Just Some Geezer exposes Tommy Robinson’s long career of racism, lies, violence and fraud

This video comes from the channel of YouTuber Just Some Geezer and it’s a doozy. It’s a fifty-plus minute takedown of Tommy Robinson’s unenviable career as a violent, racist criminal. I’m posting it because Robinson is now a cult figure, celebrated by his legions of fans, including the Lotus Eaters. As this video also shows, he was also interviewed very sympathetically by Canada’s own contribution to the international far-right, Jordan ‘Clean Your Room’ Peterson, the arch-conservative lobsterman. If you watch the videos featuring him, there’s quite often someone declaring that he should be prime minister. A few days ago, he told his squadristi on Twitter that he has a new book coming out in the next few days, which he’s calling his ‘Manifesto’. It took him five years to write and is his analysis of Britain’s changing racial demographics – white Britons will be a minority by 2040-1 – and what he thinks we can do about it. Namely, passive resistance. As this video shows, passive resistance is something Robinson is definitely not known for.

In his autobiography, Enemy of the stateRobinson talks about growing up in Luton and how the town changed and developed ethnic tensions and violence as it became more multicultural. Just Some Geezer does not dispute this and insists that it is not racism to state something that is true. However, he does point out, using the official report, how Robinson is wrong about the grooming gangs. The official report stated that most such gangs were white and that even in the case of the Pakistani gangs the ethnic composition is not clear. The information is not there and the racial composition was often mixed. The video then goes on to talk about Robinson’s career as a football hooligan and how he joined the BNP. Robinson claims that he left after realising it was a racist organisation. The Geezer questions how he did not notice when he joined, when it was called ‘National’ and led by Nick Griffin, who was a known Holocaust denier. The BNP also refused to admit blacks. Despite this, Robinson claims he only found out when he attended a meeting and his black friends were told to wait outside. Then there is his founding of the EDL, which he left when he decided it had become too radical, and which he split up to form PEGIDA UK, following the example of the German anti-Islamic organisation. This too came to an end, but not before he had been recruited as an advisor to UKIP under their then Fuhrer, Gerard Batten. This was despite Robinson being prevented from joining under the party’s rule against BNP stormtroopers joining. This was too much for Nigel Farage, who promptly left. He was also recruited by the Quilliam Foundation, set up by a former Islamist to counter Muslim radicalism. Except Robinson sullied his copybook with them by making extreme and false claims, getting them to get rid of him, and then claiming he had never been a formal employee. Robinson was later recruited as a “journalist” by the right-wing Canadian news outlet, Rebel News, and the video ends with his chin-wag with Peterson.

The video also goes into Robinson’s criminal career. Robinson claims that he has been imprisoned multiple times simply because he is a political enemy of the multicultural system. But that is not the reason. He has been imprisoned, not because he is a political dissident, but because he commits real crimes. In addition to the hooliganism, he was also convicted of assaulting an off-duty police officer who tried to intervene in a fight between Robinson and his wife. Then there is the mortgage fraud, which means his house is actually in his wife’s name, illegally entering and leaving America on friends’ passports, and slandering a Syrian boy who was the victim of racist bullying at school. Robinson falsely claimed that the Syrian boy was the bully, and gave very sympathetic opinions about the white bully and his mother. Who was also a racist. The boy got in touch with my learned friends, and Stephen Yaxley Lennon was given a libel judgment. And then there is the treatment of a Guardian journo. She tried to reach Robinson about one of his cases. Robinson responded by showing up at her house in the middle of the night and demanding to talk to her. He said he wouldn’t leave if she didn’t come. He then turned on his car lights and honked his horn, calling her partner a pedophile. The Geezer doesn’t mention it, but I think this is standard method for Robinson. He’s done it to others too. In the case of one of his YouTube critics, Robinson didn’t know the boy’s address himself, but drove all the way to the lad’s parents in Cumbria, where he did the same thing. He arrived in the middle of the night and demanded a word. He did the same to another critic, Australian teacher Mike Stuxbury, whom he loudly accused of paedophilia.

These accusations are particularly rich coming from Robinson, whose friends include the nonce community. Robinson himself has also been caught using cocaine, as has one of his fellow anti-jihadists. Who he defended. I think he has also defended another, or perhaps the same man, on charges of pedophilia. The Geezer lists his followers who have been caught or accused of crimes against children, and there are pages full of them. Which makes his pursuit of Pakistani grooming gangs seem hypocritical. Is he really concerned about child rape in this country, or is he just furious that it is being done by Muslims? Postcard replies, please.

Then there was the little incident where Robinson was found to be in contempt of court. Robinson, a self-proclaimed journalist, decided that he would cover the trial of a group of Muslim men accused of being members of a grooming gang. This involved attempting to interview them as they stood on the court steps awaiting trial. As Robinson would know if he were a real journalist, there are very strict laws governing court reporting, especially when it comes to crimes against children. You are supposed to protect the identity of the victim, and if the accused are just that and have not been found guilty, you cannot present them as such. Robinson’s violation of these rules could have resulted in a retrial, or the trial would have collapsed because the accused could not have received a fair trial. So the beak sent him away to spend more time in chokey. It had nothing to do with being biased towards Islam.

And then we look back at his libel against the Syrian boy. Robinson held a sort of rally, where he showed one of his wretched films, repeating his libel against the boy. This is rebroadcasting the material, which is a violation. So the long arm of the law reached out and took him again. The video also tells of some of the other untruths that Robinson has also spread about his time in solitary confinement in prison.

And Robinson is definitely a fraud. When he asks for money, such as when he has to pay a fine or bail, he gets it very quickly from his fans. He also owns, or claims to own, around seven homes. He has said that he did this to give the impression of wealth that he does not actually have. The video tells how Robinson, along with a list of other right wing anti-immigration loudmouths, spread the false story that the horrific murders and attempted murders in Southport were committed by a 17 year old Syrian asylum seeker. This came from a dodgy news site that gave absolutely no sources or evidence that this was the case. As we now know, the accused is a 17 year old black Christian boy from Cardiff. This false rumour led to riots all over England, even as far away as my home city of Bristol and across the salt water in Belfast. How did Robinson respond? The poor working class hero fled to a hotel in Cyprus where he paid £400 a night for a short break.

The video ends with a very clear explanation of why Robinson has spent so much time in prison. It is not because of his outspoken views on Islam. It is because he has broken the law, which other outspoken opponents of Islam such as Katie Hopkins, Douglas Murray the K and others have not done. The Geezer ends by explaining that the majority of people, including those on the left, have concerns about immigration. But these concerns need to be voiced in a respectable debate. After watching this video, the viewer will be left in absolutely no doubt that Robinson not only did not do this, but did everything in his power to do the exact opposite.

Tags: ‘Enemy of the State’, ‘the Guardian’, Attack, Belfast, Blacks, BNP, Bristol, Bullying, Cardiff, Child Abuse, Children, Christians, Douglas Murray, Drugs, Football Hooliganism, Grooming Gangs, Holocaust Denial, Immigration, Jordan Peterson, Journalism, Just an Old Man, Katie Hopkins, Libel, Luton, Mike Stuxbury, Mortgage Fraud, Murder, Nick Griffin, Pakistanis, Police, Prison, Quilliam Foundation, Racism, Rape, Riots, Southport, Syrians, Twitter, Violence, Whites, Youtube, \

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