Brad Identifies MAGA3x’s Tactics, Names Actor

This is EXACTLY how Brad Shuttleworth and the Ku Klux Klan have been operating since 2016. They work indirectly for the PayPal Mafia, Mike Flynn and their allies who run psych operations like QAnon, BlueAnon, BallsGang, Antifa, etc.

Brad forgot some of the components of their malign influence operations, which are fully laid out in the recent indictment against Tenet, which revealed that some MAGA3x influencers were, until recently, doing what Brad and Mike are doing, at the expense of the Russian government.

This comes from one of my sources regarding Yonder’s Team Patriot Op, where Weev, Louise Mensch, Jeff Jobe and others are attempting to infiltrate and harm left wing voices.

It’s all quite scripted, predictable and repetitive, so you can look at Brad’s feed and essentially read the same false narrative about Jim Stewartson in 2021, me in 2022, and so on with other targets.

I had to laugh at this.

Brad is ridiculed by other attorneys as “that guy”, which doesn’t exactly work since his referral mill law firm pays its bills by sending most of its clients to more capable legal counsel. He is also not doxed, internally identified as the owner of said account and his alt often pretends to be someone else.

If Brad is a “dedicated” family man, that’s better than the admitted drug and alcohol abuser who has been openly admitted by gang member Susan Portnoy to working for criminal Mike Flynn in a very uncivil war against the United States. It’s sad for Mark Dantz too, but probably sadder for his WinkieDoo, since she got him and has to keep him until possible charges come their way for similar conspiracies with those who wish Americans harm.

This is odd, considering Brad’s team works for Flynn and Brad is good friends with Nazi Andrew Auernheimer while defending Nazi Fred Brennan. Furthermore, this is the first tweet in a thread that ignores the context of Brad’s attempt to project his own Nazi ties as a smear campaign.

Yes, once.

It’s Susan Portnoy’s failure that led to all of this. It took literally all of Flynn’s digital soldiers to expose themselves and try to prevent anyone from getting the word out that she runs KassandraSeven, that she has connections to dead Russian oligarchs who helped her file a DMCA, or that she has some other likely Russian spy friend on Instagram.

This also hasn’t aged well.

The only shots fired were from a Secret Service agent, and for good reason. MSW was right, while MAGA3x influencer Leah was wrong.

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