
@cassidyclown so be it,
Dark Psychological Tactics of Manipulation

This is a list of every dark psychological method that has been used against me by a group or groups of individuals participating in a coordinated gang stalking effort in an attempt to cause psychological destabilization.

Note – my computer and social media has been compromised by the gang stalkers. I present this list as the best way to protect myself and will continue to do so. Further, by recording, from an anthropological perspective the way that people act and the “legends” and mythologies they live under I have to acknowledge that I may also be in some respects be inventing these legends. There is no way to separate the observed from the observer in social observations. That said, I have attempted to provide cross cultural examples, video evidence, websites and the like in order to verify my claims as best I can.

I present these tactics in no particular order. I present a hypothesis that many of these tactics are designed to manipulate people by the existence of a “double-double bind” which sounds similar to the Russian concept of the dialectic with a subtle distinction. In a double-double bind the target is given a stimulus by a manipulator of the form

Negative painful stimulus to avoid what the manipulator wants the target to avoid or a positive stimulus to repeat a stimulus that the manipulator wants the target to continue.

The double bind is

– The target can go against the wishes of the manipulator and put up with stimulus
– The target can do what the manipulator wants (at their own personal expense)


– The user can say something against the manipulator but this would require

A) Acknowledging that the manipulation is occurring and that the manipulator is having an effect on the target’s well being. This then forces the target to concede the manipulator has power over them.
B) The manipulation can be recorded for what it is. Unfortunately, most of these tactics are subtle and can be denied. The use of marijuana and drugging of the subject causes these tactics to be even more hard to discern and the use of imprinting is used to confuse the subject.
C) Saying something about the manipulation to a third party doesn’t make the subject appear crazy. This is especially difficult if the subject has something to lose such as a family or children or a reputation they care about. It is even more difficult if the subject is being gang stalked – that is the subject does not know who is the primary agent that is manipulating them and who are people hired to do so.

The best way to defeat condition C) is to record the double bind across multiple vectors until it would be more illogical to deny that something wasn’t happening than to acknowledge that something was. This non-linear reasoning is neither inductive nor inductive, but comes from the psychedelic tradition popularized among conspiracy theorists during the 1960s and 70s. See The Illuminatus! by Robert Anton Wilson and On A Pale Horse by Piers Anthony.

It should also be mentioned that many of these tactics are presented as a syndrome. That is, they work best to induce the target to become psychologically destabilized when used in conjunction as they have synergistic effects. There will be mentions and references throughout the list below to other methods of social control. Any method can be the entry point to the multiple attack vectors that can be used against the target, although, unless the target has a prior history or family history of psychological destabilization the use of aerosolized drugs (marijuana/methamphetamine/fentanyl) are often necessary to induce psychological susceptibility.

These tactics are designed to inculcate a victim mentality, belief in superstition, and a passive attitude to self agency in addition to a submissive personality to the gang stalkers / manipulators. They are subtle enough to induce someone to commit theft, murder, extortion or any other number of other activities that would go against the principles of the subject. The reason the manipulators do this is because these activities typically require a clean chain of reasoning for society to determine guilt. If a useful scapegoat is found to blame for a crime, and the scapegoat believes that they did themselves of their own free will, the manipulator is able to commit crimes without personal risk.

I am currently being manipulated and gang stalked. I am presenting these tactics as evidence of the manipulation. I don’t care about my reputation. I don’t have (much) proof, but I consider the recording of these tactics as an inoculation of the use of these tactics on other people.

Editing of online posts – Many of my online posts have been edited after posting to introduce errors into my text, including changing words to other words that avoid the spell check (I found “gang talking\” rather than \”gang stalking”). Given that this is on a social media platform, either the owners of the platform or someone who has access to my account has been logging in and editing my post to add subtle errors to the text in order to discredit me. This is a prime example of a double-double bind. This also allows the people monitoring my communications to know when I am editing and reading my posts, and is a form of surveillance and information control.

Clothes Manipulation

The use of color theory in order to manipulate people, most especially with clothing –

– Red and Green “You’re blind to what I want/you should do”
– Pink “Stop”
– Red “Stop”
– Yellow “Chicken”
– Stripes “Jail”
– Black/White – without ecumenical left/right meaning, “for real\”, it’s in \”black and white” – see Black Lives Matter (and coincidentally) Islamic State flag.
– Black and White checkers – the “race” is over, I’m done attempting to love you
– Polk dots “sickness”
– Fuzzy sweaters on women – “you’re acting like a child”
– leather pants on women – “I want to have sex with you/someone”
– the carrying of water bottles – I’m carrying your water for you/sharing of water. See “Dune\”, see \”Stranger in A Strange Land”
– Backpacks – I have a military backpack that has allowed me to exist in public and blend in with civilized society despite being homeless. Because manipulative narcissists want me to push a shopping cart (see homeless training) they will pay people the homeless to show up wherever I am with a military style backpack. (See shylock manipulation, see non-hypocrisy manipulation)
– “Brand awareness\” – stopping smoking marijuana when people with \”Champion\” style t-shirts will come into my field of view. Has something to do with Freddy Mercury and AIDs (again, not gay, never have had sex). This person is supposed to be my \”Champion.\” (See coercive sexual manipulation). Other brands have different \”messages\” such as Nike’s Just Do It is supposed to mean that I can \”just do” what I want. This is done over and over again when I have been gassed with marijuana against my will and is done in order to make me follow or care about brands of clothing.

In particular with Black and White this is used as a threat – if someone is wearing a black and white shirt with a place name on it <LOCATION> this can mean that at <LOCATION> unless you’re wearing sunglasses someone will smoke marijuana around you. This is a method of social control exhibited by members of the Grateful Dead cult.

Conversely, a tie-dye shirt means that the person can “see\” color. This is often done by smoking marijuana around the subject. Constant exposure to marijuana and then withdrawal can cause dopamine withdrawal and fully body shivers. This has led many people who have been overly exposed to marijuana to overeat and excessive wait gain, wearing large amounts of warm clothing, exercise. Hence the idea of the \”dancing” bear.

This has synergies with garbage training of the homeless. By dropping clothing hangers on the ground the manipulators are simultaneously signalling that they are “aborting\” you, while threatening you with clothes that they have purchased found etc, that they will wear around you while smoking drugs. This sensitizes the subject/target to looking at objects at the ground and being manipulated by the homeless, and can be considered an entry point. The alternative is to admit one is \”dead\” and follow the dictates of the collective – that is smoke dope where one is not \”allowed,” or wear sunglasses and have a reason to be at that location. Or join some other cult (like a religion). See Grateful Dead Syndrome for more details (tbd).

(Again, it should be noted that these clothing items do not, in small doses, affect non-targets, but only when used en masse by a large number of people smoking aerosolized drugs near the target and wearing humiliating or message driven clothing. Again, there are a variety of ways to control the target, but knowing the location of the target to continue the use of this is key. If the target manages to find a large audience (such as a television station – as in the movies Network and They Live) then they can inform others that they are being targeted. Use of cell phone location data and the mass use of information dis-information on the internet today now makes this method more accessible.)

More examples than I’d care to talk about.

– Having people walk past on crutches and with broken arms when the person does something that the manipulator does not like.

– The use of slogans on t-shirts signalling loyalty from one group or another

Hats – see condom.

The goal of this manipulation is to acclimatize people to manipulation through the use of clothing so that they themselves will start using these signals.

This attack vector has synergies with eye contact manipulation, body posture manipulation and sidewalk manipulation (see Eye Contact Manipulation, Body Posture Manipulation, Sidewalk Manipulation). As the subject must look at people in order to maneuver his body through space he then is induced to look at people’s torsos in order to otherwise ignore them, thus opening him up to reading shirts, slogans, and recognizing color signs on clothing.

The use of body posture as a signal –

– Arms crossed – I’m not happy
– Legs crossed – I don’t want to be “open” to you
– One knee bent – I am showing “allegiance” to you
– One knee bent while against wall – I am showing allegiance to you and am acting as “the wall” (see Pink floyd)
– Shaking knees open – I’m about to cross my knees and no longer be “open” to you
– Hand gestures (OK sign – thumb and index finger touching three other fingers aloft, middle finger up, pinky out “promise\”, two fingers \”peace sign\”, hands in/out of pocket (\”I am communicating\”/\”I am not communicating”)). This can be induced when the user must look at another person’s hand gestures as a matter of course – when someone pushes a button on a phone/cash register/elevator – which finger do they use?

This mostly comes from prison slang where gangs need to find a way to communicate. Again, the goal of this psychological manipulation is to make the person need to be acclimatized to this conditioning so that they then have to use it themselves (see when Jackie is arrested in Jackie Brown – one knee up one leg down in “allegiance”).

There are also hand signals that are used. Tugging on the ears means listen, wiping one’s nose means clean up your act, and using the index finger down the cheek means sadness. You can signal a large amount of information this way. For example, take a look at the “Wolf of Wallstreet\” where the main character meets the penny stock trader and the \”Wolf” crosses his legs and the penny stock trader pantomimes wiping away a tear. You can also look at several of Donald Trump’s emergency COVID meetings and watch when the joint chiefs of staff wipe their eyes or tug their ears to certain key elements in the president’s speech. This sort of body language is more common in both the military and in prison because these people are both acclimatized to communicating via body language. (Incidentally, having the generals in the background while the president was giving a national address on COVID was probably a security leak).

Manipulation used primarily by gang members –

Pants down among blacks – you’re being embarrassing and not doing what I want.
Use of gold chains – I am being your paid protector. See golden hand cuffs.

Drugging potential users into being customers or workers – One method of control by the gangs is to drug a potential user and having this trigger their fight or flight reflex. If their flight reflex is triggered they become passive, paranoid, and easy manipulated. If their fight reflex is triggered it forces them to interact with their potential abuser and the anger can be used to dispel the high. This is a method of forcing someone to become a potential worker in the gang or a customer. This is used with harder synthetic chemicals and not marijuana (the come on is not nearly as heavy or strong) – most likely contained in a vape.

Mystical “Reincarnation\” – Surrounding the target with those inputs to consciousness that other people through history have liked. For example if Charles Manson happened to \”like” the Beatles, bell bottom pants, and ate strawberry ice cream then you would surround the target with these inputs. This is more difficult to pull off as it requires near total information control over the target across multiple vectors.

Rearranging food items in grocery stores is a form of “creepy crawling\” in reference to Manson, that at the same time is a method of calling the subject fat or that their \”house” is the grocery store (see Food Manipulation).

Here the double-double bind is that the target does not want to be compared publicly to a serial killer, but then he conforms to the manipulative tactics of the abuser by looking for “good” role models, rather than thinking for himself and living an original life. Guide the target to biographies of famous figures, or fictional stories in which there are profiles of several different personality types, over and over again.

Currently the gang stalking has taken to acting out scenes from the current book I’m reading Cults by Max Cutler. Couples grinding against each other in public while I read about the NXIVM cult in one instance.

“Age\” Empathy Manipulation – Related to mystical reincarnation. Making someone believe or feel that they are not the age that they are. This is difficult to accomplish and requires a syndrome of multiple attack vectors and is used through repeated stressors. Putting high frequency sounds near public toilets, putting \”#17\” on the Tags cloud for libranet, using food manipulation and pavlovian response to time to make people leave an area when school gets out (3:00pm) or take a nap. Highlighting stories related to sleep on news.ycombinator.com https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=34780343. Related to paraphilic infantilism but taken as the extreme in non-consent by mystical narcissistic manipulators. In it’s extreme form it can result in the inability to read (through continual drugging and sound stressors), have a \”college\” education (through continual stressors, irrational/rational dichotomy manipulation, access to advanced materials) and thus be a \”teenager,\” and require a \”parent\” or authority figure in order to \”help” in daily life. Arrange so the target is more likely (through pavlovian response) to be in those areas where there are children, school outings, and so on. Extremely dangerous, can cause the subject to turn to violence. The use of adding hypnotizing elements to otherwise benign paraphilic infantilist pornography – Example here – https://hypnotube.com/embed/37375.

This is important – Note that this attack vector most might come from the CIA or MI6. Here’s my reasoning. First, there would have to be an explanation for all of the strange computer issues I’ve had and Macs are difficult to compromise with a virus (which would have to avoid detection by a virus scanner and an update of the OS). I suspect that the way that this virus entered my computer was through a memory leak in my video buffer in the browser or the operating system that affected the computer at the BIOS level. There is a high level of information density in the video and it would be easy enough for the attacker to replace the video with a clean copy that did not include the virus (if a virus could be encoded in a certain sequence of pixels), by replacing the frames. Additionally, since someone is liable to watch this video inebriated (which I did) then the target might blame themselves for these computer errors. Given that the video says it’s from the CIA and is of a sexually humiliating nature, it would be absurd to assume that it was (and if the target does so it would discredit them).

What is almost as astounding as the video itself is that, unless every website has decided to act strangely with my computer (specifically) at once, that there is a virus on my computer that was able to infect it via the video buffer. It may be that several of these types of videos would need to be watched in sequence for this attack to work the virus assembling on the computer from several inject bits of code (I have watched multiple of this type of video). If it is possible to infect a computer with a virus via the video buffer then thousands of systems that were thought to be secure are not, depending on the hardware and the exploit (my computer is a first generation M1 chip).

The last time I masturbated to the linked video the CIA extradited a high ranking North Korean official.

What is the point of videos like this? For the CIA, and other intelligence organizations, it’s necessary to be able to know when to perform operations and to do so in a randomized way that does not involve computer equipment and has a expendable cutout. By using this video and then subsequently altering the amount of information available to my computer the CIA was able to coordinate when it should perform sensitive operations without either signalling it’s intentions or not being random enough, and therefore predictive to foreign adversaries.

I like weird porn, and I don’t care who knows. I masturbate all the time. I like masturbating to girls that dress up as ponies. I like masturbating to people getting enemas and then being spanked. This does not make me lose any personal credibility because masturbating about sex acts between consenting adults (including weird messed up infantile fantasies that have never and will never involve children) is healthy.

