Benjamin Fulford #crazy #crazy #racist #conspiracy

The Khazarian mafia is desperately trying to start an all-out nuclear war and nearly succeeded this past weekend, prompting MI6 to send the following warning to the Chinese, Russians and the US Space Force:

“Please stop all meetings until we can reach a meaningful diplomatic agreement. We have useful information from the fifth columns. Withdraw all nuclear capabilities worldwide. Thank you. xxxxx for Elizabeth II R, CC: Sir Richard Moore, Director General, SIS (MI6).”

This near-nuclear war has led to a backchannel call among intelligence agencies for a summit that will unite Western military intelligence agencies with the BRICS coalition. Together they will negotiate a replacement for the KM-led “rules-based world order.” Formal announcements of this are likely in the near future.
MI6 says Prince William is suspected of being the person who ordered people like Castrudeau to provoke a nuclear war. That’s because if a nuclear war doesn’t break out, it’s only a matter of time before he and his family are publicly exposed for staging human sacrifices, including that of Kate Middleton, sources within MI6 and the British royal family say.

The ultimate source of the Nazi problem can be traced to the KM’s main front organization: the Satanic Chabad sect.

Chabad and the KM have spent hundreds of years infiltrating the highest levels of governments around the world in their plan to kill 90% of humanity and enslave the rest. According to them, every Jew (Satanist) will be given 2800 slaves from the survivors once this plan is complete. This is something this writer has been warning about for over two decades after being personally invited to join this plot. What has changed is that most Jews have finally understood this and have condemned it as Satanic heresy.



Us too! All this and more can be found at Fundies Say the Darndest Things!

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