Local lawmakers respond to Prop 314

YUMA, Ariz. (KYMA, KECY) – Local lawmakers are weighing in on an upcoming proposal in Arizona that addresses immigration enforcement.

Proposition 314 would make it a crime for noncitizens to enter the state at any location other than a border crossing. But some lawmakers say it’s not that simple.

“Congress is the one that has to reform the laws and provide funding,” said newly elected Yuma City Councilwoman Karen Watts.

“I think it’s important that voters have the opportunity to say we’re not going to tolerate this anymore,” said Arizona Rep. Tim Dunn.

Proposition 314 would also give state and local police the ability to arrest non-citizens who cross the border illegally.

According to Representative Dunn, this would help tackle illegal border crossings and drug trafficking.

“It will make it clear to the cartels that they can’t come through Arizona because we’re giving our sheriffs and DPS the authority to pull you over if they say you cross the border between those two sections, and it becomes a state crime,” Rep. Dunn said.

But newly elected Watts says this will only be detrimental to local people and their communities.

“Proposition 314 will only be a burden on our law enforcement, it doesn’t come with any money. It will take away from our community. It will take away from our resources,” Watts said.

Proposition 314 will be on the ballot in November.

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