I do not like being used as a cesium atom by a national intelligence organization without my consent. I’ve known that this has been going on for a few years now, so I’ve been quietly keeping tabs on all the ways it’s possible to manipulate people.

And now I’m writing them all down.

I don’t like being used.

The Supreme Court Abortion Decision – So not for nothing, but I may have accidentally caused the supreme court to rule in favor of banning abortion in the United States. Or I may have been used in order to have this accomplished. (Did I not mention that I was angry and would start writing about national security concerns?) So when I was in Denver there was a new black female supreme court judge that was elected and I was rooming at a boarding house on 11th street. I remember that there were quite a few stickers with Marilyn Monroe with a red piece of tape over her mouth. And there was a punk band that was playing at one of the concert venues called Jaw Breaker. A large number of people wearing “Supreme” brand clothing. I take this to mean that someone had dirt on one of the supreme court justices. Anyway, I was driving across the country looking for work and I was headed back from Seattle after having my car banged up when I pulled over in Missoula and watch the Top Gun movie. I can only present the following coincidences as facts –

– When I was in Seattle I stayed at an AirBnB rental with a black man who worked at Boeing and a woman who worked as a paralegal. We traded books and she gave me Tom Robbins’ Skinny Legs and All, the first mention of the word “Boomer\” (see the pejorative \”Baby Boomer”). When I pulled up to the driveway the owner had a late model white pickup truck with a grinning skull painted on the front, and the garage door was open (see encouraging Crime). The couple left large amounts of sugary snacks, more than normal (see Food Manipulation). There was another bedroom that let on to the shared bathroom (the door was locked) from which marijuana smoke would come whenever I used the bathroom or showered.
– There was mention of Lockheed Martin’s “Skunk\” fighter jet and there were large numbers of people smoking \”skunk” marijuana on the highway.
– They mention a bent air frame in the movie and my car had a damaged hood.
– I pulled over to the side of the road on the way back from Missoula, smoked two menthol cigarettes, and jerked off while eating a bit.
– I then drove as fast as I could in my car to make time back to Indiana, feeling light headed, in what felt similar to the exhilaration of the movie.
– I slowed down and was subsequently ticketed for going 10 miles over the speed limit in the next town over.
– I learned the next day that abortion had been banned by the supreme court from a gas station newspaper.
– In Minnesota, one of the states that had banned abortion, there was a wedding at the hotel in which I was staying from a bunch of people that appeared to be conservative Christians. I switched hotels because the room was not quite ready and the hotel manager there was surprised. “Really? Are you sure?”
– When I was staying in a hotel in Bloomington, Indiana a Scientology program was on every channel for several hours before I unplugged the television and reset the box manually.

For what it’s worth I’m in favor of abortion for the same reason that I’m in favor of guns. I don’t like either of them, but people want them badly enough that there isn’t a way to stop them.

This could be an example of creating a Nam Shub of Enki (see Snow Crash) and police mythology. By becoming high, jerking off, and then smoking menthol cigarettes and being arrested I was providing a “religious blueprint” for how to make abortion illegal. Other people who were attempting to create this Nam Shub couldn’t because to some extent this has to be done at an unconscious non-ego level.

Or else, I was just drugged on the highway.

Again, I have no proof. This could all be complete coincidence. You can look up when the Jawbreaker punk band was playing in Denver and what the stickers were on the cars near the 11th Street Hostel if you have access to traffic cameras.

NOTE – When writing this, libranet.de was taken offline. When I walked to the Ferry Terminal I was gassed with marijuana repeatedly and people in psychedelic shirts, cowboy hats and an unusual number of dogs started walking up and down the strip. I then posted this comment on Facebook here (https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=1923611). Notice that there is someone on Reddit “catincage713\” who posted a message at around the same time (see Username Humiliation/Numerology). After I posted that message and walked back to the library libranet.de was back online. I believe that \”jawbreaker\” may be a code word that was put on my computer to crash a system. Because I didn’t rely on that single system and posted elsewhere this neutralized this method of attack. Again, this is supposition. Again notice the \”make work” and the keying in of the subject on supposed minutiae (i.e. perfection). If I didn’t do all of the following it could be likely that libranet.de would be crashed permanently and I would have lost the entire post. And because I can’t prove a contrapositive, mentioning it makes me look crazy.

I will now be making backups of this post.

Here is a picture of the incident:

World Travel 2013-2017 From 2013 to 2017 I traveled the world, not being arrested once. I went all over the world, occasionally smoking marijuana and doing drugs. Given all that’s happened I don’t know if I was unwittingly part of work for an intelligence organization. I don’t rule it out. Here are pictures of my passport.

The Assassination of Shinzo Abe – To be done.

Dollars as false equivalence – I had to pay $300 for hiding under the mafia members porch before I was threatened with a beating with a maglight flashlight, carted off to jail, and then spent the night in jail where I was tortured and then given a mock excecution. When I turned up in San Francisco I asked for help from my sister, Natasha Saleski, and her husband Al McDonald. I was given $300 and told never to come around the house again. Was there a suggestion in giving me the $300 that I was a threatening mafia don? I don’t know, other than everyone around here has a passion for Scar Face clothing, although that could just be the coincidence. Generally speaking using money as numerology.

Comics – Only allowing relevant information to be given to the user in the form of comics. Also note the use of color theory as information control (see Color Manipulation). A way of dehumanizing the target and belittling them. Here are the relevant comics.

The Perry Bible Fellowship (I can’t link to this site as libranet.de will not allow me to delete the linked bulletin) https://youtu.be/8z7s58G0iqQ. This I take to mean it’s supposed to be a “sign” to The Perry Bible Fellowship. No other link has that behavior. This only confirms that I am correct in my supposition that this website is somehow meaningful to my ongoing psychological manipulation.

I take this to mean that, given the website is a satirical crypto-Christian website, my narcissistic manipulators are attempting to force me to “give a message” to a Christian site, through un-intententional left hand means.

I can think of few rational reasons for one website to have a banner that I can’t exit, while other websites have a banner that I can. Unless this was done intentionally by the programmers of libranet.de.


The Perfection vs Vague vs Exact False Dilemma – The narcissistic manipulators will set up situations in which if what you do is perfect, i.e. (without fault), then that is a warning that you are not allowing there to be imperfections. This has corollaries with other methods of control and manipulation (see Forced Religious Coercion, See Language Control). A related and synergistic use of control is the necessity of being “exact.\” Again, notice the double-double bind. If one does not allow for the use of occasional vagueness, that is for there to be errors in your reasoning, then someone can force you to chase minutiae. If you allow for the errors then you are allowing yourself to be manipulated. If you say anything, it makes you appear crazy. See above in comic manipulation for an example of using \”minutiae,\” in order to send a signal. Paul Teller, my uncle, worked on the \”philosophy of vagueness” as a professional philosopher, so this sounds like him.

Sleep Deprivation – This is obvious enough. Here what is done is the subject is deprived of sleep during the night so they sleep during the day. At Next Door homeless shelter many of the “clients” keep up a revolving system of snorting, coughing, and walking by my bed in order to keep me awake throughout the night.

Ring of Fire – You simply surround the person with people who smoke marijuana and cigarettes wherever they go so they always feel sick and ill and can be constantly manipulated. The target will eventually become addicted to narcotics and feel sick if they are not constantly surrounded by smoke. This is constantly insidious as it causes imprinting on a subconscious level. If you are more likely to eat when high then when people get high around you you will subconsciously eat more. If you are more likely to play with your hair, people can get you to play with your hair by drugging you.

Vows of silence – only being kind to someone (i.e. nice) if they stop speaking. This is especially fun when used by gangsters (see crips and bloods). By acclimatizing people to hand signs gangs are able to effectively make people mute – this easier to do with the young who do not have as much education and social resources to begin with. People like this are useful because they are disposable agents for drug running. They can’t tell where drugs will go or where they will be because they do not view the world in the same symbol/word reality as others and so can’t communicate where drops happen. They are not useful agents for murder, as that is more complicated and involves disposing of weapons, knowing the target, and so forth.

Causing infections – Acclimatizing the target to do things that cause staff infections in the body. By finding ways to at first cause the target to be overly concerned with hygiene and then withholding hygiene items (easiest to do in prison environments, nursing homes, and homeless shelters where the target is socially and financially isolated) the target will lapse in hygiene. There are other ways to cause infection vectors, like withholding socks and then mopping the floor with dirty water, or serving infected or rancid food in the commissary. If the gang has connections to the medical clinics that are available then the doctors can recommend advice that can do nothing (swabs that do not cure the infection, often staph, which shows as a skin infection and then proceeds to the organs) or they can recommend the harmful (pills that are known to be tainted with fentanyl in the drug supply). This is a useful way to murder someone – staph infections can affect the heart and together with loud noises can shock the target into having a heart attack. (Being constantly surrounded by smoke will lower the target’s immune system and cause higher chances of infection as well)

Coincidences (The Black Cat Twice) a’la The Matrix – This has happened a number of places – on Reddit, on youtube, on Facebook, the same commercial twice on Plex.tv. This is from The Matrix 1999, where seeing the black cat twice means that you’re “in the matrix” and that reality is being altered for you. Example –

Again note the double-double bind. I’m not personally against abortion, but by posting this am I “aborting” me chances at whatever this is suggesting? Again, I don’t care and am just tired of this shit.

Rational/Irrational Dichotomy Manipulation – This is another manipulative tactic. What you do is you prime the user to pay attention to the irrational and then, when the user is sufficiently primed not to like the irrational you can effectively ban the user from rational information. So for example, if there is a report on mathematics that has information that the user would like to have or use, you start the report by reiterating “unlucky” numbers such as 13 and so on. This can be used as meta-attack vector and thus used in username manipulation, food manipulation, clothing and so on. Again, note the double-double bind.

Acting out songs around someone – A particular favorite is playing White Rabbit and then having people pass by a target that are either very tall or very short. Another element is “when the white knight is talking backwards\”. The White Knight is that person or organization that the target has been primed into paying attention to. Talking backwards is the element of (in the Christian sense) of being crucified upside down. Here’s an example – the Nike symbol that had the slogan under it that said \”Don’t Plan Ahead” – seen on a welcome mat outside a store in San Francisco after I had been drinking a latte in a Starbucks where they had played White Rabbit – and subsequently walked through large large amounts of hashish second hand smoke (See Ring of Fire). Gambling is another element to the Alice in Wonderland syndrome (see the Queen of Hearts) – so there is an element where people will talk about gambling in loud and obnoxious terms when someone does something they don’t like you doing.

False Choice – Giving the target a choice among several options in which for each choice they are worse off, but given the illusion of free will. For example, you can prime someone to have a fear of pubic parks (if you don’t want them to go there) and then not care if they wander around the city. Or prime them to have a fear of entering local businesses because they’ll become anxious. Another false choice is the one given among the homeless where you must either be “crazy\”, \”disabled\”, \”in a gang\”, or \”in a church\” or some other made up dichotomy among the street people in order to be accepted. There isn’t a choice for just \”poor” because that’s not good enough.

The government has their own made up definitions. A counselor at Next Door homeless shelter has encouraged me to lie to the General Assistance office in order to secure housing because people who are disabled, chronically homeless (5+ years), veterans, trans/or prostitutes, or are crazy (ie in therapy) have priority. Otherwise you won’t get subsidized housing and there’s no other way to receive an SRO. No job pays enough for housing on it’s own, so working wouldn’t matter one way or another. This is a way of exerting control not just on the homeless population, but on anyone that is at risk of becoming homeless – there is no safety net other than to be manipulated by dark narcissists. I’m not a veteran, or a prostitute, or crazy (I won’t go to a therapist and be put on mind altering drugs), and I’m not willing (nor capable) to lie to the government that I’m disabled.

Many people in the Tenderloin walk around with canes even though they aren’t disabled because the gangs and the corrupt government will not allow for people to have housing. Everyone knows that these people aren’t disabled and the system is corrupt, and they use the fact that the poor must lie in order to survive as leverage in order to manipulate them into doing their bidding. If I lie about being disabled a crooked social worker who can be bribed by narco-traffickers (because he himself does not make enough to pay rent/survive) has leverage over me. I.E. false choice leads narco-traffickers into having leverage over me. Lack of food and shelter for the poor breeds extortion, drug dealing, and a shadow narco security system that uses aerosolized drugs to exert control over the homeless and the average civilian.

Hair – An attempt to make the target more worried about their personal grooming including hair. This involves having people near the target play with their hair in his view in order to distract him (after acclimatization and drug enducement) as well as having women come into his bubble that have long hair and men who are bald. When the user touch his own hair or beard then people cough and use sound distractions in order to compel him to stop doing this. Ultimately this is an attempt to make the target cut his hair and conform to traditional gender roles (see forced religious conversion/forced sexual conversion). Hair dying can also be used in conjunction with color theory (ie Red stop, blue sad, and so on – see above).

Language Training – Forcing people to distinguish between “alright,\” \”good,\” \”fine,\” \”OK,\” \”not bad,\” and making people distinguish between the similar statements \”How are you?\” \”How’s it going?\” \”How are you doing?\” in order to force them to describe their interior psychological state as differentiable to different groups and thus signalling loyalty to one group over another. To one group a person is supposed to say \”fine\” and to another group say \”good.\” This is a way, coupled with false controversy, of forcing someone to join one gang or another and limit their ability to use language. (Another example is the use of \”have a good day\”/\”have a great day\”/\”see you later\”/\”catch you later\”/\”have a blessed day”. The listener/target either has to pay attention to this false distinction or else the target will be manipulated until he does).

This is coupled with the use of “literally\”/\”actually\”/\”exactly\” in order to force a distinction between fact and fantastical supposition as it’s presumed that the speakers and listeners can’t distinguish between what is true and a hypothetical situation, because either the speaker or the listener or both does not have the necessary information to do so. When the use of verbal crutches like \”literally\”/\”actually\”/\”exactly\”/\”whatever” are forced into a person’s conversation it’s a way that the person may inadvertantly signal to others that they have been compromised. By using this broken English in translations of foreign novels it can force the target to choose between reading novels from foreign sources or retaining their ability to use English. This is a way of causing an unsolvable dilemma within respect to information control and available literature. Such unsolvable dilemmas when presented to the target are a way of discouraging personal willpower.

