Mexican President Andrés Manuel López Obrador has partly blamed the United States for the violence in Sinaloa.

Mexican President Andrés Manuel López Obrador has partly blamed the United States for the violence in Sinaloa.


Mexican President Andrés Manuel López Obrador has blamed the United States for a wave of violence in the state of Sinaloa, which has left dozens dead in the past two weeks and seen bodies repeatedly found on public roads and highways.

López Obrador suggested at a news conference on Thursday that Washington has fueled hostility between factions of the Sinaloa drug cartel by arresting two cartel leaders in the United States.

On July 25, Ismael El Mayo Zambada, co-founder of the Sinaloa Cartel, was arrested along with Joaqun Guzmán López, son of drug lord El Chapo Guzmán, after landing in a small plane near El Paso, Texas.

Zambada later claimed that he had been ambushed and kidnapped by Guzmán López and then handed over to US authorities.

“A group of men attacked me, threw me to the ground and put a dark-colored hood over my head,” Zambada said in a statement released by his lawyer in August, adding that he was bound and handcuffed, forced into the back of a van, driven to an airstrip and forced onto a private jet to the United States.

It remains unclear why Guzmán López surrendered to US authorities and took Zambada with him.

The Mexican president alleged that the U.S. Department of Justice had made deals with an organized crime syndicate that led to Zambada’s arrest. He also called the operation a kidnapping.

CNN has reached out to the US Department of Justice for comment on López Obradors’ allegations.

US Ambassador to Mexico Ken Salazar previously denied that Washington was involved in the operation that led to Zambada’s arrest.

“It wasn’t an American plane, it wasn’t an American pilot, it wasn’t our agents or our people in Mexico. It was an operation between the cartels, where one surrendered to the other,” he said on August 9.

In the weeks following the arrests, fierce fighting broke out in Sinaloa between what Mexican authorities say are rival factions loyal to Zambada and factions led by other sons of El Chapo.

At least 49 people have been killed in the escalation of violence since September 9, according to official figures.

The Attorney General’s Office has reported numerous cases of bodies found with bullet holes on streets, highways and other locations in Sinaloa.

The situation forced Governor Ruben Rocha Moya to suspend Independence Day celebrations last week and cancel classes at all levels for two days.

In Sinaloa there was not as much violence as there is now, the Mexican president said on Thursday.

However, López Obrador denied that the situation in the state was completely out of control, insisting that Mexican authorities had the situation under control.

No, we are there, but we had to take special measures and move parts of the armed forces. In addition, officers have also died because of this special and extraordinary situation, he said.

Mexican Defense Minister Luis Cresencio Sandoval said Tuesday that at least two soldiers were killed in violence in Sinaloa last week.




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