For bloody cult fanatics who defend open borders: buy your own utopian island and take these 153 illegal foreign sex criminals with you

It’s worse than that. Much worse.

We are talking about just one immigration office, in Baltimore. This is their announcement:

“The arrest of Madai Gamaliel Amaya underscores the tremendous work our ERO (Enforcement and Removal Operations) officers do every day,” said ERO Executive Associate Director Daniel Bible. “This is a milestone in ERO Baltimore’s arrests, as they have arrested a record 153 non-civil sex offenders in their area of ​​operations in a single fiscal year…”

One office. 153 illegal foreign sex offenders. In one year.

And we haven’t even mentioned the alien sex offenders who haven’t been caught.

There are 24 ERO headquarters across the country. Each office has multiple sub-offices. Baltimore, which arrested the 153 sex offenders, is not even a headquarters. It is a sub-office under Washington DC.

That gives you an idea of ​​how many sex offenders are allowed into the country.

How about Muslim men coming to America? We are told that the subjugation, violence, and rape of women by such men is a racist myth. Really? Read this for a counter-opinion (link in footnote).

Of course, a major public debate on this topic is taboo. We have to believe that the issue has already been decided. In favor of Islam.

These are countries with a Muslim majority (or regions within those countries) where some form of slavery currently exists: Mali, Nigeria, Somalia, Pakistan, UAE, Qatar, Sudan, Yemen, Saudi Arabia, Libya and Mauritania.

This raises questions about men from these countries immigrating to the US. Is there some sort of legitimate screening process? How would it even work?

I could discuss several other areas of sex crimes and the border (e.g. drug cartels and human trafficking). But:

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