Other uses of language manipulation are used – for example when the target does something that the people he likes approves of they will sneak in an interesting vocabulary word. Else the people he passes in the street who are smoking marijuana will either intentionally or unintentionally use a limited vocabulary. The goal here is to manipulate the person until he loses his vocabulary unless he talks to other people – coupled with using marijuana and techniques to break his concentration when he attempts to read or write this is a way of enforcing isolation or talking with his dark narcissistic manipulators.

Use of the word “perfect\” repeatedly by the bubble of manipulators in order to cause the target to be self conscious that everything that they do be \”exactly good\” or else declaim that they \”aren’t perfect” and are therefore fallible. Done in conjunction with sexual and religious manipulation. The target is given the (false) choice of physical violence or overtly acknowledging the use of targeted language and thus breaking the masquerade, declaiming they aren’t perfect verbally or desiring to humiliate themselves by intentionally creating mistakes so that they won’t be psychologically manipulated. A way to exert dominance over a subject who can’t physically leave the situation or has power of arms over the passive aggressive aggressor. Done against the homeless, sexually submissive men (or those who are being groomed as such), and potential (forced) religious converts.

Someone who is being too sad or is into anything dark or sadomasochistic they would say they were skiiing or diving. For someone that people think should be working (for whatever their definition of “working\” is be it panhandling or armed robbery) and is not you would walk near them and discuss loudly \”the beach\”. The entire point of this acclimatization is to make someone worried that words have two meanings – this applies to cultures and languages as well (ie if someone is speaking \”French\” they know a large number of english words that have to do with sexuality such as \”voluptuousness”). See – Stairway to Heaven song (words have two meanings). This is also a darkly manipulative tactic because after repeated use it can make someone begin to fantasize that they have more abilities than they do.

Another double meaning is the use of “sleep.\” Someone that is \”sleeping\” is someone that isn’t paying attention to the mystical manipulation of the narcissistic manipulators. For example, if someone breaks down and talks to themselves after a night of sleeplessness due to sleep deprivation \”geez I wish these people would shut up\” then someone will yawn loudly. This is the use of sound and body language (the loud yawn) signalling that the person can now \”go to sleep” because they have broken down to the manipulation of the gangs and conceded into self talking. The loud yawn signalling that someone can go to sleep is the signal that the target has succumbed to doing what the gang stalking manipulators have wanted and is used in other contexts as well. Ultimately, with the loud yawn the goal here is to make it so that the target associates the yawn with relaxation without knowing exactly why.

Use of the word “sorry\” versus \”excuse me\” and \”thanks\” as opposed to \”thank you” and attempting to make a false distinction.

“It’s cold outside\” – outside being outside the \”gang,” which can include reading a book for example. Because apparently gang members don’t know how to read…

Other uses of language manipulation are too numerous to mention as language is a complicated subject. I will expand this section as needed.

Treating someone as a dog is a personal favorite – This one is particularly obnoxious. Using clicker training, by using repetitive noises like clicking a pen when someone is trying to think. Or when someone is in a public space and doing something they don’t like, such as a homeless person reading a book. So they’ll say in a loud voice, “Oh it looks like <Some dog name> is not being good, time to put him on a leash.” And then they’ll have someone smoke dope near the target and wander off, and meanwhile they’ll then start clapping and yelling at their dog over and over again while the target attempts to concentrate on their novel.

A person telling their dog what to do in your presence (self-talking) and then expecting you to do the same. “Come here,\” \”stay\” etc. Rewarding or yelling at their dog according to what the person who is being controlled should be doing \”good boy\” \”bad dog”. If the subject does not do what the manipulator wants often they will arrange for two large dogs to get into a fight in the subjects presence. If the subject does what the manipulators want they will arrange for someone to be patting the dog in the subjects presence.

Trotting dogs back and forth or having large numbers of people walk past with dogs when the subject is outside on the sidewalk or doing something that is not liked such as work on his computer.

People with Dog’s continue to sniff around me as if they are leading me around on a leash. This has references to the Illuminati Syndrome and the scene in which George Dorn is high against his will in Bad Ass, TX. As long as that continues, I will continue to write, especially about national security issues. I’m not mad, I’m angry.

Animal Testing on Humans – Related to the above. This is using animal testing models on human subjects, such as the homeless or those in nursing homes and prisons. Before moving from animal studies to human models it is sometimes necessary to test these models on people, and these studies are expensive. The CIA is often bribed (speculation) by these companies to test these models on people. This often includes psychological studies and is often reported as testing of chemicals in “rat” models. I do know that I have contacted Michael Graziano about my paper (alpha prime https://drive.google.com/file/d/1NfIlbgJgi26_AdwXiBoWIAlGuxtjQ2es/view?usp=share_link). One of his theories is about how to violate the personal space of primates (see here: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Michael_Graziano). This has been done to me several times. The way it works is to intentionally come in too close proximity to me while I am being drugged with marijuana, thus making me avoidant in public. This is a way of controlling and corralling the homeless.

Continually dousing someone with perfume chemicals is another. As in “see isn’t the way that we treat animals by testing cosmetics on them terrible”? Again, note the double-double bind. Meanwhile, people can use the information to determine if you (as a human) being become ill and make money off the human testing of this. This has synergies with book manipulation (UBIQ and Vathex) and scent manipulation (dog training). Mentions of sex on monitored communications can also prompt this.

I don’t believe it is. I don’t give a shit about animals. Having testing done on ME against my will is wrong. Because I’m a human being and I’m more important than a monkey. (Duh)

This is an extensive section as there is a LARGE number of black op scientific “behavioural\” research on \”animal models.\” This is also used by those against animal testing to force a predisposition to a \”liking” of animals – being against animal testing, not eating meat, forced empathy for animals, and so on. This could be considered a kind of conspiracy theory Animal Testing Syndrome. (See Syndromes (this one TBD)).

“Local\” Geography – Attempting to get someone to only act or believe in a certain way given the context of the place in which they are at. So you can’t eat in a library, you can’t read a book in a grocery store, you can’t etc etc. This is an attempt to enforce social control via some definition of social norms without assuming good intentions because the manipulative narcissists don’t believe the target is capable of this. This can even be used insofar as making the only seats available in a library next to the category of books that the target should be interested in \”thinking” about. For example, when I write literature the available seat that affords privacy and is not in the commons is in the literature section, and when I write philosophy the available seat is in the philosophy section as all the homeless take all the other available seats. A way of enforcing social control and attempting to force the target to only associate with a single subject at a time. Again the double bind – if I sit in the commons I lose privacy, or I can not acknowledge that this is happening.

Attempting to get someone to push a homeless cart – What people will do here is to start acting happy and hugging and then you turn a corner and there’s a shopping cart filled with things that are useful for someone that’s homeless. And when you walk away everyone starts acting sad and crossing their arms and talking about how terrible the world is. This one makes me want to find the nearest person and beat them to death with a bicycle iron.

All of these are ways in which people from several different groups – gangs, people who like movies, people who like literature – and who want to dominate you as either a homeless person or someone that they think they can have power over.

Sounds – Generally repetitive sounds used to break a person’s concentration. Lip smacking over and over again (sound file here: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1lRxNTF70EjrqPa4M2LsFdUnAzlLWxl2s/view?usp=share_link).

“Grievance Forms” such as the following, where I say that the person in the bed next to me has previously threatened my life and the people in the beds around me are smoking aerosolized drugs have not done anything.

This is probably more “Illuminati, the gun is a water gun” if you get to know you’re neighbor he’s not half bad etc etc. I’m tired of being manipulated.

Clicking pens over and over again. Clapping and whistling. All combined with using aerosolized drugs so that a person is more likely to imprint the memory into their subconscious. There’s nothing that the target can do other than confront the offender and cause a scene or slowly go crazy. Sniffing when someone does something that you like. Sniffing repeatedly every couple of seconds so that the person can’t concentrate at all. Coughing when someone does something that you don’t. Coughing loudly when someone is typing on their keyboard. Sitting next to someone and typing nonsense on your computer keyboard as loudly as possible in order to break someone’s concentration (see Black Mirror). Snorting when someone does something “dangerous/devilish\” in a good way. Blowing one’s nose is a signal that someone is \”sad” that you did something. This is one of the more popular methods of psychological manipulation because snorting/sniffing/coughing/nose blowing are available to everyone and these actions don’t require any hardware. (That said, there are several homeless people who drag portable boomboxes around San Francisco and play music as loud as they possibly can in order to be obnoxious.) The target, once acclimatized, will be more concerned that he is signalling his own intentions when he blows his nose or coughs incidentally thus causing lack of confidence and hesitation. Overly loud yawning when someone is being boring (see Flanderization). Overly loud sighing, most especially done when the target walks away from an area in which he is expected to commit a crime or perform some other action according to the dictates of the narcissistic manipulators.

Sighing has generally been used whenever the subject does something which the manipulators do not want him to do. In the present case, writing this document has been the cause of several people walking by and sighing loudly.

Overtly quiet people are then seen as shy and signalling that their “introspective” when viewed by others. The target over time becomes confused as to what the appropriate and socially acceptable level of personal background noise is supposed to be. This confusion then makes it harder to fit into society. Most dark psychological tactics have this double-double bind – either conform to one of two choices or the third choice ends up being worse than either of the first two alternatives. (Knuckle cracking is another irritant sound that is used to control people – see Jack Vance’s Sail-25 and how books are used as a blueprint of psychological manipulation (Book manipulation)).

Another popular method of control, especially in libraries is the use of exaggerated page flipping and page rustling. This is done in order to make it more difficult to think or read in the library – when the homeless person begins to concentrate the “journos\” begin coughing and grunting to themselves and rustling their newspapers. This can be used as a form of social control that does not violate any of the library policies. Especially popular among the elderly. The homeless refer to these people as \”journos\” (see Enforced \”Work”). Most likely comes from the descriptions of the Diogenes Society in Sherlock Holmes (see Book Manipulation). This, as continually stated, only affects (or has an exaggerated effect) upon those people that have been drugged.

Television manipulation – so related as not to deserve it’s own category. Putting the television on a channel at high volume so as to make it impossible to read in a shared setting. If someone is walking a large amount put it on sports, if someone is being “childish\” put it on cartoons. The point is to make the target know they are surveilled and thus make them \”paranoid”.

Coughing/Sniffing Acclimatizing people to cough when they don’t like something and sniff when they do. Eventually, if enough people don’t like a person and continually create an antisocial atmosphere through mystical manipulation they will cough or snor themselves to death. This happens when a person has been acclimatized by sounds to the extent that they cannot attempting to communicate by coughing. It’s a way for the mystical manipulators to have their hooks into you and so they can eventually decide to kill you. At that point, the coughing fits that lead to death would be subconscious.

Here’s an example in the library – people will cough loudly in order to disturb your train of thought when you’re reading or to drive those with sound sensitivity away from a location.


Music – This one is particularly annoying. This is the use of music to manipulate the actions of the target. Where speakers are not available (such as in public spaces), people will bring portable speakers and boomboxes. Speakers from cars will be used. In public stores, speakers from the stores will be used. Here the method is to use songs on the target to influence behavior/actions according to the lyrics of the song. At first a small subset of songs will be used until the psychological response begins to be recorded and then the number of songs will be expanded. Again there is a double-double bind. If the target begins to ignore the psychological manipulation people will begin to play music that is socially improbable in order to reprime the target (such as death metal in a fast casual restaurant). It can be used in conjunction with other types of manipulation, such as food manipulation, such as playing love songs when the target enters stores to buy food, or geographic manipulation by playing death metal or scary music when the target is in a park or location where he is not desired.

Music can generate cults (just look at the Beatles or Charles’ Manson’s “Helter Skeltzer\” hang up). Here’s one – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KKSmHOUaqaQ&ab_channel=TheBlackKeys. Notice that this seems to be a take on Pink Floyd’s \”Another Brick In The Wall\”/\”Leave Them Kids Alone.” The entire video is filled with psychedelic references. Notice the use of vanity license plates in the end similar to the Bukowski movie. A bit weak, but nevertheless. From their website – https://theblackkeys.com/collections/dropout-boogie-event-posters/products/mansfield-event-poster-7-29-22. Notice that the poster color is in yellow (chicken/fear). Recently both the San Franciso Federal Building and the San Francisco Library were both flooded by burst plumbing due to the homeless putting things down the toilet. My father used to tell me stories about times when he was in college and would flush cherry bombs down the bathroom in the dormitories.

Note – The cars will not stop revving their engines and every time I go outside there are cars with cutesy license plates, as if I should follow them. I do not like being treated like I’m in a music video. So now, tomorrow (Feb 14), I’ll start writing about national security concerns. I do not like being abused, and it will stop, or I will continue to write what I know and make people unhappy. This will keep getting worse and worse.

Animal Superstition – The use of animals to prime the target to be superstitious and read signs into the use of animals. Here are the signs that I have found so far, so you can determine if you are being manipulated –

– Unicorn/Rhinoceros – “eceumenical\”/superstitious virginity. See \”echo” brand of clothing for example
– Lobsters – cancer. For those that are continually drugged (see Ring of Fire) showing the target signs of crabs and lobsters is a form of enforced fear.
– Pigs – police
– Whale – wealthy and can do what they want but cause “waves” – see whales in finance
– snake – heartless/cold blooded
– rat – someone who “rats” on someone
– rooster/cock – someone who crows – see cock crows three times Judas of Iscariot
– elephant – wise and discerns truth / barrels through obstacles
– Ox – hard worker, stubborn
– Dinosaur – elderly, historians, those who don’t know what’s current
– Goat – chaos, stubborn (see Baphomet)

Many of these examples have corollaries to mysticism that has existed for long time and is cross cultural. For example, Ganesha’s mount is a rat (i.e. the wise remover of obstacles does so by riding on a rat, or he who tells all). In some zen literature, monks who have achieved enlightenment have done so and then return in the story riding on an Ox. In this case the left hand path would be the mount (that which moves) and the right hand path (that which is moved).

