Australian National Review – Anti-gender ideology protesters take on radical LGBT group: Which side is the unwavering one?

Unfortunately, it’s hard to believe that the one million mark was reached, given the turnout in Canada’s largest city, where fewer than 100 people showed up and the most frequently asked question was, “Where is everyone?”

There was also a small counter-demonstration made up of the LGBTQ etc. community. As usual, the various ghost unicorns, inexplicably accompanied by a small group of pro-Hamas hooligans, wore problems on their shirts. They were diligently trying to stop the demonstration and drown out speakers (and probably would have succeeded if not for law enforcement.)

But even though the turnout was much lower than last year, it was another indication that mama bear and papa bear have woken up to the radicalized sex education agenda being taught in far too many schools, thanks to far too many school boards hell-bent on indoctrinating and sexualizing young children. It does indeed seem that indoctrination is more important than education these days, even at the elementary school level. Clearly, the parents who care about their children have had enough.

But it was sad to see how these people were demonized by the unhinged members of the rainbow mafia. While the parents were condemned as “fascists,” it was the counter-protesters who embraced the tactics of fascists, ranging from intimidation to outright violence.

Members of the public sector union were also there, including Fred Hahn of CUPE, a prolific anti-Semite. Unfortunately, Hahn declined to comment when asked if he is afraid to answer his cell phone, pager or walkie-talkie.

But while the LGBT and their crazy Antifa allies claim to espouse a philosophy that “love trumps hate,” the opposite is clearly true. They were the ones who were being hateful and unable to articulate their views (which is normal).

And another thing: why were so many of these thugs still wearing face masks now that COVID-19 measures have long since been lifted? Certainly not to hide their identity?

In short, the turnout at this year’s protest was dismal — at least in Toronto — but the sentiments were sincere. Namely, groomers, keep your perverted hands off our children…

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