NEWS: Alberta Premier Danielle Smith announces opening of Alberta’s new $1.6 billion Calgary Cancer Centre

Background: The NDP bribes were paid long ago and PCL Construction was awarded the $1.6 billion project. Everyone involved has already made money from this Calgary Cancer Centre. It served its purpose.

Now to the many elephants in the room:

Alberta Health Services (AHS) is currently denying adequate cancer patient care and intentionally killing cancer patients like 41-year-old Edmonton cancer patient Steven Wong, a stage 4 cancer patient who couldn’t find an oncologist for three months and died while waiting. AHS didn’t even send a medical student to see him.

AHS is also intentional sabotaging cancer care since 2016.

This will remain the case.

1. AHS executives, starting with AHS CEO Verna Yiu, stole millions of dollars from AHS Cancer Care funds to Field law lawyers to cover up serious crimes committed by dozens of AHS directors and AHS managers in the province.

This theft has been going on since at least 2016, after RachelNotley AHS Cancer Chief Dr.Paul Grundy Fired and replaced him with a mafia bureaucrat Dr Matt Parliament who was backed by the PCL Construction mafia who then mysteriously awarded this $1.6 billion cancer center contract by the NDP.

NDP would then hand over many billions of dollars in AHS contracts to the PCL mafia, including the $650 million Edmonton Superlab and the $2 billion South Edmonton Hospital (and many, many more)

AHS CancerCare Director and Board Member of AlbertaCancer Dr. Matt Parlement, started stealing millions of dollars for his boss, AHS VP Dr. Francois Belanger, who was AHS CEO Verna Yiu’s partner and co-leader of AHS. He’s the one digging up the photo and breaking ground on this cancer center next to Rachel Notley in a stupid white helmet.

These AHS managers ultimately killed most of my 2,456 cancer patients at the Cross Cancer Institute and more than AHS spent $10 million on legal fees (not counting bribes to more than a dozen Alberta judges).

As Albertans saw in the murder case of Sheila Annette Lewis (an unvaccinated pulmonary fibrosis transplant patient who was denied a transplant because she was not vaccinated), the courts always side with AHS and AHS crimes, including patient murder.

So there is a huge amount of money from Cancer Care that can be stolen because UCP does not require oversight, just like NDP before them.

I’ll give you a little example. One of my AHS bosses, AHS Director of Cancer Research at the Cross Cancer Institute in Edmonton, Dr. Sandy McEwan, would fly his mistress (an older prostitute) to Barcelona, ​​Spain for expensive dinners and would pay for it all with AHS Cancer Research Funds stolen from the Cross Cancer Institute in Edmonton. The documents exist (don’t bother burning down my garage, AHS lawyers Mark Jackson and Jon Faulds, they’re not there, but they’re safe).

This same AHS prostitute or escortwas then bribed to damage my medical license (after I turned down AHS’s offer of $400,000 to sign a non-disclosure agreement) and after giving false testimony against me, he was rewarded with a $200,000 job and an appointment at the University of Alberta as Professor and head of the Department of Physiotherapy at the Faculty of Rehabilitation Medicine (Margriet Wieler)To this day, the AHS lawyers (who are reading this and charging Alberta taxpayers $1,000 an hour to read, photograph and record all of my social media posts) are outraged that I made this information public.

It is actually one of the biggest scandals in the history of the University of Alberta, as University Provost and Vice President Steven Dew (and University President David Turpin) facilitated this AHS bribery and appointed Marguerite to Chair and Professor – despite the fact that she did not have the academic background required to be a Chair or Professor at the University of Alberta. She was a postdoctoral student.

Margriet WIELER | Professor, chair...

Sandy McEwan would have a good laugh if he used cancer research money to fly his elderly mistress around the world. It was just one of the many perks of being an AHS executive (and a high-ranking one at that).

Think about that the next time the Alberta Cancer Foundation wants you to bike 100km to raise money for cancer research. Someone at AHS flies their mistress to Barcelona with your hard-earned money for cancer research and laughs about it.

All of Alberta’s doctor and nurse staffing shortages are artificial and is monitored by AHS Executives who use it as political leverage to extract more money every year (about $1-2 billion extra per year).

Prime Minister Smith has already shown himself to be extremely weak by failing to address the artificial staff shortages in the AHS, the closure of emergency departments, the shortage of oncologists, etc.

Short Staffing at AHS fulfills 3 roles:

1. It allows AHS funds to be stolen – Alberta taxpayers pay for clinical patient care that is not provided by AHS administrators and UCP does not ask where the money went. They are given falsified AHS books and told to keep their mouths shut and quiet.

2. It is used as political leverage to attack UCP and keep UCP MPs in check – NDP & Nenshi know this game very well and play it beautifully, because the people of Alberta have NO IDEA what is going on.

3. AHS uses this as leverage to expand their own budget so they can steal more tax dollars from Alberta. AHS gets an extra $1-2 billion a year, NDP and UCP both comply or the media will attack them.

AHS has banned virtually all cutting-edge cancer research – it is seen as a “waste of time and money” because that money is there to be stolennot used to improve cancer care in Alberta

who have shown exceptionally poor judgment and pose a danger to themselves and their cancer patients.

They will be forced to continue giving mRNA shots to cancer patients, accelerating their cancers and creating turbo cancers. which I think is good for business, but bad for the quality of cancer care provided to Albertans.

The college must ensure that doctors are kept to all aspects of the fraud surrounding the COVID-19 pandemic and the mRNA vaccine fraud. Prime Minister Smith has shown extreme weakness here once again.

AHS continues to report false COVID-19 “outbreaks,” as David Dickson has reported in more detail.

Why are AHS leaders sabotaging Alberta’s cancer care, cancer innovation, cancer research, and intentionally killing cancer patients?

You have to understand it long term.

Sure, there are billions of dollars are stolen or sluiced away, but the bigger picture is this:

Ultimately, the AHS board is loyal not only to the NDP, but also to the federal Liberal government.

In 2015 the Federal Liberals decided that they would invest heavily in the Pharmaceutical Industry and Cancer was a big part of that. Huge.

They had a “Silicon Valley” of healthcare in mind in Canada. Do you think it would happen in Calgary, Alberta? NO. Their “Silicon Valley” was Vancouver, BC.

Health care bureaucrats across Canada were ordered to dismantle all cutting-edge medical innovations, including cutting-edge cancer care and cancer research programs. Mine was one of them. I was in the wrong place at the wrong time.

Alberta has been the target of attacks more than any other province.

That is why AHS has stopped all innovation and research, dismantled groundbreaking cancer programs (Dr. Robert Nordal and his Gamma Knife research at the Tom Baker Cancer Centre in Calgary, myself and my medical isotope research at the Cross Cancer Institute in Edmonton) and over the last 9 years has reduced our level of medical care to third world levels or worse.

In fact, AHS executives are traitors who have been tasked with dismantling our health care system, not improving it.

Alberta Premier Jason Kenney couldn’t figure out how to AHS Executive mafia and they ended both his and Shandro‘s political career. Because Shandro had so much dirt on AHS, AMA, and the College, he was eventually overruled and now sits on the board of Covenant Health.

And this is just the tip of the iceberg.

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