Mystical manipulation is primarily concerned with enforcing an awareness of this cultural distinction on the target without their consent by continually drugging them and forcing them into the double-double blind in participating in superstition against their will.
This is distinct from those groups of people who would forsake rationality due to their own will.

The number of corollaries between animal superstition and mysticism are too numerous to mention and this section will be expanded as necessary.

Car Manipulation (i.e. “Motorhead”) – This is especially popular among motorcycle gangs and construction workers. This is the use of cars in order to acclimatize a user to being superstitious and anxious around motor vehicles. This can be as simple as continually revving engines around someone’s house during the night, or as complicated as smoking marijuana around someone and tracking where they are in public and then revving their engines around them when they are near a road way. Another popular method of social control is to add contaminants such as marijuana and freon to engine manifolds. How this works is that when the manifold is cool then it doesn’t matter if the drugs are there, but if the engine is hot then the car’s exhaust will intoxicate people nearby. This can be used to drug people on highways (!). Causing car crashes when the target does something that the narcissistic manipulators don’t like by drugging the drivers and then using manipulative dark psychology to attempt to make the target feel responsible. Another common method is to use mirrors or laser pointers to shine light in a driver’s face in order to cause temporary blindness at intersections at highway on and off ramps. Hostage taking via mystical manipulation.

For example, the other night a car crashed outside Next Door Shelter because the local gangsters managed to drug someone. They smoked marijuana in the shelter, and then when I had to get up to urinate before going to bed in the men’s bathroom they played a snippet of audio about car crashes and someone blew their nose incredibly loudly. All mystical garbage in order to make me feel responsible for another person’s crimes and therefore complicit in acts that I had no hand in. This is done in an attempt to get leverage over the target.

Left vs. Right – Directions that include a distinction between left vs right (as in the left and right hand path). Among the superstitious these distinctions have meaning. See Lord of the Rings – “Do I go left or right Gandalf?” etc (see Book Manipulation).

Second hand conversations – Holding a conversation next to you that will make you want to scream because what they are saying is close to what you know, but not quite correct. The people here are attempting to manipulate you into stepping into their conversation in order to have attention. Again, it might seem like these people are attempting to be your friend, but this is another example of dark manipulative narcissistic traits.

Not being allowed to have privacy in public – again related to conversations. You’ll find a space in public in which you can be left alone and people will sit down next to you and carry on a conversation at volume about nonsense, picking topics that they know you like and then making those topics worse over time. The example that was next to me at the ferry terminal building started with education, to nuclear energy, to hydrogen cars, to vacations, to favorite animals. The method here is to make the listener, who you have primed to listen by drugs and using key words primed through other speakers, become more distressed as the conversation continues (ie “skiing”) until they leave. This is a method of control in an attempt to both prevent organized thought and drive away the unwanted.

Doing the Opposite Manipulation Technique – If someone says they don’t like something, such as everyone doing a socially irresponsible or negative behavior, the narcissistic manipulators will have everyone around that person do that thing repeatedly over and over again in order to prove that person has no power in the situation and they’re being spied on. Again, the double-double bind.

Rollercoaster whiplash – This is a tactic that is used throughout. That is to do something that will make the target happy or upbeat, and then quickly change tactics and do something that will make the target unhappy and sad. What people are doing here is creating a psychological Pavlovian response in which someone is scared to become happy because this will lead to an immediate disappointment.

See “whiplash of the heart” quote from Larry Niven’s Ringworld.

Black Mirror – You copy someone’s actions and mannerisms, from the way that they speak to the way that they twirl their hair so they do not have any other conscious or subconscious information on how to act differently than they had in the past. A corollary to this is that you can give them information that would lead to a conclusion that has already been created. So for example if A + B + C = the idea for an internet company then you would withhold information on the idea for the internet company’s existence and give them A + B + C. Similarly if the target’s computer or information is compromised it’s possible to take any original ideas he has and have people who are better at execution create them before he does.

This may have been done to politicans at a high level before in some cases (or it could be a coincidence). Look up “tantric engineer/blow job” in Schrodinger’s Cat and compare to the Bill Clinton and Monica Lewinsky scandal.

And then there’s this
Inside an Armed Bank Raid in Lebanon (Vice News)

Some fucktards saw Network (1976) and said, “You know what? Fuck it, let’s go rob a bank.” The Ecumenical Liberation Front was a joke you crazy bastards. (Everyone knows that ELF stands for Erisian Liberation Front, which is clearly a subsect that is a false flag operation in Lebanon and is, in fact, operating with the consent of the government. You can tell from the video that the entire thing was staged).

Note – the double-double bind here is that you can either publish what you know, and be the terrible woman, or you can give up on your “life story\” and leave for your old wife. My father over the last several years encouraged me to write a story about my travels. Repeatedly. Look at the number of biographies that have been published since 2019 by people who have followed the \”bad path.\” Compare the number of biographies that have been written as compared to years earlier – even when taking into account the pandemic and people staying at home. Note the use of the word \”emeritus\” and \”emeritus years” as in comparison to the Jack Vance story The Languages of Pao.

Makes you wonder what other psychedelic movies they’re using for their script to get sensational news stories – involving civilians in war torn and desperate countries.

Or I can assume good intentions and assume that the chick at Vice media is attempting to get the news out that the Iranians (or perhaps the Islamic State) have taken over Vice media in order to control media – via bitcoin transfers. Or maybe the Chinese. Total supposition on my part. If they’re using left hand path ecumenical information to get out that their company has been taken over, the question is – “By whom?\” and \”For what purpose?”

Another corollary to the “Black Mirror\” is \”Angel of the Backwards Look” from Dante’s Inferno. You allow the target access to all information from the past but you make no material available to the target that would allow them to work on things that are presently popular or are on the cutting edge. These tactics are difficult because it requires near total information control around the target. This last mostly happens to the elderly or to those who are socially isolated already (in prisons or homeless shelters). The purpose of these tactics is to stifle any impulse that the target has to creative original thought either through desire or ability.

Flanderization – (See here – https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Flanderization) Through psychological manipulation you can cause the target to emphasize those aspects of themselves that they like and which they view as differentiating themselves from the “bubble\” of manipulators around them. By denying the target other role models from which to take in information and forcing them to emphasize those parts of themselves they view as useful, because they are unique (and therefore the target views this as part of their differentiable personality structure), you can slowly cause the target to become a caricature of their former selves. This is a subtype of the Black Mirror syndrome, but it’s particularly nasty enough that it deserves it’s own special mention. Particularly useful when combined with books and media that the target formerly liked – a way to pollute the memory of what they had. For example, Zadie Smith wrote a compelling novel called White Teeth and an imitator wrote a novel called New Teeth about babies. In isolation this does not matter, but when done en masse it is used to bury the sources of information from which the target had constructed his personality. Or he is forced to expend his energies in nostalgia as the only new information available to him is from manipulators. This is a form of enforcing the \”Angel of the Backward Look.” Again, here the false choice is presented as remember the past as nostalgia, read books and information from your manipulator, or do nothing and slowly lose the ability to parse information. A double-double bind, but one in which it requires the manipulators to have extensive control over the content of information (see Internet Manipulation and Book Manipulation).

Internet/Computer Manipulation – You can cause psychological distress in the target by manipulating both the information presented to the user (and thus making him less knowledgeable), by altering the way that information is presented (broken UI/UX), by targeting the users computer signature (ip address/browser signature). If you can target the user’s email and passwords you can compromise his contacts. If you know his internet handles you can pollute the space further. The end result is to cause the target to be suspicious of information presented to him on the internet and unable to either participate in online social media platforms, contribute to open source or other collaborative online projects (or learn about them via search engines), or tell fact from fiction online. This forces the target to have to choose people in the “real world” to befriend, out of a group of people of whom he no longer knows whether they are compromised or not. Or again the double-double bind, do neither which is a worse choice.

Here is a non-exhaustive list of all of the ways that my computer and internet usage has been manipulated –

– Facebook “snooze\”/\”mute\” buttons turned on and off and what kinds of posts being shown to me has been altered depending on what I am supposed to \”feel” that day

– The kinds of posts that have shown up on news.ycombinator.com has been altered based on “numerology” (see Number Manipulation) in addition to content. Use the internet archive to look at the intellectual rigor of posts from 2019 to today and watch them degrade.
– Microsoft’s “I Am Not A Robot\” prompt only allows audio verification signalling that \”I must be blind”
– Reddit’s algorithm has deleted posts and suggested that “I should seek medical help”
– My Mac’s Chess program has been broken.
– I’ve had navigation to certain websites redirect to google
– I’ve had navigation in the url bar from gmail only reload gmail.
– When clicking on a google link the search result phrase is highlighted in a different color according to color theory of what the manipulative narcissists think I should be viewing at the moment (pink, purple, green, etc). Same with “control find”.

My control find is currently pink, because I’m supposed to “stop.”

– Find control broken in Notes.
– I’ve noticed (not able to record this) that certain movies and videos will download via torrents and some will not (i.e. They Live cannot find any seeders, but the movie Network did). This suggests that some actor or actors is either to have access to what I am downloading on my computer or (less likely) control the torrent nodes themselves. Newer movies are not affected. This again is a form of information control in which it is difficult to verify that this is purposefully happening, but that I am being “allowed” to watch certain media.
– Suggesting me videos on youtube, not according to my own preferences, but based on what my narcissistic manipulators “think\” of me. Consider the suggestions from top left to bottom right in decreasing order of \”what *I* think” where *I* is the narcissistic manipulator

– Missing spot in the suggested videos of youtube. This suggest to me that the site has been infiltrated by a cross site scripting attack as it would be unlikely that such a simple UI/UX error like this would occur with Google’s knowledge. Reported multiple times. Only happens when people around me are high

Note the suggested videos have to do with conspiracy theories, men without work, the police. I have not been searching youtube for these videos, so I don’t know how they could be recommended other than that my computer is bugged. The first option is a cartoon – ie “I’m being childish.” More evidence that my computer is bugged.

All of this is done in order to make the target paranoid is seeing things and so forth. I’ve recorded several incidents of this on youtube. From my understanding of computer software it would take a sophisticated state level actor virus in order to induce these kinds of errors across all of social media. It is statistically unlikely that all of these errors would occur, even across multiple browsers. I have gone so far as to update my MacOS to the most recent version of the operating system (Ventura) and these errors continue. Malware Bytes and other antivirus software is currently finding no errors on my computer.

The virus on my computer may be a virus that was supposed to be used in the war between Ukraine and Russia. See Bruce Stirling’s short science fiction story in the Terraform stories section on Vice Media (see Book Manipulation). Again, this could be a gimmick, but the virus (or collection of viruses is still sophisticated enough to avoid detection by Malware Bytes). It may be that this is a double ploy – by making other elements appear to have the elements of paranoia, this could in fact be a sophisticated virus. The video evidence appears to confirm this.

Incidentally, before the Russia-Ukraine war Ukraine was known for software support. To what degree is this a targeted attack and to what degree is this due to Ukraine no longer supporting sofware worldwide. Again, double-double bind. Note that some of these incidents (such as the address bar reloading google or not navigating to certain pages) are almost certainly viruses.

Here is the youtube channel where I have recorded some of these incidents. Others I have posted pictures of on Facebook.


“Anti-Technology\” Manipulation – Related to the above. When my computer is used, when I look up advanced programming concepts, when I look at pornography, look up emerging technologies or new websites, and read electronic books I am gassed with marijuana and people around me cough and talk to themselves (see other manipulation techniques). When I read paper books, write with a pen and paper, and use \”older” technologies I am gassed with cigarette smoke or not gassed at all. This is an attempt to make me have an aversion for technology generally.

Book and Movie Manipulation – Techniques wherein a person’s personality and relationships are organized in accordance to books and media is a form of manipulation that has parallels with American conspiracy theory. So if someone has a psychological fall and admits to the existence of the “mystical” due to the machinations of manipulative narcissists it can either be through the books or movies in a sort of nod to the assassinations of Kennedy (killed from a book depository) or Lincoln (killed in the theatre). Both of these techniques I have recorded as I find them. The method here is to do something innocuous that will only have meaning for the person under manipulative threat. A single instance of this technique used on a person is rather benign, but multiple instances of this technique can drive the subject to question his sanity (such as grammatical and typographic errors in books, or the replacing of pronouns to be “I” instead of “you” and so on). Because there needs to be some narrative with a subject’s life story many books and movies are used specifically as blueprints of how to manipulate a person and are often the framework around which the syndrome of manipulation hinges. Again notice the double-double bind. The subject does not have agency, but they are primed to want to be in a “good” story as opposed to a “bad” story. If they say anything they appear to be crazy.

Most people believe that they have “free will.” The truth is that there are a finite number of narrative story arcs that a person can have throughout their life given time, space, and the number of people who have lived before. Most stories themselves are lampoons or take offs of more obscure stories, and those stories of older stories, until most of the original narratives are either fairy tales or old masters (such as Shakespeare). Most movies, as they are for a general audience and have higher production costs leading to potentially larger audiences, are more conservative (traditionally), so they tend to be based on books – even if they appear original. This can be unintentional itself as the author may have only be gleaming the collective unconscious. The TV series cartoon Archer is a takeoff in many respects with Charle’s Stross’s The Laundry Files Universe. Notice the way to get into the secret headquarters is through a laundromat. Again, notice the importance that is put on clothes (see Clothes Manipulation).

The distinction between movie and book manipulation has analogues to the recent pandemic. In some instances the virus is called COVID (i.e. co-video) and in other instances it is referred to as the “novel coronavirus.\” In this way the authors are signalling to the reader, via the left hand path, in what way they have taken ill – whether they have been \”shot\” in the movie theatre or the book depository. 19 is numerology that translates to, roughly, 1 – \”a solitary person\” plus 9 – \”heaven, perfection, completeness.\” Corona implies a halo. So the coronavirus-19 in ecumenical terms translates to \”he who reaches heaven as a solitary person having achieved completeness.”

