland, 11.30 am in South Australia, 9 am in Western Australia and 10.30 am in the NT.

From October, NSW, the ACT, Victoria and Tasmania will be in the Australian Eastern Daylight Time zone. (Dion Georgopoulos)

When does Daylight Saving Time end?

Daylight Saving Time ends on Sunday, April 6, 2025 at 3:00 am AEDT, when clocks will go back to 2:00 am AEST.

Why do we have Daylight Saving Time?

Australia first adopted daylight saving time during the First and Second World Wars. The aim was to reduce energy consumption after positive reports from Britain, which had itself adopted daylight saving time.

Tasmania was the first state to permanently implement Daylight Saving Time in 1967 as an emergency measure to conserve power and water supplies during a drought.

In 1971, the state advised the rest of Australia to synchronize their clocks as well.

NSW, the ACT, Victoria and South Australia chose to observe permanent daylight saving time, while Queensland, Western Australia and the NT did not.

New Zealand entomologist George Vernon Hudson and British builder William Willett are credited with inventing the modern idea of ​​Daylight Saving Time. (Getty)

Who invented Daylight Saving Time?

It is common knowledge that Benjamin Franklin first introduced the idea in an essay entitled An Economical Project in 1784.

But he simply proposed that Parisians get out of bed an hour earlier in the morning to save on their candle use.

New Zealand entomologist George Vernon Hudson and British builder William Willett are credited with inventing the modern idea of ​​Daylight Saving Time.

Hudson proposed in 1895 to move the service forward two hours in October and back again in March, but this never happened.

Ten years later, Willett proposed putting the clocks forward 20 minutes every Sunday in April and putting them back to the same time every Sunday in September.

It was not until the war in 1916 that Germany and later the United Kingdom took this measure to save energy.

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