Tellers Scribe – British Storytellers – Backseat Mafia

Their debut album, the excitingly titled ‘Volume 1’, was released in March. These riff metal bands have an impressive range of influences, recalling everyone from Korn and Metallica to Meat Loaf, Queen and Children of Bodom. Backseat Mafia caught up with the band to find out a little more about this exciting outfit.

Give us a brief history of the band

The Tellers Scribe Society was formed in late 2022 when 4 like-minded scholars sought each other out to create and tell stories from history, mythology, and lore. After six months of writing our stories, we were joined by our 5th and final member, after which we moved on to writing our first opus entitled ‘Volume 1’. After a few fleeting gigs, the society is back at work writing ‘Volume 2’ and planning some special gigs for 2025.

Who inspired you to start making music?

Music is in our blood. Every member of society has spent every moment of their adult life in the world of music.

And the one or maybe two records that inspired you artistically

David, here is The Master Of Time, Corrosion Of Conformity ‘Deliverance’, this is one of the best albums ever made, the mix of styles and the way each song develops is a delight to my ears.

When you try to explain who you look like to someone who’s never heard you before, what do you say?

Like many bands we would like to say that we are unique or break barriers, but simply put: we mix our own styles, resulting in what we call Dickensian metal. It contains elements of classic metal, groove metal, stoner rock, grunge and gothic, all with a story that works through it all.

Tell us about your new song

‘Bella’ is our sixth single from our debut album. It tells the story of Bella, the lady found in the Wych Elm, and the mystery surrounding her. The video encapsulates the idea of ​​the society that is in the tree and feels what Bella felt.

Where can we get it?

Like many artists we use streaming platforms like Spotify, but we also have our full album available for digital download or physical collector’s edition wooden CD box set version on Bandcamp –

Tell us how you write

The concept for each story and album is discussed beforehand so we have a general direction. Then each member throws their riff or full song ideas into the pot and we all listen to them. We then select the ones we all immediately connect with and build the stories based on those initial ideas. Our Mistress of Lore then puts the lyrical story together and we work on making the flow logical for the listener.

Tell us about your live show What would be your dream performance?

Our live show is just that, a show, where we have the option of a video backdrop. We use it to tell the background of each song in a video intro; we have video footage during the songs and stage costumes that match the stories. For the future we have bigger plans, but those will be for when Volume 2 is finished. It’s hard to say the dream gig, because every member is different, but playing with bands like Black Briar or Ward XVI, who tell stories through their music, would be amazing.

What can we expect from you in the near future?

Friday October 4th we have another single coming out called ‘Hallowed’ with a great video and our story about All Hallows Eve. Then the last single from the album ‘Jack’ comes out in November. In 2025 we will focus on writing the new album and some special live shows.

Tell us which records you prefer to hear on your headphones/tour bus/stereo

David Master Of Time is here again to answer this question. I enjoy listening to a lot of new releases from grassroots bands.

Check out the single ‘Bella’ below:

Find out more via the band’s Facebook page

Buy the album here

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