(CONTENT WARNING) Tales of the Cord – Short Stay

(CONTENT WARNING) Tales From the Cord – Short Stay | Garbage Island

September 22, 2024

PLEASE READ: This post contains mentions of very sensitive topics such as bestiality and intent to harm minors. Read at your own risk. All names in this post are fake and take posts like this with a grain of salt.

Does anyone remember when Writscrib existed? The supposed alternative to Tumblr where people could seek creative freedom from the closed-minded moralists? It was one of those moments where you blinked and the whole thing was gone. It was there that I discovered a group of people who had created a Discord server for those who wanted a break from the purity police/SJW types (yes, we are going back to that point in time). That server got really nasty really fast. That probably comes as no surprise.

The server was called something like “Now That’s What I Call Problematic”. It was a server where anyone could safely indulge in the darker forms of media they enjoyed, like yanderes/stalkers, mafia AUs, whatever kinks and fetishes would raise eyebrows to the general public, you name it. I was a young woman at the time who was struggling to come to terms with my taste in fiction and had never really had any interest in men in real life.

Things I wanted to happen in my fantasies I would never let happen in real life. I despise anyone who stalks others and doesn’t take a hint to find healthier outlets for their feelings. With my conflicted thoughts about my interests, I had hoped that this server would help me find others to work things out with and get some advice on how to proceed. What I got instead was an environment where I tried to ignore my gut feeling at first, but eventually quietly stepped out.

I admit I can’t remember how long I was on the server. But I do remember that something really changed because of one user who came along: Scale.

Scale took the line that was supposed to be fictional content only and threw that thing so damn hard it would have knocked someone’s eye out if it was a spear or something. Scale had a thing for dogs; they really, really liked dogs. Soon there would be pictures of real dogs posted, with Scale talking about what kind of people they would be if they were people.

“This sloppy street dog would be a perverted old man. This one would probably be the creepy balding fat guy in the corner of the bar ogling the women on the other side.” Stuff like that. Scale said at the time that they “preferred” male dogs over humans because, in their words, “male dogs understand what ‘no’ means, unlike males.”

It was all sick to read, but I didn’t want to cause any trouble by saying anything about it. This is supposed to be a place where people can vent, yes. But I didn’t want to be around this stuff. Dogs weren’t the only thing Scale liked to talk about; they also had a huge urge to talk about harming small children and even babies.

Why? Because they were annoying and their screaming and crying irritated the ears. Everyone can tell you that they don’t like it when children or babies are noisy; it’s something you usually can’t avoid. But wanting to “crack skulls” or “stomp on rib cages” was crossing a line. I left the server after that.

Writscrib has been dead for years. Who knows if that server is dead or still working. All I know is that I hope people like Scale get caught before they can even do their business. Should I have had the guts to ask the server owner why nothing was being done? Maybe. But like I said, I didn’t want to end up as “that guy” because no one else seemed to have a problem with it. I just left without saying a word and tried to pretend that server never existed.

I’ve been thinking a lot about my past online experiences, and throwing them out into the void feels a bit like finally taking that old box in the basement to the trash. This is a heavier read compared to my usual work, so grab a cup of tea if you need it.


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