German authorities have seized servers of over 40 crypto exchanges. When attempting to access several Russian-language online exchange websites, users are automatically redirected to a page of the German police, dedicated to the operation "Last exchange."


The page contains a message addressed to “associates of ransomware gangs, botnet owners and providers of other dark web services”, stating that police have seized the servers of exchange services suspected of being used by criminals.

In addition, it is stated that the police have their personal data, transaction data and IP addresses.

Full text of the message (spelling preserved):

Dear members of ransomware gangs, botnet owners and other dark web service providers:

For years, operators of illegal cryptocurrency exchanges assured you that their server locations were undiscoverable, that they did not store customer data, and that all information was deleted immediately after the transaction was confirmed. Apparently, these anonymous exchanges allowed you to launder the proceeds of your criminal activities without fear of prosecution.

But we consider these promises as empty!

We found and seized their development, work and backup servers. We have data from these servers: your data (transactions, registration data, IP addresses).

From now on we will follow your trail. See you offline!

The page lists 47 exchanges, with details of their launch dates, user numbers and transactions.

Most of the exchange websites are no longer accessible.”

submitted by /u/XGramatik to r/XGramatikInsights
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