Movie Manipulation – There are almost as many instances of movie manipulation as there are book manipulation, so I will only name a few. In the movie Beetlejuice the alien that is pronouncing a marriage has the two couples of the films hold hands while they rapidly age. This has synergies with hand holding of couples (passing a young couple holding hands on the sidewalk followed by progressively older people holding hands) in order to induce fear with the message “someone who like science shouldn’t be involved in religion.” Also, see M. Night Shamalan’s “The Beach.” In the movie Alien the corporation Weyland-Yutani is a portmanteau of Weyland and Yutani, Yutani being Japanese for hot spring and Weyland being close to my name, but with “No – L” the left hand path joke here being “noel” and the message “you can either be in a lake of fire or treat every day like Christmas.” So clearly, my family has been under manipulative threat by this syndrome before. Again, I don’t care – I am recording all instances of this in order to provide an inoculation to as many people as possible. I’m tired of this and have nothing to hide. More recent movies have included The Green Knight which starts with a quote from “anonymous” (which may have ties to the idea of anonymity, the Internet Anonymous that has ties to the FBI, or both) and has a homosexual subtext. There was a recent horror movie in which the main character was given stolen credit cards from an anonymous donor and went through a series of “dares” in order to buy more and more expensive things. While this movie was in the theatre I was in Ocean Beach and came across more and more credit cards that were left lying on the ground (I turned them all in). Again notice the double-double bind. I can ignore the improbable, fall into the trap of “falling”, going against my principles and stealing (even though I was starving to death at the time and hadn’t eat for days) or I can complain and appear crazy.

Book Manipulation – I’ve recorded examples of this online on Facebook and here. After the shutdown of Zlibrary by the US authorities most of the online pirated books were taken over and regulated by a variety of bad actors. Many of the books were altered so that they no longer had the semantic content of the originals – this was an attempt to cause people to stop using the internet and question reality if they did not have access to the original books. What is then done is that you can limit or expand the pool of available information available to people at the local level by allowing or limiting access to hard copies of the books. I found a copy of Hemingway’s 49 short stories that contained spelling and grammatical mistakes (bought from Lamplighter books in Pike’s Place in Seattle). When the target is acclimatized to look for mistakes in the books then you can use manipulation via numerology to start encoding messages either to the user (and if the user complains via broadcasting that the message occurred) or to others. Here what is intended is to manipulate the targets perception of reality and make them question whether they are reading a copy of the original book or if they are reading a doctored copy that came from a manipulator. In my current copy of Cults by Max Cutler there is a “would would” in the hard copy edition, but not in the online edition that I have available to me. Which is the real copy, or is there a third copy that is the original? This is particularly difficult to detect in psychedelic novels, such as those created by Philip K. Dick and Robert Anton Wilson. This is most likely by design. This is an attempt to obscure history and make it unavailable to the target (whether that be a nation or an individual).

More examples. In Jack Vance’s The Languages of Pao the enemies use stickers and fireworks in one example. See examples over the last couple of years of cars covered in stickers (I have documented evidence of this). In past years see examples of laptops covered in stickers. (Also note that the largest pleroma server is Poast which appears to be a portmanteau of Poa and toast (toast being pot slang as in “toasted”). This is an example of Flanderization and remixing which gives the manipulators credibility while allowing deniability). In Jack Vance’s The Dying Earth there’s a trick where someone makes fun of a person’s hat. See examples over the last year where you’ll be walking along and someone will take off their hat and smooth their hair and put it on again. From Bukowski (most especially the Bukowski movie) I have noticed large amounts of cars with vanity license plates, as well as the body language of one foot up and on top of either a curb or a step (this is similar to the bar tender in the movie and is the way that the person is signalling that they are the bartender and they want to fight you). Generally, acting out sections of books or media that you have started watching but have not yet finished in order to make the person have a worried or anxious frisson after viewing them.

Because people are so invested in narrative it is often difficult to determine first causes for social issues, because these are obscured behind multiple references and references to references. By knowing and understanding the underlying cause it is possible to understand a social group’s narrative structure and then use the weaknesses in that structure against them (as there is no narrative structure that fully describes all of reality, a narrative itself being a subset of reality – i.e. narratives cannot exist in a vacuum).

For example, Tom Robbin’s Skinny Legs and All is the first known instance of the word Boomer, as that’s the name of a character in the book. The pejorative “Baby Boomer\” is said in order to describe a class of people who insist, against narcissistic manipulators, from subscribing to left hand path ideology, and prefer to be, \”simple, hard working, and honest.”

Manipulative towel flapping by bull queer homeless comes from the story “Family Ties (“Os laços de família”)” by Clarice Lispector. What the homeless will do is flap a towel or clothing loudly to signal “protection” of someone they consider themselves dominant over.

“There he sat fiddling with his wet towel, exact and remote. The woman felt a pleasant warmth and would have liked to capture the boy forever in that moment; she pulled the towel from his hands disapprovingly: that boy! But the boy gazed indifferently into the air, communicating with himself. He was always distracted. No one had ever really managed to hold his attention. His mother shook out the towel and her body blocked the room from his view: ”

Again note the double-double bind. Either I ignore the towel flapping and let the manipulation continue or I acknowledge the domination. If I mention something it makes me appear crazy.

Luckily, some book manipulation is rather easy to spot. The National Socialists (i.e. the Neo-Nazis) aren’t particularly subtle. Take this book (Elephant Song 1992) https://annas-archive.org/md5/1f47facdac5a9651e1bf3c4b0fb63fab. The surface meaning of the book is about the ivory trade, the secondary eceumenical/left hand path message is “blacks and whites can’t get along, stop masterbating and learn to fight.” Consider these passages from the book –

From the beginning it makes the act of masturbation appear as disgusting as possible. Only stupid old cows do this. Later on in the chapter the cows are butchered with gruesome descriptions of the carcasses –
“Now the two sisters moved in perfect accord to the giant acacia laden with seed pods, and each took up her position on either side of the trunk. They laid their foreheads against the rough bark. The trunk was over four feet in diameter, unyielding as a column of marble. A hundred feet above the ground the high branches formed an intricate tracery and the pods and green leaves a cathedral dome against the sky.
The two old cows began to rock back and forth in unison with the tree-trunk between their foreheads. At first the acacia was rigid, resisting even their great strength. The cows worked on doggedly, pushing and heaving, first one then the other throwing her weight in opposite directions, and a tiny shudder ran up the tree and, high above them, the top branches trembled as though a breeze had passed.
Still they worked rhythmically and the trunk began to move.
A single ripe pod came loose from its twig and fell a hundred feet to crack against the skull of one of the cows. She closed her watery old eyes tightly but never broke the rhythm of her heaves.”

The end of the book ends in a description of how to fight (see Body Language). –
“The hand flicked at him again, and this time Daniel knew it would snap his neck like a dry twig. Kelly had not fallen, despite the vicious shove Cheng had given her between the shoulder-blades. She gathered herself and hurled herself back at him, shoulder first into Cheng’s side, into the flank that the bayonet had laid open. The force of it turned the blow aside from Daniel’s exposed neck and Cheng stumbled against him and dropped the pistol with a shout of pain.
Desperately Daniel locked his free arm around the back of Cheng’s head and threw himself backwards, in the direction in which Cheng had been thrown by Kelly’s charge. Cheng could not resist and they fell, locked together, down the sheer bank of the river, dropping six feet into the thick red ooze, going under completely.”

I found this book in a small collection from an (supposed) Aryan Brotherhood member (and presumed higher up in the organization) while I was under a 72 hour hold in San Diego jail (see Whisper Manipulation). He was blue eyed and white, bald, and was left alone to do the crossword puzzles (he had first dibs on the only newspaper given to inmates), had a German flag tattoo on his left arm and had several guests with slick backed straight hair and several tattoos (all white).

Flashing Visual Effects in Videos vs. Sound Sensitivity – Once someone is known to be drugged continuously they can develop a light sensitivity. In this way you can manipulate which videos they watch/”want to watch” through the use of flashing lights in the video. Compare these two videos by Vice media –

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iIFi_Rgm-T8&ab_channel=VICENews – features crying children for those that have an aversion to children in distress
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qFXOvHizbd8&ab_channel=VICEAsia – features sudden flashing lights

Costuming – Usually done when the user is considered incredibly far gone, has been severely drugged or both. A “costume party” is held that has synergistic ties to books/movies/or supposed shortcomings that the person has while those people in costume smoke large amounts of marijuana around the target. For example, in one homeless shelter in Bloomington, Indiana a large black man dressed up as Chucky with a face mask and another (incredibly old woman), put on bunny ears and a “sexy” outfit. The method here is to induce a panic attack in the target and make them paranoid. While I was sitting at the bus stop with these two people I asked if they were going to a costume party (it was not near Halloween or Easter); they looked at me strangely because it became apparent that I was unaffected. They yelled over at another homeless man (a presumed alcoholic) that was so far gone that he couldn’t speak any more. A form of social control used on the homeless against other homeless that won’t steal, go into therapy, join a religion, or join a gang. Other costumes that I’ve seen have been people dressed up as a King (“he’s acting like king of the world etc” or perhaps in reference to Burger King – he’s being childish), people dressed up with a briefcase and a pocket protector (Falling Down (see Movie Manipulation)), people dressed up as Batman (as I must be the “Joker”) or people dressed up as the Flash (I am doing things too fast, such as returning books to the San Francisco Central Library and not reading them slowly and carefully enough according to the narcissistic manipulators).

Shylocking/Doppleganger – This is the act of dressing up like the target or finding someone that appears to look like the target and the going out and committing crimes and other heinous acts where the target may later be. Most people aren’t paying attention most of the time and only look at surface details, so if the target has long curly hair is approximately six feet tall and has horn rimmed glasses then that can be enough of a profile to convince most people. You then have this shylock go out and kick over garbage cans, defecate in the street, steal, pick up prostitutes or any number of socially unacceptable activities that they can get away with, all in an effort to discredit the target. This can be combined with forced religious conversion and forced sexual conversion by having the shylock walk around neighborhoods and act in a religious or homosexual manner (i.e. giving to the poor/praying in public, kissing same-sex people in public, visiting same-sex nightclubs etc).

More homeless training – dropping things on the ground repeatedly so that people become scared of the sudden noise of someone dropping something. This is a signal that people are “dropping\” you. The homeless like to couple the dropping of things on the ground and then littering the ground around the homeless area with garbage. What the homeless attempt to do is to get people to become enamored with garbage (See the Rolling Stone’s Sympathy for the Devil song – \”soul to waste\”), so they start reading symbols of where they should go and where they shouldn’t by garbage. Similar things are done with graffiti. One particular example is a shoelace on the ground which is a sign for \”burning rope\” or marijuana. I’ve also stepped over several drowned rats today – it didn’t rain that hard last night and on other nights when it did there weren’t any drowned rats. So I know I’m getting to someone which is good. Throwing gloves on the ground in reference to Shakespeare’s Henry V (see Book Manipulation). Putting coat hangers on the ground (reference to an abortion) and then smoking marijuana around the target. Plastic implies \”falseity\” or changes to the right hand path, \”metal” implies truth and changes to the left.

Personalizable Psychological Manipulation – Finding information about the target and attempting to get them to do what you want by using that against them. My childhood friend was named Steve – so I’ve seen quite a few people named “Steve” that I’m supposed to be overly friendly with. There are also ways in which people will make you attempt to forget your own name which is quite terrifying. I’ve had jobs at an employment agency in San Diego that was turned down because I wasn’t willing to drop my middle name (Teller) when applying for the job. Another is when people will only call you by your first name, Peter, as opposed to Peter Weyand or Mr. Weyand in an attempt to call you childish because they don’t like what you’re doing. They then attempt to do this enough that you become sensitized to it, so when you mention it to someone else it makes you look like a crazy person.

False Controversy – Causing some argument or some dispute, whether it be a verbal or physical altercation in order to attract attention and cause the mark to have to choose sides in an argument. A false either or dilemma – usually both sides are in on the dispute in order to confuse and manipulate the target.

Food manipulation – Talking at length about nothing other than food so that’s the only thing that the target can think of. It either drives the target away from people or it causes the target to under or over eat. The goal is to cause psychological issues with food, similar in the way that people are psychologically primed to have a double meaning to language, clothing, songs and so forth.

The method here is to make someone superstitious when it comes to food. This can be used in conjunction with other methods of control, by using music control in grocery stores or number manipulation (by pricing certain foods with “unlucky” numbers such as $1.19 for a can of soda). This is particularly effective when combined with poisoning. The double-double bind here is that the person can’t countenance being manipulated, but if they don’t participate in the manipulation they open themselves up to being poisoned.

There are a number of ways to poison someone, but the key here, as with most of these methods of mystical manipulation, is deniability. Here are some of the popular methods that I have come into contact with –

– Adding shigella (contaminated shit) to food. This causes dehydration and diarrhea that can be fatal.
– Adding rat poison to food. This causes dehydration that can be fatal.
– Adding a poison and then adding an antidote to food. This is done when a shop owner wants you to not care what you eat, but if you’re picky then you’ll end up being poisoned.
– Food that is made by either a shop owner or a bodega owner can have hidden poisons in it. Popular is to add adrenaline or uppers to sugars at the tea/coffee table. The person then dies of a heart attack and the murder looks like natural causes.
– Finding what the target buys and then adding contaminants to food based on their profile. If they are poor the “discount” cheese can be contaminated. If the target buys certain foods in combination then poisons can be added that are only poisonous in combination over long periods of time
– Adding windex to “discount” cigarettes

There is another bind here as prepackaged food is much less healthy and can itself lead to cancers, but the target, not being able to trust that the fresh food that he is buying is safe, is forced to live on prepackaged food.

