Sultan of Selangor orders closure of unregistered GISBH houses amid criminal probe

PETALING JAYA:His Royal Highness, the Sultan of Selangor, has expressed his disappointment and regret that the religious authorities did not take action earlier against the social homes run by Global Ikhwan Services and Business Holdings (GISBH). These homes were not registered and operating in Selangor.

In an official statement from Istana Alam Shah in Klang, Sultan Sharafuddin Idris Shah ordered the immediate closure of all unregistered charities and Islamic schools in Selangor under GISBH and its network that are suspected of being involved in criminal activities.

“Most of the charities overseen by GISBH involved in the investigation have been operating in various states of the country, particularly in the state of Selangor, without registration as required by current legislation.

“The network of the organisation is so vast that this problem has become serious and out of control and I would like to remind all parties, especially the religious authorities, to take the GISBH issue seriously because it involves children and the deviant teachings they practice,” he said.

The police investigation has yielded evidence pointing to serious crimes, including abuse of schoolchildren, child exploitation, forced labour and sexual offences, including sodomy, being committed in several charitable institutions, including Islamic religious schools under the auspices of the GISBH.

He noted that there were also suspicions that practices contrary to Islamic beliefs were taking place at several GISBH locations.

“All these criminal acts have tarnished the good name and sanctity of Islam,” he said.

Sultan Sharafuddin said he had summoned the chairman of the Selangor Islamic Religious Council (Mais), the director of the Selangor Islamic Religious Department, the Selangor police chief and several other Mais members for a meeting to obtain full information on the matter and determine what immediate steps should be taken.

“The Selangor State Fatwa Committee has also been urged to investigate whether GISBH practices deviate from or contradict the true teachings of Islam,” he added.

He urged parents to thoroughly check the background of religious schools and daycare centers before enrolling their children.

“Remember that children are a confidant of Allah SWT, and it is the parents and guardians who are responsible for creating a good future for them,” he said.

In addition, the Selangor State Fatwa Committee has been tasked to investigate whether GISBH practices deviate from Islamic teachings.

His Royal Highness also urgently warned all parties, and in particular the religious authorities, to take the actions of the GISBH group seriously, especially when it involves children and suspected heretical practices.

“Immediate and decisive action must be taken without compromise according to the law against all those who commit crimes against children and practices contrary to the faith, in order to preserve the purity of Islam.

“I don’t want us to be empty vessels that are only good at talking but don’t show results. We have to stick to the principles of doing what we say or putting words into action,” he added.

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