CNN host and Dem analyst blows fuse, accuses Trump campaign of ‘endangering’ lives, ‘gaslighting’ over immigration crisis

CNN anchor Kate Bolduan and Democratic analyst Karen Finney went all out on Marc Lotter, chief communications officer at the American First Policy Institute and former director of strategic communications for the Trump-Pence administration, during an interview on the network on Thursday.

Bolduan accused Lotter and Donald Trump’s campaign of “gaslighting” the American people over the immigration crisis, particularly regarding allegations of Haitians eating pets in Springfield, Ohio.

“What they need, as the mayor himself said, is help. Not hate. Not the KKK showing up, not the Proud Boys showing up.”

“When we talk about immigration, there is now this added fact that Donald Trump is now promising that he is going to go to Springfield, Ohio, in the next two weeks to continue to push what the Republican governor has called a bunch of nonsense in terms of these conspiracy theories about immigrants eating pets,” Bolduan said.

“Why would you advise him to do that?” Bolduan asked Lotter.

“Absolutely, I would encourage him to go because what’s happening in Springfield, Ohio, what’s happening in Aurora, Colorado, it’s not just about a specific incident, it’s about what we’re seeing this uncontrolled immigration do to these communities, as people are fighting for housing, fighting for services,” Lotter responded.

Bolduan quickly interrupted and snapped at Lotter: “No, it definitely has to do with specific things, Marc. Come on!”

“I have officially entered the realm of gaslighting,” she continued. “I have good friends and analysts who have come out in the last two days and told me that what is reality is not reality. Marc, the governor says it’s bullshit. … There are no pets being eaten in Springfield, so it is an embodiment or a representation of absolutely zero.”

Lotter then explained that the town, which previously had a population of about 60,000, has now been overrun by the 15,000 to 20,000 Haitian nationals who have been “dumped into that community.”

Finney replied, “No,” as Lotter continued.

“You have residents who are concerned, they’re dealing with reduced services, they’re seeing their parks being overrun,” Lotter said. “There are discussions about people squatting on other people’s property. There are a lot of issues there.”

Finney replied again, “No.”

“Look at what’s happening in Aurora, Colorado, where Venezuelan gangs are taking over apartment complexes,” Lotter added.

Finney again rejected Lotter’s statements.

“It’s disgusting and shameful and it’s putting the lives of children and families at risk! Shame on him and shame on J.D. Vance because this is the truth,” Finney barked. “Nobody dumped people in Springfield, Ohio. Businesses in Ohio were short on jobs. They recruited Haitian migrants who are in this country legally to help fill the low-level jobs that people who lived there didn’t want to do. That’s what happened.”

She continued: “What they need, as the mayor himself said, is help. Not hate. Not the KKK showing up, not the Proud Boys showing up.”

Finney accused Trump of using a “political tactic,” claiming he “demonized, dehumanized and lied about migrants to scare people.”

She wondered how the Trump administration would carry out mass deportations.

“Are the cops going to go door to door and pull people out of their homes? How are they going to determine who’s here legally and who’s not? Are they going to be deportation camps? I’m telling you, it’s a disaster. And who’s going to pay for it?” Finney asked.

Lotter suggested that deportation efforts begin with the criminals and gang members.

“You’re going to have to define what a criminal is because some immigrants in Springfield, Ohio, are being wrongly labeled as criminals by Donald Trump!” Bolduan claimed.

Lotter said: “There are so many communities that are struggling to keep up with services, whether it’s New York, Chicago, Los Angeles or wherever. Now we’re seeing it go to smaller communities. People are concerned.”

Lotter noted that Trump “addressed” the “problems” in these communities.

“Just, on a factual basis, it doesn’t highlight a problem. It’s not because it’s not actually happening in Springfield. Go find your problem somewhere else if you want the facts,” Bolduan responded. “That’s my point. It’s not, Marc, that there are no problems with immigration in this country right now. Democrats and Republicans agree with that, but the problem here is finding examples that don’t exist.”

Finney argued that the country needs “comprehensive immigration reform that includes a path to citizenship for those who are in the country legally.”

Lotter interrupted Finney and claimed that she was proposing mass amnesty.

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