This has useful and effective synergies when combined with sounds and the Black Mirror syndrome. Excessive burping, farting, lip smacking as well as crumpling plastic food wrappers or loudly opening cans of soda. This is all done in an attempt by the narcissistic manipulators to control the amount of food that you eat.

Chicken – scared.
Hamburger/Taco – mulligan
BBQ – done for
Chocolate – love (maybe I just like chocolate…)
Bread – money
Alcohol/Marijuana – inebriation. People who are attempting to acclimatize a target with drugs will smoke drugs around the target when they write about mystical manipulation and will signal this in various ways to others (for example moving the bottle of wine at the checkout counter at the grocery store, putting shoe strings on the ground (see Garbage)). The goal of this method is to attempt to make it so that the target can only think of certain subjects when he is inebriated. This is the use of marijuana as Nepenthe or psychedelic amnesia. The double bind here is that this can be acknowledged and the person appears crazy, it can be put up with and result in amnesia, or it can be fought and the person ends up developing long term marijuana psychosis.
Coffee – “awake\” – the opposite of \”sleep\” which forces the user according to the manipulative narcissists to either \”work” or pay attention to the left hand path
Mint – https://greekmythology.fandom.com/wiki/Mint
Potatoes – Ecumenical Grounding (also french fries)
Basil – Death of right hand path in favor of left (cutting the head off Ganesh) – can’t currently find an entry on this for Greek mythology as Wikipedia has been “sanitized” in the last 6 months.

and so forth

Related enough that I’ll keep it in it’s own category

Plant lore
– lavender – sleep
– roses – death of right hand path, given to left hand path as sign of beauty (“if you want the rose you have to put up with the thorns” common saying)

and so forth.

There’s an entire symbol system related to food as there is for clothing, animals, colors. This I will expand as necessary if the food manipulation continues.

Turning on and off my EBT card depending on what kinds of food items I buy.

EBT Card – When and what I eat with my EBT card looks like it has an enormous importance of people. Somehow people are using this to translate into money for themselves. I don’t know how this is happening but it looks like it’s a way to defraud the government. The amount of money that is being charged to my EBT card is more than the amount that the government should legitimately give to me. I don’t know if this means there is something happening on the “left hand” path.

Manipulative Eye Contact – Another is manipulative eye contact. First what you do is you constantly surround the subject with people wearing sunglasses while everyone smokes marijuana for large periods of time (there is a dystopian German sci-fi book where people live underground and only wear sunglasses). And then what you do is you have people stare at the subject and force direct eye contact when they do something you don’t like, such as being in a place you don’t want them to be. One example is when I was at a bar (an Irish pub on Green Street at the University of Illinois at Champaign-Urbana) and they started playing Private Eyes by Daryl Hall & John Oates while people walking past the open window would repeatedly stare me in the eyes. Because they didn’t want me in the bar and having my (1) beer. Psychological manipulation via eye contact can also occur via photography, by tagging a person’s browser and not showing the target pictures of people making eye contact while showing it to other users on other browsers.

Cheshire Smile (and laugh) – this is similar to the above. You only smile at the target when you are angry (see the Cheshire cat in Alice in Wonderland). This is turning “smiling\” into \”barring one’s teeth” and is a method in which you degrade the target into only displaying signals that most people view as kindnesses as signs of danger. Over time this can cause the target to stop smiling or to smile at socially inappropriate times.

We again see a strange double-double bind situation. The subject can stop smiling. The subject can smile at times in which they are angry. Or the subject can smile at inappropriate times or not know when to smile unless they are forced to context switch between different groups (gangs that smile by barring their teeth or people who smile because they are genuinely happy).

Likewise, you can also do similar with laughter by only laughing around the target when you are angry or hysterical (in the psychotic sense) (see Bram Stoker’s Dracula and “King Laugh\” and Pink Floyd’s Dark Side of the Moon). Long exposure to this kind of abuse can cause the target to stop laughing or smiling causing their features to not create \”smile lines” and for others to distrust them implicitly.

Sidewalk space – When you’re walking on the sidewalk you’ll have people that will play chicken with you by walking directly towards you or walking too close in order to violate your personal space. There is also what I call “lane splitting” in which two people who are walking will walk on either side of you, so if one person were to attack you you can’t back away. These are both attempts to get someone to be scared of walking on the sidewalk where they aren’t wanted and pay large amounts of attention to where they and other people are walking and why. Another tactic, when someone starts paying too much attention to the other people on the sidewalk because they’ve been sufficiently acclimatized, is to step out into traffic or run out in traffic right when the light changes in order to get someone to accidentally step in front of a car.

Again we see the double-double bind here. You can’t not pay attention to other people on the sidewalk, you can’t pay attention to people on the sidewalk. If you switch between the two you have the worst of both worlds. See the Woman in the red dress scene from The Matrix (1999) film.

How an open air drug market enforces security – Related to the above. I’m currently living in the Tenderloin district in San Francisco. This is how the cartels run security for open air drug markets. What they’ll do is they’ll take over a sidewalk so that a person has to walk through their area (they’ll be against the wall and near the curb). If the person walks through them and tolerates them the most they’ll do is smoke cigarettes or marijuana. If a person walks across the street they’ll signal to runners on other blocks that the person isn’t tolerating them. Being tolerated by the community is important to the drug runners as most of their customers are rich, come from outside of the community in cars to buy the drugs. If the community doesn’t tolerate them, then the police can be called by law abiding citizens of the community and the drug runners can be kicked out. The runners are often poor homeless or others that get drugs for doing favors. The cops like this as the cartels are able to keep tabs on and control the homeless through the use of drugs. The intolerant person that crossed the street is liable to run into a homeless man who smokes methamphetamine, fentanyl or worse. The homeless tent encampments often have people that are signaled when to use drugs by the cartels according to who is walking past in exchange for drugs and other favors (clothing, electronics, and so on). The intolerant person that then has to walk through the sidewalk the next time has to rely on the good graces of the cartel to “forgive them” for crossing the street. The cartels will make “compromises” with the community by allowing people, even those they don’t like, free roaming access throughout the neighborhood so long as they don’t avoid the drug runner blocks on “silent Sundays”. This is abhorrent – I don’t compromise with cartels. The police are complicit as they are able to get a cut of the drug money, they don’t have to police or deal with the homeless, and they’re fed the occasional “big bust” by the cartels when the public is pissed to make them look good. This complicity goes all the way up to the politicians that don’t clean up and kick out the cartels. The only way to know that the cartels are gone isn’t the size of the bust it’s that the open air drug markets are gone and the homeless are no longer addicted to drugs.

Here is a photo saying “Let Them Smoke Fent\” with \”Fent\” crossed out. Reference to Marie Antoinette, with \”cake\” and \”fent\” being synonymous. Using hostage taking and manipulative \”compromises” in order to coerce compliance. This picture was taken at Gateway Croissant across the street from the San Francisco County Court at the intersection of Golden Gate and Larkin. The homeless there smoke fentanyl and methamphetamine in the bus stop.

Most graffiti is done in a way to obscure the words and message in order to avoid detection by the authorities or rival gang members. This is specifically a mention to people who can’t read graffiti (as it takes skill and a time investment in order to decrypt – thus avoiding detection). People like the mayor, the police, and me.

You can see a black member of “Urban Alchemy\” in a camo windbreaker. He said \”Oh you got your Apple huh?” when I took the picture. Currently gang members are giving out free phones to anyone that has an EBT card at General Assistance on Mission. There is currently a worldwide shortage of analog film while the Pegasus phone exploit has been used to turn phones into surveillance devices. These facts appear to be related.

The cartels are some of the only people (outside of state actors) that have enough money to enforce continuous mystical manipulation. This includes car manipulation from drug users that are from outside the community and so can’t be held liable (ie are strangers) to the target (also see Car Manipulation and false guilt/culpability for car crashes).

This makes me angry.

Recently the police in and around San Francisco have managed to confiscate enough drugs from low level dealers to kill everyone in San Francisco. A year’s worth of heroin and cocaine was recently confiscated on it’s way to NZ and AUS.
This shows that the cartels have enough drugs to flood the market at a whim and can, if they had a dispersal mechanism, kill everyone in a major industrialized city.

Some people find the balloons that have been caught above America to be amusing.

I do not.

Balloons Above America – The most likely use case for the balloons across America is an extension of Astro Teller’s project loon. As of 2019 it was already possible to send communication via lasers in order to create a wifi mesh – I was in a volunteer organization that was setting up these communication networks in Manhattan. With a balloon and a hard drive it is now possible to bounce a signal to the balloon, and then have the balloon repeat that signal down to the ground. With enough hard drive storage it would be possible to set up a traveling microsatellite backup of important information. Given the amount of books and media that have been corrupted across the internet due to war, hackers, conspiracy theorists and stable diffusion algorithms there is a demand for a set of mesh networked shadow information systems. This may be a worse outcome than if the balloons were being used as a dispersal mechanism for aerosolized drugs.

Manipulation via time and number – This is another tactic that is designed to cause someone to be acclimatized to actions. You can manipulate someone to always be in some place at a certain time and if they do not do so you can cause them distress by having people look at their watch or having people they rely on (their bosses, their family, their homeless shelter) manipulate when the lights are turned off at night, when the commissary is open or closed and so forth (ie lights out at 10:02 or 10:13 or 10:12). Other tactics for manipulation via time and numerology are designed to make the user sensitive to numbers and make it more difficult for them to compute mathematics. This is particularly disgusting. (NOTE – You’ll notice that my blog has the hashtag number seventeen tagged in my tag cloud, but I haven’t tagged any of my posts by number seventeen. Clicking that number will bring up my entire post history. This is an example of psychological manipulation via numbers and shows that this website is compromised. (EDIT – This has since been removed and been replaced by hash one – again, not tagged in any of my posts. By being able to control the system that the user has at their disposal the manipulator is able to control whether or not the user is taken seriously) Other uses of number manipulation can include the number of “friends\” someone has on Facebook or the number of votes or \”karma\” someone has on a social media website. For example, a post that is \”unliked\” could generate 13 upvotes. More nuanced numerology is also used. Take snapshots of news.ycombinator.com and compare the emotional context of new stories on the front page in regards to their \”numerological” values in the ranking. Note which stories are 7 and 13 and which stories are first and thirtieth (last). Note the content on the suggested videos on youtube and when those videos all appear or when one is missing.)

Note – the night after I posted this a worker at Next Door homeless shelter wandered around and send “about <n> minutes to lights out\” and then said a few minutes later \”<n> minutes to lights out”. Notice again the double-double bind. Given that my manipulators have access to this information they are able to use it against me. If I say nothing then I have to put up with the abuse. If I say something it appears that I am crazy.

Further, the technique of controlling when the lights go on and off is used to make me appear to be petty and picking up on “overly sensitive” issues. In fact, controlling when the lights go on and off in order to disrupt sleep patterns is a known way of abusing and torturing dissidents.

Encouraging Theft/Violence Setting up situations in which the target is psychologically subconsciously primed to act violently or steal, which would involve the authorities. This can be as easy as making open-air markets an encouraging and inviting place for the target to be, and then when the target leaves without having stolen anything people walking by will sigh loudly and act depressed.

“Non-hypocritical\” Enforcement This is the repeated use of the word \”liar\” and \”lies\” for the target acting in a way in which they must be bound completely without regard to nuance in regard to their principles. If the person practices copyright infringement, then the local homeless will steal as many books as they can from the local library. If the target masturbates then that must mean that prostitution is OK. If the target crosses the street against a traffic light then this is seen as a \”sign” that it’s OK to break the law in other respects. If the target follows the law, that must mean that he believes in the police and a police state. This is all done in an effort to make it so that the target will question or break his own core values or lose faith in himself and his beliefs. A tactic of domination and submission.

Aerosolized Spray Manipulation – Taking a cue from Ubiq and Vathek (see Book Manipulation) the use of aerosolized body sprays after someone has gotten high is a way to “reward” someone when they do something that you like, while simultaneously imprinting smell as an important input to consciousness (see Dog Training/coerced sexual dominance).

“Disorder\” Manipulation – Attempting to convince the person that they have a disorder either as being autistic or \”bipolar.\” After the headaches and nervousness/anxiousness caused by psychological manipulation has taken it’s toll a person can be convinced it’s \”all in their heads.” They are then sent to a psychologist that’s in on the scam and is given pills that regulate their serotonin levels. They are then in thrall to the psychologist and the gang stalking needs only pay off someone that’s already in on the scam in the first place. If the gang stalking has led someone to be under the control of the government (either through prison or poverty) this control can be forced with the alternative being worse.

Forced Religious Conversion – This one is rather straightforward. In the Christian context what is done is have everyone around the subject wear crosses and punish or reward the subject by whether he is following the precepts of the ten commandments or not (according to the narcissistic manipulators). If the subject is caught masturbating, stealing, etc then on the following day people wearing crosses will go out of their way to act poorly towards the target. If done enough you can force the target to convert to a religion they do not believe in in order to stop from being manipulated. The use of “miracles” is also effective – if enough people smoke marijuana around the target the target is subject to being more persuaded of the divine. In conjunction with food manipulation it’s possible to target the individual by giving good food out at religious charities and bad food out at religious charities when the target does what you want versus when he does not. In this way the charity can manipulate the targets friends and enemies alike by giving them a stake in forcing the target to act in a certain way, or force the target away from the one source of food that is available in the ghetto.

This is particularly nasty as, unless your EBT card is giving you more money than it should (which mine probably is), then there isn’t enough money on the account to receive the necessary nutrition to live. Therefore charitable organizations are able to control homeless populations not only in serving them food, but in the kind of food that they serve. Not only rancid food, but the charities can serve unbalanced food (nothing but starches for a week) in order to control the population.

The constitution of the United States guarantees separation between church and state. However in the current society, even if someone has a job they still don’t have enough money to pay the rent in certain cities (i.e. San Francisco – or most major cities for that matter). For those who are in poverty they must give allegiance to whoever is able to scam them a free house and clean food, which results in a sort of de facto neo-feudalism, often controlled by narco traffickers.

