Former Irish tennis coach jailed for sex offences

Former Irish tennis coach jailed for sex offences

A 33-year-old former tennis coach, with an address in Co Leitrim, has been sentenced to six and a half years in prison for multiple child sex offences in Britain.

Sean Francis McGranaghan, of Mill Apartments, Dromahair, was found guilty by a jury of two charges of attempting to make sexual communications with a child and two charges of attempting to incite a child to engage in sexual activity.

McGranaghan, who had pleaded not guilty, was sentenced at Bristol Crown Court last month following an investigation by the UK’s South West Regional Organised Crime Unit (SWROCU).

Detective Constable David Wells of SWROCU’s Online Investigations Team said: “Sean McGranaghan is a dangerous individual who has never admitted any responsibility for his appalling crimes.”

He added: “The judge has given him a significant prison sentence in response and I am pleased that he no longer poses a risk to children while in custody.”

McGranaghan first came to SWROCU’s attention when he made online contact with someone he thought was a child in January 2023, but who was a specialist secret agent.

The unit confirmed to RT News that he was living in Ireland when he first came to their attention.

McGranaghan also came to the attention of undercover officers from the Metropolitan Police late last year, when he also communicated online with someone he thought was a real child.

He was arrested at Gatwick Airport in May 2023 by SWROCU officers from the Online Investigations Team. He remained free on bail in the UK while he awaited trial.

McGranaghan has worked as a tennis coach in the North West of Ireland in recent years.

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Sligo Tennis Club has issued a statement to members stating that Tennis Ireland has been informed that Sean McGranaghan, who previously coached at our club (September 2021-December 2022), has been sentenced to six and a half years imprisonment in England.

The members were extensively informed about the convictions and it was added that there were no indications of inappropriate behaviour within the club.

It added that it was “working to identify the children who attended the coaching groups when Mr McGranaghan was coaching. We will make every effort to contact all parents in due course.”

Sligo Tennis Club said it “would like to take this opportunity to assure all members that our club is strictly adhering to all safeguarding requirements of Sport Ireland, Tennis Ireland, Badminton Ireland and Irish Squash.”

It added that “Mr McGranaghan has been screened by police in accordance with the safeguarding policy and meets all the required qualifications to coach with Tennis Ireland.”

The club said it “remains committed to maintaining a safe and supportive environment for all its members and appreciates your cooperation in upholding these important standards.”

McGranaghan was given an indefinite sexual abuse prevention order and will remain on the sex offenders register for the rest of his life.

SWROCU said he was not travelling from Ireland to the UK when he was arrested at Gatwick Airport.

The unit also confirmed that contact had been made with An Garda Sochna regarding the matter.

A Garda spokesman said it “has assisted international police forces when formal requests have been received, either through international mutual assistance requests or through professional police-to-police requests. However, An Garda Sochna does not comment on the specific details of any request.”

SWROCU works with a network of undercover officers across the UK who tackle online crime, including child sexual abuse and exploitation.




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