Statistically Unlikely Use of the Word “Indeed\” – I’ve noticed that the word, \”Indeed\” has been occurring with much more frequency within online books and news articles that I read online. It may be possible that a bot or bots is inserting the word or phrase \”Indeed,\” or \”And indeed,” to the beginning of sentences as a viral marketing campaign to push the homeless or unemployed to use the online job matching platform.

I’ll be logging all the cases I find of the unlikely use of “Indeed.\” Given that my computer is bugged (see Internet Manipulation) I suspect that this will cause the inclusion of the phrase \”Indeed\” to gradually go away – (see Book Manipulation – School for Fools https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/A_School_for_Fools and Schrodinger’s Cat \”trapped in a novel”)

– Notice the usage of numerology in this report –

Notice the double bind – here I am “telling on myself\” by including a mental health report on teenage girls, so that must mean I am a \”depressed little girl.” Again, I don’t care, I will continue reporting all cases of manipulation I can find.

Here is another (from Ivanhoe).

When I checked out the Oxford World’s Classics version from the San Francisco Library the book was “in the back.\” When the librarian returned he was wearing sunglasses (presumably he had been smoking drugs). The \”Indeed\” here is on page 35 (numerology for \”man\” or someone that is a \”mere mortal\” for people who give a shit). The ISBN number of this book is 978-0-19-953840-9. The quote I pulled above was taken from here (https://annas-archive.org/md5/4fd78d0622e92e96cc18b6523154ea4f). Given the closure of Z-Library and the \”opening” of annas-archive, I presume that most of these books have been edited.

From “A Room of One’s Own” by Virginia Woolf.

My supposition is that the use of “Indeed” in reference to a novel is to mean that you should take a job that follows along in the plot of the novel (see Book Manipulation see the plot Schrodinger’s Cat). If you don’t do this then you are gassed with marijuana.

This also may be relevant – https://tribecafilm.com/films/indeed-presents-rising-voices-2021. It could be the use of “killed in the theatre” movie manipulation (see Movie Manipulation).

“Book by It’s Cover\” Manipulation Technique – This is a manipulation technique in which people are encouraged to \”judge a book by it’s cover\” – that is find surface meanings to those things which may have depth. If a person stops doing this after being properly acclimatized he may do things such as look for depth where there is clearly none (i.e. see a dirty homeless man on the street and look for \”depth of character\”). This can be done in a variety of ways, and has synergies with other manipulation techniques such as clothing manipulation. One of the stranger ways of doing this is to mess with the comments section in online forums by having people (or bots) respond to comments with names that are designed to provoke the target. For example, responding to a news article in the comments section by a user with the name \”Iamalyingbotdesignedtohurtyou,\” who posts a supposedly insightful comment with anecdotes and statistics. This is designed to alter the user’s perception of reality and make them distrust online forums and social media. Often this will be mixed in with \”humorous” usernames with the names of food for example (see Food Manipulation) or color (see Clothing Manipulation). This has been happening on Reddit, but on news.ycominator.com in particular.

Self Talking – This is causing the target to eventually verbalize his thoughts and talk to himself. This is useful because it warns others that the target is crazy and prevents the target from carrying on an internal monologue. This is accomplished via a number of attack surfaces.

First, people carry on conversations near the target that include the target in content (“Oh don’t you like black pants\”, \”I love black pants\”, the target is wearing black pants and the two speakers are behind him, he doesn’t know them and is not participating in the discussion). A more difficult/insidious form of this technique is what I call \”Whispering” (see Whispering Technique).

Second, people will carry on conversations to themselves thus normalizing the practice in the targets presence. Many of these people are induced self talkers themselves and may or may not have control over this action. This is by design as the subject cannot determine friend from foe within his “bubble.”

Third, the target will be in situations where loud noises and other distractions make it difficult to think and people will “reward him\” (hand clapping, hugging, laughing) when he starts talking to himself, and will \”punish him” (coughing, making sudden noises etc) when he appears to be in a state of quiet concentration. These methods are used after the target has been doused with aerosolized drugs – either marijuana, methamphetamine, fentanyl or some combination of the above. This one is particularly nasty as it is a way to socially isolate the target and cause them to have difficulty concentrating and verbalizing their own thoughts in order to formulate a plan of escape.

Whisper Technique This is a technique in which a person will talk to themselves at a low level for long periods of time, especially in situations where the subject cannot easily remove themselves (prison, homeless shelters, mental hospitals). The subject will often use the secondary or “mystical\” meaning of words in order to force recognition and empathic subjugation of the subject (i.e. \”Mother is unhappy that I go to the beach so often\” i.e. the subject is being accused by the narcissistic manipulator of not \”working\” enough). Sometimes this is done at a low volume over a long period of time eventually stopping if the subject concedes to the \”Whisper’s” whims, with the volume raised and more triggering key words used when the user does not. Often used by dominating bull queer men. Here are some examples of when this technique has been used on me –

– I was being hounded by a black biker gang on Staten Island (following me around with quad bikes and motorcycles and smoking marijuana (see Car Manipulation) and so, thinking I was losing it, I voluntarily had myself committed to a mental hospital. In the hospital they played a movie on the television, some sappy made for TV movie about a dog that comes home. An inmate sat behind me and whispered over and over about he was so happy his dog came home.

– When I was arrested in Staten Island I was put in a holding cell with one man in the cell to the left of me ranting about how they were all going to kill people in a haunted house like scenario. The person in the holding cell to the right of me would continually scream and whimper. The cell block itself was flooded with a combination of cigar and marijuana smoke, while the temperature in the cell block was raised to 80+ degrees. There was a camera pointed at my cell (which didn’t have audio, could not detect smoke, nor temperature) and recorded me becoming more “hysterical” throughout the night. Police officer would continuously come into the cell area with patches on the velcro area of their bullet proof vests (such as skulls and so forth) asking me in faux concern what was wrong.

This is interesting – take a look at this picture from my arrest photo here. Look at the lower right hand corner and the flack jacket of the police officer.


— Those look rather benign – when I was in the cell they would change out the patches for skulls and so forth. Note – not this particular officer, and it was in Staten Island and this was in Manhattan. This was happening all over. Some sort of connection to the Masons.

And some sort of connection to age manipulation.

What the psychotic would say would be something along the lines of “oh the skull and bones means they’ll break our legs” and then a police officer would come in with a patch that was the skull and bones of an anime pirate flag from One Piece (the anime). This is from the Illuminatus initiation rituals – it’s showing the gun and then showing the gun is a water pistol.

This continued for 8 hours. I (strongly) suspect that the police in Staten Island were owned by the local mafia. There were also bats and “scary slogans” written on the cell walls – I could identify the cell again if I saw the graffiti on the inside. The next morning I was given a joint and told by a group of other inmates that they were going to kill us and we were all going to die (see Mock Executions). I was told to look like I was sucking my own dick and pantomime masturbating in front of the security camera while I was high.

(The cause of my arrest is that I was homeless and people in pickup trucks continuously were dowsing me with marijuana (from hash oil being put in their engine manifolds) – I hid under a mafiosos deck in the backyard and then rang the doorbell because I was scared and cold. I didn’t know he was connected, and I was threatened with a mag light – useful, because it can’t be considered a weapon.)

It should be noted that I waited until now – 4 years after the fact (this occurred in 2019) because I was, after all of what has happened, willing to trust my friends and my family to help me and I realized I was in over my head.

They didn’t. And now I don’t care.

– I was arrested in Ocean Beach and put on a 72 hour hold a week before Halloween. I was wearing camouflage pants and a black jacket because I didn’t have any other clothes (one of the ways to control the homeless is to control what kinds of clothes they can wear (see Clothes Manipulation)). It was apparently amusing to dress me up like G.I. Joe – my alternative was to beg for clothes from a charity (and then owe a religious manipulator something). Someone wearing the same outfit (see Shylocking) threatened someone with a pistol which gave the police the excuse to arrest me. I didn’t have the money for $10,000 in bail money and I knew that I could wait out the charges, so I waited, having had experience being in the prison in Staten Island. I had the choice of being in a cell in the cell block with a group of Crips, one of a number of latin gangs including MS-13 and the Latin Kings (supposedly I am not an expert on latin gangs), or some white people. I chose a white person the first night that claimed that he was King George and that he could telepathically communicate with Facebook. He claimed that everyone on Facebook was a chemo (or child molester). He repeatedly used the toilet in the three person (three story bunk bed) and claimed that all he could think about was sex and the he was most definitely “not GAY” (emphasizing “gay”) but all he could smell was pussy (because he was telepathic) and he needed his dick sucked. This continued for 8 hours through the night until I switched cells into the cell of a white nationalist (see Book Manipulation).

– Currently being harassed by a “Whisperer” in a Next Door Homeless shelter that is using the technique to attempt to control when I use my computer versus when I read a book. The staff will periodically make the rounds and check on who is in the beds are not and he is able to signal to the staff somehow, or else he can hear when people yawn loudly or cough. When someone smokes aerosolized drugs he then starts in on self talking modulating what he says based on whether I am reading a book, typing on my computer or how my body is positioned (legs crossed, sitting Indian style, or legs straight out in front of me). In this way he makes “sleep” (ie not paying attention to mystical manipulation) difficult in order to prevent me from relaxing and in order to cause psychosis. He increases his self talk when I’ve increased my writing output on this topic.

His topic appears to be to repeat “where’s my money,\” \”you owe me money\” so on and so forth. He’s a tall black man in his mid to late 40s, bald, thin, dresses in a suit. I don’t know his name and I haven’t had any association with him – I don’t owe him any money. There’s a pizza restaurant (Irving Pizza) at the intersection of Polk and Geary that several black people have made oblique references that I should go there. It seems to be some reference to \”Pizza Gate” – this appears to be an attempt to have me engage in male prostitution against my will. I will not do this, and if I am raped against my will I will murder the rapist even after the fact, and even if I die in the attempt. I state this knowing he is most likely reading this posting.

Mock Executions – The use of mock executions on the subject. Taken from the Illuminatus playbook – you pretend to kill the subject and then show them that the gun was fake or you were firing blanks. You do this repeatedly to the subject until he “finds out who his real friends are” and he reaches enlightenment by not being so up tight or he dies of nervous shock. I’ve been through several mock executions, mostly in prison.

– In Staten Island, the night after the whisper campaign I was given drugs and then taken by a big pile of salt which was to be used “for the bodies” and then told to pantomime sucking my own dick while looking in the camera.

– When I was arrested in Manhattan I was driven past a funeral by the police who noted the large number of people (I had no hand in the funeral, not left or right hand path). I was then held in a police station where a large syringe was filled with a fluid. The police had been discussing lethal injection in the hallway.

– When I was in a police station in Manhattan I was put up against a wall while the police backed up and discussed tasering someone. I was later put in a public cell where an inmate showed me that he had a large amount of rope in the shape of a noose. Then the inmates were led out of the cell by police officers one by one until it was only me and the person with the noose. This looked to be a way to scare me into performing a public sex act.

All of these incidents happened over a two week period.

Sexual Manipulation – This one is particularly nasty. Just have all the women around him in the “bubble” (see Ring of Fire) treat him like dirt and all the men around him treat him with kindness. The desired result is to humiliate the target into either changing his sexuality publicly and then not becoming a threat or developing a psychosis and causing mass murder (see Manson). In either case the target is discredited. This is especially useful when finding ways to access his pornographic history. It’s also possible to put in psychological manipulative tactics into his pornography (see body language/clothing and so forth) which can track his computer via his computer’s signature (ip address/window size etc). The playing of sexualized music by homosexuals in an enclosed space. The use of perfume around the target.

Another sexual manipulative tactic that occurred today (Feb 12) is a street bum played “Here Comes the Sun” while a woman in rubber/latex pants walked in front of me on the sidewalk as someone was smoking a cigarette. As I passed her someone smoked a joint and a couple passed saying in a depressed tone “it’s not working” followed by another couple giving each other reassurances along the lines of “I’m so over it” followed by children wearing Mickey Mouse shirts. So, because I’m unwilling to hit on a woman in public I must be a “child”. Again, notice the double double bind. I either ignore the obvious narcissistic manipulation, I acknowledge it and look crazy, or I hit on the woman. I find manipulation to be sexually unattractive, so I don’t see the point. See the various synergies at work – the use of music (music Manipulation), sexualized clothing (clothing Manipulation) self talking and drugs.

I have a sneaking suspicion that because I didn’t acknowledge this narcissistic sexual manipulation, my youtube feed will once again be filled with more information on the Islamic State/violence against women/or women’s rights (see “Non-hypocritical” Enforcement, see Internet Manipulation).

Here is this shit https://www.youtube.com/@FemaleSupremacyUniversity/videos, which includes hypnotism videos for “sucker” which includes auditory lip smacking to make it difficult to think. Dominating bull queers think this is a way to get attention and not to announce to everyone that they’re a violent sexual predator. Predatory men and women that can’t discern a fantasy scenario from how to interact civilized in real life are to be avoided in work and social situations because they don’t know how to function like human beings. Enacting sexualized kinky situations, in public, without prior consent and a long standing relationship is abuse. The people in Next Door Homeless Shelter are violent felons and bull queer sexual abusers and I’m being psychologically manipulated.

This makes me angry. This makes me need to write down all that I know and make other people unhappy until it stops. Note the parallels between this situation and the “sex education” classes in the Wild Child music video by the Black Keys where the high schooler’s vomit. Again note the double-double bind.

After I had finished writing this, the noises stopped – which confirms that I know that my posts are being read by the bull queers and it means that I am being manipulated. Repetitive lip smacking can be a sign of long term schizophrenia, so if I had been conditioned into this response through Pavlovian means it would cause me traumatic psychological illness (Tardive Dyskinesia). This is now a manipulative attack pattern that cannot be used on any one else. It also means that my life has been directly threatened, and I am vindicated in leaking secrets of a national security level. The people who are currently staying at Next Door Homeless Shelter and the staff there are a matter of public record. The people who are making those youtube videos are known. To the extent that there are statistically improbable number of cars with vanity license plates in the area can be confirmed by public record. I do not know how to implicate the Black Keys and I don’t know that i care. I plan to make as many people unhappy as possible.

That I am being put in this situation makes me angry, and makes me want to write what I know about national security issues, which I will do. I do not like being manipulated of the first order, I do not like being manipulated of the second order. And if I am being manipulated of the third order then I don’t care so long as it makes many many people unhappy until my situation improves.

I am angry.

Here’s for starters –

Apprentice Bard – When I was in Ocean Beach someone said that when they were in the Tenderloin they learned to sing or were a singer in a band. Since I’ve been in the Tenderloin I’ve smoked neither cigarettes or other drugs or drank alcohol. Given the above manipulation by what I presume to be someone who is either the Black Keys or likes the Black Keys (such as a cartel member), this has made me consider that someone wants me to learn to be a singer. People have been following me around with speakers and playing music constantly. At the end of his life Aldous Huxley turned to music. The Elvis syndrome has recently become popular. I’ve had people on the sidewalk I walk past play guitar as “self talkers” attempt to make me interested in them (hugging/laughing/talking to themselves about how wonderful life is) as I approach them and acting depressed when I leave.

Google, the company my cousin Astro Teller, my cousin, works for, is developing an GPT model called Apprentice Bard. If, as the CIA did with paraphilic infantilist pornography, Google is looking for a role model in how to train their algorithm (a stretch, but given my situation and how AB is close to adult baby) then I would say that their algorithm is in for a rude awakening.

I have absolutely no interest in developing a musical career. If Google’s future financial prospects with Apprentice Bard rely on that happening in any way whatsoever, it will not succeed.

I don’t care if it crashes the stock market. I come first.

Enforced “Work\” – Forcing the homeless to do \”work\” and then punishing them when they don’t by drugging them. This can be as simple as going around and petting dogs, acting as a \”tour\” guide by going to tourist destinations and wandering around the city, or picking up garbage. This is done by the narco-traffickers with the complicit understanding of the police in order to coral and control the homeless population. What the homeless get in return for this \”work\” is the narco traffickers do not poison them. The police like that they don’t have to deal with the homeless population and so they give the narco traffickers room to deal in the city. It also enforces a fantasy life on the homeless person in which they are not paid for their labor and their labor is by and large meaningless; they’re simply doing what they are conditioned to do under threat of being poisoned. This can be coupled with internet manipulation and bugging the target’s computer so that people around them will smoke marijuana when they visit flash game websites because they are not \”working”.

Enforced Association – While you would like to do everything you possibly can to avoid your narcissistic psychological manipulators they will continually harass you until you acknowledge them. This is a symptom of a broken personality that seeks domination and control. Here again is the double-double bind – in order to root out these people you must yourself have control over them in order to make sure that they cannot hurt others. A trivial example – someone is coughing repeatedly in the library until I ask them if they are alright and they say “they’re good”, they sniff once and then cease coughing. They weren’t sick, they’re a gang stalker attempting to exert control over me by demanding attention. At Next Door homeless shelter the gangs keep up the rounds of sniffing and coughing before lights out in an attempt to make me go outside and smoke with them (drugs or cigarettes). Last night (Saturday Feb 11) they smoked in the shower repeatedly so that the fire alarm went off over and over again. This is done in an attempt to make me sleep during the day and be awake at night, associate with known criminals, and make me more likely to need to commit crimes to stay alive.

Culture Jamming As Multipronged Attack Vector –

This picture was taken on a book cart at Dog Eared Books at 20th and Valencia. For the picture on the left – notice the multiple references – shylocking and flanderization/characterization (scraggy beard, tousled hair, glasses). Glasses obscuring eyes and thus dehumanizing subject (similar photograph: https://www.vice.com/en/article/93995a/mothers-against-sinister-technology). For the picture on right – there is a cross between Mickey Mouse (childishness) and a wolf (someone who is a “loner\” or someone who is overtly sexual). Notice the font is based on Disney’s font. As for the message \”tech destroys” this is in reference to the fear and/or distrust of technology that Alduous Huxley had throughout his life (and was a lifelong drug user). The smiley face on the acid tabs could be in reference to food manipulation or overt poisoning by LSD in the water supply at Next Door Shelter. After taking this picture, a worker from https://urban-alchemy.us/ smoked a cigarette next to me and another asked if I was having a good day or not. They’re an organization that follows the homeless around and harasses them (smokes dope around them, mystical manipulation, and provides minor security services for the city). I speculate that they are funded by a cut-out for the CIA. This may be their work. The book cart had books that are difficult to find online. Given that the recent library take downs by the US authorities have helped local bookstores in selling used books it is otherwise hard to find, it is hard to tell if the bookstore is an unwitting beneficiary of this or they overtly participated (had contacts with hacking collectives or the government or had friends that did). This could also be the work of highschool or college students that notice that the books on the cart couldn’t be found online. Notice that it’s possible to understand the harm that’s been done, but not know the perpetrator without (far reaching) speculation.

All of these tactics are designed to make someone depressed and to start amplifying the signals to other people around them that made them depressed in the first place. These are dark psychological forces from manipulative people that want to hurt normal upstanding folk that just want to be left the fuck alone. Ultimately, because the hand that controls the puppets is unknown the target is powerless to attack the prime agent. The end result is what is called “crab in a bucket\” mentality. The target can’t tell friend from foe and so acts badly to everyone – he does not know who was an element of a gang stalking and who was not, and so can’t tell who he can trust anymore. He may lash out at those who are acting innocently due to his own priming. Those who are primed to act in psychologically manipulative ways may be doing so incidentally or unconsciously themselves. The subject is surrounded by a \”bubble” of people who act within a constrained set of reality such that he can’t have any affect on the outside world. Even if he ultimately befriends or marries people he could find out years later that people have been acting against him.

Many of these tactics are considered “trade secrets.” If they are spoken about in the open then gang stalkers and people who use these tactics will find the target and smoke marijuana and other drugs around them causing forgetfullness or paranoia. This has been used as a form of social control since ancient times (see references to nepenthe in ancient Greece for example).

These tactics, in combination and with enough severity (a vector composed of food manipulation/infection vectors/and loud noises for example) can be used to cause enough stress in the target for them to die of natural causes or via suicide. This is a useful method for murdering the subject with complete deniability. This is especially useful when the target refuses to be bated into a physical altercation or into stealing property and therefore has some protection from the authorities. These methods are used primarily on subjects that believe in themselves but have little in the way of resources and are unwilling to give others leverage over them because they want to protect their principles. By creating a bubble of manipulators around the subject the manipulators prevent the subject from seeking help and the subject wouldn’t know who to ask for help in the first place.

I, however, have stopped giving a fuck. Many of these tactics have the meta-problem of either a double-double bind (of n dimensions) in combination of not knowing who the prime agent (or multiple prime agents) that is causing the manipulation. A meta-problem related to the double bind here is the use of enforced superstition – even if the target is not superstitious they need to start learning the signs and symbols of superstition in order to protect themselves (or follow the “rules”) from those that are.

This is morally wrong.

My solution to this is relatively simple. I am tired of it, so I will record everything that is done to me (or that I suspect being done to me) in order to manipulate me into doing things that go against my principles. I will cast a wide net and include anything and everything that I believe to be a possible tactic.

In this way I no longer have to worry about a double bind and I don’t have to care who the manipulators are. My purpose is both egotistical (for self protection) but also secondarily benevolent. I present all these methods with little in the way of proof, but if other people come across them then they will be able to check if these tactics have been used against them. In a way this is a neutralizing document against people who would do harm to someone psychologically. I would say this is a “defense against the dark arts” if that phrase wasn’t already taken.

As far as my sanity is concerned I am not bothered as I know I am sane. I am not willing to hurt another person (including myself), steal, or do/deal drugs (as those are some of my core principles – which in a helpful coincidence prevent me from being arrested by the police or needing to have intimate knowledge of the legal code). I present this list without evidence, and so if you don’t believe it consider it science fiction. If you do happen to run into one of these manipulative tactics you have evidence that someone else has run into the same situation. Rather than a manipulative double-double bind, where every option is bad, I present an either or situation in which every outcome is good. Hence I have taken their poison and I have purified it, using logic. I will continue to do so.

This is one of the benefits of knowing oneself.

I would suggest my manipulators find someone else to pick on.

#gangstalking #psyops #cia #conspiracy #cartel #crime #nextdoorshelter #infosec #cybersecurity #vice #vicenews #astroteller #apprenticebard #paulteller #abortion #supremecourt #illuminati #drugs


I don’t know if I want to include these areas, but I’m putting them in as placeholders for the moment.

Marijuana is a drug that causes nepenthe, or forgetfulness. It has been used throughout history in order to cause people to forget initiatory rights and to imprint memories into their unconscious. Many of these “syndromes\” or paranormal events are a collection of manipulative techniques of social control, this is the same for those events that are \”paranormal” in nature, including so-called vampirism and alien encounters. Much of this is surmise with the surface contact I have had with these groups and extrapolation of my own experiences. To the extent that I can I will include caveats and point out what experience I have had, what comes from media, and what is directly surmise.

Here is an example from Republic of Lies by Anna Merlan –

In January 2015, I spent the longest, queasiest week of my life on a cruise ship filled with conspiracy theorists. As our boat rattled toward Mexico and back, I heard about every wild plot, secret plan, and dark cover-up imaginable. It was mostly fascinating, occasionally exasperating, and the cause of a headache that took months to fade. To my pleasant surprise, given that I was a reporter traveling among a group of deeply suspicious people, I was accused only once of working for the CIA.

Here what was done is that the reporter had stumbled upon something she shouldn’t have, so was invited onto a boat with a large number of people who are conspiracy theorists. My surmise is that she was told several conspiracy theories that happened to be true (using non-linear reasoning) while everyone on the boat smoked marijuana and cigarettes (it’s a boat, where would she go). After she left the boat any time she thought of the conspiracy theories she would feel high or anxious and so she repressed the memory. On the other hand, if the information ever has to be retrieved someone could just become high with her in a comfortable setting and she would be able to recall some or all of what was discussed. Meanwhile, she becomes the ultimate proponent in *debunking* conspiracies, even going so far as to write a book about it, because the idea of conspiracies makes her nervous.

Weird huh?

First I should discus this –

My arrest in New York City – The story of what happened to me after my arrest for arson in New York City https://nypost.com/2019/12/22/accused-yeshiva-university-arsonist-set-free-on-supervised-release/. And what subsequently happened, in full detail.

This is complicated.

First, let’s discuss marijuana. I believe that marijuana is used as a way to cause “nepenthe” or forgetfulness. In this way, marijuana is used to cause people to do things that they wouldn’t in their right minds. It is also a way to cause people to coercively join cults, be in thrall to pimps and gangsters, and an entire assortment of terrible things. Here I describe what happened to me in New York City in detail, along with my reasoning for not saying anything. At the end I believe that you will also decide that, in similar circumstances, you wouldn’t either.


Here are the general description of syndromes.

I present some of these as syndromes that are parts of known religions. In this sense I am including the occult (or “occluded”) meaning behind many of these ideologies to differentiate it from the surface structure. I dislike these groups to the extent that they are coercive, and not to the extent that people willingly participate. To the extent that marijuana and occult hypnotism is by it’s very nature coercive (can you give consent to having been hypnotized into forgetfulness) I dislike that this is, unfortunately, a seeming part of humanity.

Illuminati! Syndrome – The Illuminati Syndrome is complicated. It can be best understood by reading the books Illuminatus and Schrodinger’s Cat by Robert Anton Wilson, but once the pattern is understood it’s possible to see how this syndrome operates. There is, in many of these types of syndromes, the idea of a contractual agreement. In order to gain something, the subject/target must give something up. In this case what is gained is the ability to use non-deterministic reasoning (see above) that is neither inductive or deductive in order to determine cause and effect from pattern recognition. What is given up is what is complex – but in essence it is that the subject is beholden to this pattern. In the novel, several of the “initiations\” involve fake guns or mock executions. Here what is \”being said\” is that the subject doesn’t need to fear giving up control. The counterpoint to this is that once control has been given up then when the gun is no longer fake the subject can be killed at a whim. This killing can be as much metaphorical as it is literal. For example, politicians that join secret societies in which they \”fuck a pig\” or do something else that would end their political career are in essence saying to the people in their organization \”you now have dirt on me, I will be beholden to your whims.\” In the case of food manipulation and poverty what is being said with regards to the homeless is, \”we will feed you until we decide we don’t like you any more and then the food will be poisoned.\” With the police, the blackmail would involve committing a crime, getting away with a crime, or otherwise being beholden to organized crime generally. So by understanding non-linear reasoning you are giving up control over when you will be killed by the organization that may have you killed in the future. When people say there is an \”illuminati conspiracy\” they may not be wrong – because everyone is beholden to other groups of people in which each member can be \”killed” for exposure of how the organization works it is difficult to know who is in charge. If there even is anyone in charge and it’s not just a system of mutually reinforcing blackmail.

Transgender Syndrome
Christianity Syndrome
Islam Syndrome
Far Right Syndrome (National Socialism)
Alice In Wonderland Syndrome
Roko’s Basilisk Sydrome

Police/Hamurabi Syndrome
Vampire Syndrome
Alien Syndrome
The Star Wars Project
The Grateful Dead (more famous musical cult)
Elvis Syndrome – Include TCB (Taking Care of Business), Elvis Movie, Elvis World Book.

– Note – make sure to include the explanation of the recent government sightings / recordings of “tic-tac” alien craft
– CIA and conspiracy and why this is important for war

PS –

I’ve posted this on Twitter here (https://twitter.com/PeterWeyand1/with_replies) telling Anna Merlan, conspiracy theorist, Vice News writer, and author of Rebublic of Lies (which as an eye in the pyramid on it, very fetching). She likes Indian food according to her book.

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